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Five clear signs that India is on the path to be a global superpower

How is India a superpower? lol?

Is India like China and USA? Not even close.

India is Super Poor country.
world must be worry for those days when india will be super power and these will be news

India sanctioned many countries for eating beef
indian vegetable biryani chains like mcdonalds all over globe and servie veggie biryani with cow cola
indians will ask world to wear dhoti in official meetings .
hindi will be international langue
Obligatory mention




do they tell you what post got you banned?

Yes, but it is a 3 strike procedure. They issue 1 warning on your 1 post and you receive the notification on that. On third warning, you are banned, for a specified period. On completion of that period, the ban is automatically lifted.

In my case, each time, the Mod issued one warning after another, within about 1 minute, and then I got banned.
Yes, but it is a 3 strike procedure. They issue 1 warning on your 1 post and you receive the notification on that. On third warning, you are banned, for a specified period. On completion of that period, the ban is automatically lifted.

In my case, each time, the Mod issued one warning after another, within about 1 minute, and then I got banned.
Sir, you have to be sensitive to our poor mods these days. These rugged gentlemen can't take an insult these days. I can think of a couple mods like that. What a disgrace.
Sir, you have to be sensitive to our poor mods these days. These rugged gentlemen can't take an insult these days. I can think of a couple mods like that. What a disgrace.

No. That is not the case. I never insult any fellow poster or Mod. In fact, I never argue even with any Mod.
No. That is not the case. I never insult any fellow poster or Mod. In fact, I never argue even with any Mod.
I was referring to fact that some seem of them get triggered like feminists on the slightest disagreement. Giving negative ratings willy nilly.

By the way, what is this negative rating thing all about? Does it affect the account in someway?
I was referring to fact that some seem of them get triggered like feminists on the slightest disagreement. Giving negative ratings willy nilly.

Yes. That is how it is. We will keep on expressing, what we think.

By the way, what is this negative rating thing all about? Does it affect the account in someway?

That is another tool of control. I don't think that it effects the account in anyway.
Yes. That is how it is. We will keep on expressing, what we think.

That is another tool of control. I don't think that it effects the account in anyway.
What do you know? I just got my first warning. Took me 4-5 months tho. Joined back in august :D

Now I know my post was off topic. But it begs the questions, how many posts these days are on topic. Itt chukko te off-topic post mildi. :lol:
Strange times. I have no impulse to take things seriously these days. Kuch hona to he nahi. Hum aise hi idhar aflatoon bane bhete hn. Chalo shugal hi lga le banda

Funny thing is, my post was the only reply on that thread. So, not sure what discussion the mod thought I was derailing :what:

Its share of global exports could also double over that period, while the Bombay Stock Exchange could deliver 11 percent annual growth, reaching a market capitalisation of $10 trillion in the coming decade, the company estimates.

Absolutely ! Market Capitalization ( I don't know what it means :unsure: ) of 10 trillion dollars is VVIP even over the cries of the ghosts of those 400,000 Indian farmers who suicided between 1995 and 2018 because of taking high-interest-based loans from those same microfinance corporations like Bharat Financial Inclusion Limited which take top ranks in the 147-year-old Bombay Stock Exchange and living with the glorious Capitalist socio-economic culture of India. Bharat Financial Inclusion Limited according to its website follows Modi jee's Atma Nirbhar Bharat program for self-reliance by promoting self-relied self-done mass deaths among the farmers. Even man and woman for themselves is after all Modi jee says.

Modi even snubbed Putin at September’s Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) summit in Samarkand, Uzbekistan, He said “today’s era is not of war” and Putin should “move on to a path of peace”. Soon after, India voted in favour of a resolution to allow Zelenskyy to virtually address the United Nations General Assembly in New York.

Yes, Moody jee says "Today is not the era of war" to none other than Putin himself - as if Putin jee will listen to Greatest Philosopher Moody jee :lol: - and then the article proceeds directly to talk about India proudly being producer of war systems :rofl: :
Military might, Made in India

India used to be the biggest importer of arms. But in the last eight years, it has upped its defence exports by eight times.

In 2021-22, India’s defence exports touched a record Rs 13,000 crore. Around 70 percent of defence production was done by around 50 Indian companies in the private sector.

