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farewell Cassini...

Feb 11, 2017
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Cassini was one of the most complex machines ever build. She was designed and build by NASA and ESA


She launched in 1997. She needed 7 years for her travel. She studied Venus and Jupiter until she reached her destination...Saturn...in 2004.

She send back so much data and amazing pictures of this mysterious world of massive storms and delicate gravitational beauty


She carried a small companion, Huygens, which was the first object that landed on Saturns biggest moon Titan.


A massive moon with oceans, rivers, weather and complex chemnistry.

Cassini continued her mission around Saturn for 14 years.

She visited its moon Enceladus. A small world, with an ocean under its ice crust which spills massive ice geysirs into the vastness of space...and maybe harbor life


She visited Titan again and again and made pictures of its oceans reflecting the sun light


She visited the moon Iapetus with its mysterious wall


She teasched us how complex and fragile Saturns Rings are


She showed us raving storms on Saturn


She showed us an Aurora on Saturn


And most important...she showed ourself


Cassini now run low on fuel and it was important that she will never crash on Saturns moons and may endager life there...so in April she was send on her last...grand mission.

22 times she dived between Saturn and its rings. Absolute unknown regions. The data she send is simply breathtaking.


This morning Cassini started her engines for one last time. As she thundered down towards Saturn. Her engines were running with 10% to direct her antenna towards earth. The deeper the spacecraft enters the atmosphere, the more its engiens have to fire. 40 minutes later she gave evrything to hold her direction. Sending data as long as possible to earth. This morning contact was lost as planned...

Fare well Cassini. You inspired an entire generation of scientists and engineers. For each question you answered, 10 new did arise.

Other missions will have a very hard time to come close to what this spacecraft achieved for all of humanity.
Still didn't help us in finding the relics and wonders of a past civilization that are hidden in the depths of the Sol system
Its crazy when you imagine it. This craft worked perfect for over 20 years without any refurbishment.

She was still in perfect condition, if her tanks would not have been empty. The guys who build her can be proud.
Still didn't help us in finding the relics and wonders of a past civilization that are hidden in the depths of the Sol system

The Battlestar Galactica to this day is somewhere on the far edge of the Sol system.

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