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For all intents and purposes, India is a banana republic, a wretched place...

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Mangus Ortus Novem

Jun 7, 2008
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For all intents and purposes, India is a banana republic, a wretched place of poverty and disease.....

The only difference between India and other well-recognized banana republics is that India has so far avoided overly negative headlines in the international media; Indian lobbies in the US and the UK work very hard to make India look good. As noted above, this mainly serves to prop up the self-esteem of NRIs.

It has become fashionable to compare India to China.

This comparison seems extremely far-fetched. Chinese GDP per capita is more than five times higher, and is growing more than four-times faster than India’s in absolute terms. If India keeps growing at the recent high rate of 7.5% and China at a mere 6.3%, it will take India more than 135 years to catch up with China’s economic output in absolute terms.

(Above are the words from an indian writer...please, see references below)

It is truly disturbing picture that the indian writer brings out in the REAL world. Instead of making fun of indians here...we need to pause for thought..show compassion and develop understanding in order to deal with this bizarrre state of affairs...

When this circus in india comes crashing down...who is going to be blamed?

What distractions will the regime use?

What promises will it make?

The smoke screen of black money operation is just a stunt...cui bono ????

There are also sane vocies in india. These voices need a podium.

Jayant Bhandari has written a thought provoking and brutally honest series.

1- India’s Government Makes Banknotes Worthless by Decree Overnight

As I write this in the morning of 9th November 2016, there are huge lines forming outside gold shops in India — and gold traded heavily until late into the night yesterday. Depending on who you ask, the retail price of gold has gone up between 15% and 20% within the last 10 hours.

Link: http://www.acting-man.com/?p=47768

2- Chaos in the Wake of the Ban

Here is a link to Part 1, about what happened in the first two days after India’s government made Rs 500 (~$7.50) and Rs 1,000 (~$15) banknotes illegal. They can now only be converted to Rs 100 (~$1.50) or lower denomination notes, at bank branches or post offices. Banks were closed the first day after the decision. What follows is the crux of what has happened over the subsequent four days.

link: http://www.acting-man.com/?p=47842

3) When Money Dies

In part-I of the dispatch we talked about what happened during the first two days after Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modi banned Rs 500 and Rs 1000 banknotes, comprising of 88% of the monetary value of cash in circulation. In part-II, we talked about the scenes, chaos, desperation, and massive loss of productive capacity that this ban had led to over the next few days.

link: http://www.acting-man.com/?p=47966

4) A Market Gripped by Fear

The Indian Prime Minister announced on 8th November 2016 that Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 banknotes would no longer be legal tender. Linked are Part-I, Part-II and Part-III updates on the rapidly encroaching police state.

The economic and social mess that Modi has created is unprecedented. It will go down in history as an epitome of naivety and arrogance due to Modi’s self-centered desire to increase tax-collection at any cost.

link: http://www.acting-man.com/?p=48031

5) Gold Price Skyrockets....

Expect a continuation of new social engineering notifications, each sabotaging wealth-creation, confiscating people’s wealth, and tyrannizing those who refuse to be a part of the herd, in the process destroying the very backbone of the economy and civilization.

There are clear signs that in a very convoluted way, possession of gold for investment purposes will be made illegal. Expect capital controls to follow. Chaos from people’s inability to access the money in their bank accounts is now spreading to the people who have so far been unaffected: the middle class.

This is a completely unnecessary man-made disaster, with the single aim of glorifying Narendra Modi.

Link: http://www.acting-man.com/?p=48062

6) India's Rapid Progression Towards a Police State

There are undoubtedly many differences between the two gentlemen depicted above, but both appear to have mastered the age-old trick of extending one’s grip on political power by inflicting chaos.

As the deadline of 31st December 2016 approaches, Gresham’s law has been turned upside down. When they needed to be converted, the banned currency notes were trading for a 20% discount to their face value. In the meantime, the discount has disappeared and the banned notes are trading at a premium of 10%. The mafia which deals in the banned notes could not possibly be happier — it promises to be a big supporter of Modi going forward.

link: http://www.acting-man.com/?p=48195

7)- Modi’s Fantastic Promises

There is still huge support for Modi even among the poor. A big carrot is dangled before them, which makes many stay numb to their current suffering. During his election campaign in 2014, Modi promised to deposit more than Rs 1.5 million (~$22,000) in each poor person’s account once the government had seized all black money.

Massive problems have been reported with the new bills. Some have been printed on defective paper and are simply falling apart. The inferior quality of the print job is generally often on the appalling side of deplorable. The new notes are counterfeited with great abandon, quite likely to a much greater extent than they ever were in the past. So much for Modi’s plan to stop counterfeiting.

Photo credit: The Hindu

How he arrived at this fantastic figure is anyone’s guess. But given India’s GDP of $1,718 per capita, Modi has promised to deposit 1,300% of annual GDP in individual bank accounts. The total amount would be larger than the entire GDP of the US. Evidently, this does not even remotely add up.