India conducted 38 missile tests in 2022. Some were new missiles, which included a naval anti-ship short-range missile, a helicopter-launched anti-ship missile, a very short range air defence system and a man-portable air defence system.

The country has exported arms and technology to Italy, Sri Lanka, Russia, Maldives, Mauritius, Nepal, France, Sri Lanka, Egypt, Israel, Bhutan, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Ethiopia, Philippines, Poland, Spain and Chile.

Wow, even Russia now buys armaments from India. So that Russian Z tank that UkroNazis said was a Russian tank destined as export to India was really an Indian tank called Bhishma sent to Russia to be painted Z, done a test drive in Ukraine and sent back to India. :o:

Indigenous research

Scientific research used to be modern India’s weak point. State-run labs were controlled by a rotting, politicking bureaucracy.

I wonder what happened to the "futuristic" "indigenous" computer operating system from DRDO announced to have begun in design in 2010 by then DRDO chief VK Saraswat ( now a committed bhagwa crank ). In the next two years the design team had grown to 150 spread across the country. But now is 2023, the 13th year of the project so what progress ? Or has DRDO gone clean slate and has begun design of a Vedic computer with Sanskrit as the language to write the OS in, with artificial intelligence inbuilt, because of course NASA said so, or so the Bhakts claim ?

But of course I am wrong. Terribly wrong. Under the supremely intellectual leadership of Pragati Purush ( Man of Progress ) Modi jee and his "Make in India" program India already had a space station flying in low Earth orbit in 2015, just one year after his start as PM. Miracle Modi. Watch at 2:59 mins :

If you cannot see the space station with your regular telescopes it's your fault because it is a 7th generation stealth space station built with Vedic technologies so to see it you must get the daily changing password from the BJP IT Cell and speak it into the Vedic telescope purchased from Baba Ramdev's Patanjali company and lo and behold you will see that above glorious sight ! Here is Baba Ramdev demonstrating the best position to be taken to observe the space station :

Here's Baba Ramdev so excited to see the space station once that he is masturbating in public :

May the phorce be with gau !

As Bharat rises again with Narendra Modi at the helm, several colonial and anti-national structures are falling by the roadside. Article 370 that gave Kashmiri separatism a boost is gone. India is on its way to getting a Uniform Civil Code and an educational system that corrects history and regenerates civilisational knowledge. There is a massive cultural revival, rejection of Islamism and Communism.

Absolutely ! Below are regeneration of civilizational knowledge, massive cultural revival and total rejection of the twin ebeels of Islam and Communism :

Glorious revival 1 :

Glorious revival 2 :

Glorious revival 3 celebrating the removal of intestines from a seven-month-old boy by some of the 60+ million street dogs in India while the boy was alive and this because the boy was anti-national Urban-Naxal commie-christo-jihadi so he deserved this fate :

Glorious revival raised to infinity.

why just a global superpower? why not a galactic one?

What galactic ? Bhakts think Beyond :


Why didn't you post the most aesthetic, the most justice-oriented, the most non-polluting and cheapest-to-build building in the world - Shri Mukesh Ambani's Antilia ?



The nation is at the cusp of realising its potential. Ten or 15 more years of smart policymaking and closely monitored implementation will take it to a place perhaps not conceivable to its 1.4 million population

At the dawn of 2023, as the mist gently lifts, an early stretch of India’s shimmering path to the future is visible. If there is a steady, determined leadership in the coming years and the citizenry keeps being fired up by resurgent nationalism, India’s place as a superpower is assured, and so is overall prosperity for her people.

The talk of this being China and India’s century is banal. But exactly 30 years ago, Deng Xiaoping told China, “gǎi gé kāi fàng”, or open up to the world. It was the world’s tenth largest economy then. It is poised to overtake the US and be the largest in the next couple of years.

China’s quiet and consummate nation-building of the last three decades has very few parallels in history. Today, India seems set to traverse that road.

The signs are increasingly becoming clear. Ingredients needed for a tectonic shift are falling into the cauldron of the moment for India. Let us examine the five main demonstrable factors driving this change.

Civilisational and national reawakening

The dominant global liberal order of the last three decades, which has created a self-serving power elite, looks condescendingly at India’s nationalism. But the very constituents of this global order, the leading western nations, had become developed and wealthy from being swamps of poverty and squalid shantytowns only by the push of nationalism. From Germany to France, the United Kingdom to the United States, Italy to Scandinavia, nation after nation pulled itself up from their shabby existence after nation states emerged in Europe and the pride in one’s land, language and people became the main driver of change.

Nationalism even fired China, Japan, and Russia to reawaken from slumber and transform themselves into major global powers again. Industry, technology, and military might were the body of this mutation. Nationalistic spirit remained the soul.

While all this was happening in 17th to 19th century Europe, a thousands of years old civilisation was getting ravaged at the hands of brutal Islamic invaders and colonisers from the rising Europe.

As Bharat rises again with Narendra Modi at the helm, several colonial and anti-national structures are falling by the roadside. Article 370 that gave Kashmiri separatism a boost is gone. India is on its way to getting a Uniform Civil Code and an educational system that corrects history and regenerates civilisational knowledge. There is a massive cultural revival, rejection of Islamism and Communism.

Most importantly, there is a growing unity of purpose and renewed pride in the self that has driven every successful nation to excel.

Unchaining the economic giant

In spite of three crippling waves of the pandemic and teething troubles from setting structures like GST, Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, real estate regulation, and digital economy in place, India remains the fastest growing major economy and the brightest spot of hope for investors.

Morgan and Stanley, one of the most influential companies of the world, said last year that three megatrends — global offshoring, digitalisation and energy transition — are setting the scene for India’s unprecedented economic growth.

“We believe India is set to surpass Japan and Germany to become the world’s third-largest economy by 2027 and will have the third-largest stock market by the end of this decade,” said Ridham Desai, Morgan Stanley’s Chief Equity Strategist for India. “Consequently, India is gaining power in the world order, and in our opinion these idiosyncratic changes imply a once-in-a-generation shift and an opportunity for investors and companies.”

Morgan and Stanley reckons that India’s GDP could more than double from $3.5 trillion today to surpass $7.5 trillion by 2031. India’s per capita income is projected to rise from $2,000 now to about $5,000 by then.

Its share of global exports could also double over that period, while the Bombay Stock Exchange could deliver 11 percent annual growth, reaching a market capitalisation of $10 trillion in the coming decade, the company estimates.

The World Bank shares Morgan and Stanley’s optimism. It believes India’s economy is relatively insulated from global spillovers compared to other emerging markets. This is partly because India has a large domestic market and is relatively less exposed to international trade flows.

“India’s economy has been remarkably resilient to the deteriorating external environment, and strong macroeconomic fundamentals have placed it in good stead compared to other emerging market economies,” said Auguste Tano Kouame, World Bank’s Country Director in India. “However, continued vigilance is required as adverse global developments persist.”

Ahead of the Union Budget, PM Modi on Saturday signalled further reforms. At a meet of chief secretaries of states, he said mindless compliances should be done away with and outdated laws scrapped. Thanks to his much-vilified demonetisation, India today leads in digital payments.

Economic rise is key to global power. That rise in India’s case seems almost certain, although with major caveats.

Independent and assertive diplomacy

No Indian PM before Modi has pursued the country’s self-interest more assertively at the global stage. India has taken on a rampaging China at our borders and retaliated in good measure. It has talked back to America and Europe when lectured about its relations and trade with the West’s pariah, Putin.

Modi even snubbed Putin at September’s Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) summit in Samarkand, Uzbekistan, He said “today’s era is not of war” and Putin should “move on to a path of peace”. Soon after, India voted in favour of a resolution to allow Zelenskyy to virtually address the United Nations General Assembly in New York.

India’s policy of global vision tempered by self-interest was on full display in 2022. While it led the world by sending Covid vaccines to more than 70 countries, it refused to be bullied into sacrificing its energy needs when far more developed nations used dirty energy to get rich and still leave a much bigger carbon footprint. Now that India heads the G20 for a year, Zelenskyy recently requested PM Narendra Modi to come up with a “peace formula”.

While being a member of the Quad with the US, Japan and Australia, India conducted joint military exercises with Russia and China last year.

Led by PM Modi and External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar, India has shown the confidence to be the voice of smaller nations from Africa and other continents. It is already one of the main fulcrums of an increasingly multipolar world.

Military might, Made in India

India used to be the biggest importer of arms. But in the last eight years, it has upped its defence exports by eight times.

In 2021-22, India’s defence exports touched a record Rs 13,000 crore. Around 70 percent of defence production was done by around 50 Indian companies in the private sector.

India conducted 38 missile tests in 2022. Some were new missiles, which included a naval anti-ship short-range missile, a helicopter-launched anti-ship missile, a very short range air defence system and a man-portable air defence system.

The country has exported arms and technology to Italy, Sri Lanka, Russia, Maldives, Mauritius, Nepal, France, Sri Lanka, Egypt, Israel, Bhutan, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Ethiopia, Philippines, Poland, Spain and Chile.

Spending Rs 31,000 crore, the government has started building 64 strategic roads with a total length of 3,508 km and 103 bridges along the border. More than 6,000 km along the border are under construction.

In 2022, 28 projects were inaugurated and 103 infrastructure projects of the Border Roads Organisation were dedicated to the nation in the year at a total cost of Rs 2,897 crore.

Last year, intruding Chinese troops were beaten up by Indian soldiers at Tawang, Arunachal, in a continuing series of low-intensity, mainly hand-to-hand skirmishes.

India also developed a military base in the North Agalega Islands of Mauritius. It already has bases in Tajikistan, Bhutan, Madagascar, Seychelles, Oman, Iran, Singapore and Sri Lanka.

Self-sufficiency in defence has been one of the hallmarks of India’s recent surge towards the future.

Indigenous research

Scientific research used to be modern India’s weak point. State-run labs were controlled by a rotting, politicking bureaucracy.

That has started changing. From budget rocket launches to Deep Ocean research to green energy, the country has taken significant leaps. But the most impressive feat lately has been India’s reach out to the world during Covid 19 with its own indigenously developed vaccine.

Without innovation and research, no nation can even dream to be tomorrow’s superpower. While the allocation for this has been going up incrementally and now stands at Rs 14,217 crore, India’s gross expenditure on research and development per capita is lowest in the world at $43. The forthcoming budget may see a substantial correction.

The nation is at the cusp of realising its potential. Ten or 15 more years of smart policymaking and closely monitored implementation will take it to a place perhaps not conceivable to its 1.4 million population, except for those who can look beyond immediate horizons.

Just when you start to wonder whatever happened to those threads like "India will be something someday" .….......
Communist Islamist idiot can keep burning, but India will keep growing in its own way. You show your hatred for Hindutva in each posts of yours here on PDF. What will it do other than getting some Islamists pat on your back. Got guts speak about it on ground zero but what can we do you are no more than an armchair warrior and hater of anything that belongs to this country. Whats wrong with Yoga and Ayurveda or some people's love for Cow (Gau)?. People can love their dogs/cats they certainly can love Gau.. yes people worship Gau and see her as motherly figure (this does not include you obviously) because they grew up drinking her milk and eating dairy products. Well you can not grasp the concept because you want to eat her itself.
You hate Ramdev and Ambani because they made an empire out of what they worked hard for. For people like you its criminal to be successful!! More so if they are Hindus!! Fact is the hatred you learnt growing up can not go away coz you have to tell in your Akhirat how much hatred you had for Kafirs/Mushriks in your heart (as preached to you by your holy book). This when you defend all the inhumanity done by Islam/Islamists.

You got problem with Anitlla obviously because it belongs to Ambani not Wipro chief. Why don't you send your eco friendly, non polluting aesthetic design to Ambani? I am sure you must have the metrics/data of how much Antilla contributed towards global warming. Well at the same time you blame Antilla for pollution thereby global warming. Do you know whats the major contributor to the global warming? The meat industry!! No words against it as it will hurt your tummy. How can you miss baday ka meat or for that matter any meat? Its your birth right to eat whatever you want, but you know what Antilla, Ambani, Modi, Ramdev, Hindutva aka Kafirs are supposed to be hated for the good reasons your community/religion ingrained in you. Afterall you got to follow the sunnat!!

The likes of you and the stndup commedians can keep burning, but India is going to reach its destination under the rightful leadership!! Cheers!!
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