Link : http://www.acting-man.com/?p=48196

@Kaptaan @Areesh @PaklovesTurkiye @HAKIKAT @Shotgunner51 @Chinese-Dragon @T-Rex @war&peace @Mentee @LA se Karachi @MastanKhan @Dungeness @Two @Indians....
Is Ghandi the only guy on the Indian rupee?
The people in India spend a lot a lot of money just for education, they take lot of loans or sell their property which could be used for business purposes but huge section does not do being having average GDP. And this is why Indian space industry is doing good. And exporting talent to rest of the world. Of course it is a brain drain because money is important and they need to compensate the money spent on education. And many are returning to India too who thinks they can serve their country.
I see the OP is interested in establishing peace and harmony.:omghaha:
Considering how much time & energy posters here are spending on digging out anti Modi stuff, it seems he is doing something right & has stepped on too many tails.

In their anxiety to post they even forget that ' China & Far East' section has nothing to do with Modi !
India is a functional democracy. We hav 29 states,7 union territories. All r ruled by elected representatives .
Poverty is the result of socialist communist policies followed by indian government till 1991.
After 1991 we thrownawy failed communist policies embraced liberal economic policy, since then we r growing respectable rate. As a result we lifted millions of people out of poverty, remaining people wil also be lifted from poverty in coming decades.

We r investing large amount in education sector, although it will not yearn any immediate profits, but it will provide better future our next generation.
Overall we hav a bright future.
many of them ruled by militants with indian army militant advisors. some ruled by force. and some are no go areas for your people as they are ruled by naxalites. few years back one of india's biggest steel mill closed because the area too came under their control.
All states r ruled by elected representatives. In india states r ruled by state assemblies elected by people. We hav separate elections for indian government and state government
elected representatives and rit of government are different things. even afghanistan have governors for all provinces.
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India is a banana republic, a wretched place of poverty and disease.....
Let's recognize that both India and China are remarkable.

Chinese for having made more progress, climbed higher in less than two decades than any other people in history. There is no doubt about this. At the same time with this staggering record the Chinese display such a calm, humble outlook on their achievements. Instead of brag their is this this quite resolve to just get on with it.

On the other Indian's. Deception, conciet, brag, bluster to the point wher they believe thier own lies is the hallmark of Indian's. The amount of filth, bome poverty, open defecation and chaos is on epic scale yet I confess Indians have done spectacular job of hiding it.

Yes, Indian's abroad are impressive lot. They are the cream scooped from 1.3 billion ol of defecating, hungry, starved ugly chaotic mass.This impressive layer of cream has actually managed to make spray gold dust on filth and made it look attractive. Of course any visitors who go there and bother to travel beyond the tourist triangle which is crafted as much as possible to avoid the junglees are shocked to see this so called emerging superpower.

Because Indian's have advantage with English they have actually created a narrative of lies. Wiki articles are heavily distorted, even Western Think Tanks are now begining to get infilitated with the peddlers of deception. When all else fails India a country as large as China will retreat and use Pakistan as comparison certain that a country 7 times smaller is going to have figures smaller but that does not matter.

Here is a staggering truth. 21% of Indians live on less than $1.90. Think about that? That is nearly 260 million Indian's - which is more than the entire population of Pakistan are trapped on living with $1.90 a day. What does this mean? In real world it means more hunger, more starving, more homeless, more pullimng rickshaws, more slums than any other place on earth and these people will be seen shaking heads and using India and China in the same sentance. The reason China is often spoken in the same sentance is because it gives India a feeling of respectability. The truth is going by figures India, Ethiopia, Chad, Niger, Central African Republic should be spoken in the same sentance

India and China are not even on the same league other than bodycount yet in the media there is persistance to compare the two. When the real figure are produced you will get the common reply "India is a democracy" as it that is a curse? If 260 million are in trapped in poverty what good ids democracy? The other thing you hear often is India is developing as if most of the rest of the world is sleeping.

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Indian economy surpasses the UK for the first time in more than 100 years


And the gap between the nation’s wealth is set to grow. India’s economic growth has rocketed over the last quarter century, growing between 6 and 8 per cent each year, compared to the UK’s growth of one or two per cent.


@Areesh @Syed.Ali.Haider @HAIDER @AZADPAKISTAN2009 @DESERT FIGHTER @Hassan Guy @Narendra Trump @HAIDER @Doordie @Starlord @Zarvan @Moonlight @RiazHaq @AmirPatriot @Jugger @Bouhmeed @Hindustani78 @ranjeet @Levina @Muhammad Omar @utraash @ashok321 @Abingdonboy @maximuswarrior @DJ_Viper

Let's recognize that both India and China are remarkable.

Chinese for having made more progress, climbed higher in less than two decades than any other people in history. There is no doubt about this. At the same time with this staggering record the Chinese display such a calm, humble outlook on their achievements. Instead of brag their is this this quite resolve to just get on with it.

On the other Indian's. Deception, conciet, brag, bluster to the point wher they believe thier own lies is the hallmark of Indian's. The amount of filth, bome poverty, open defecation and chaos is on epic scale yet I confess Indians have done spectacular job of hiding it.

Yes, Indian's abroad are impressive lot. They are the cream scooped from 1.3 billion ol of defecating, hungry, starved ugly chaotic mass.This impressive layer of cream has actually managed to make spray gold dust on filth and made it look attractive. Of course any visitors who go there and bother to travel beyond the tourist triangle which is crafted as much as possible to avoid the junglees are shocked to see this so called emerging superpower.

Because Indian's have advantage with English they have actually created a narrative of lies. Wiki articles are heavily distorted, even Western Think Tanks are now begining to get infilitated with the peddlers of deception. When all else fails India a country as large as China will retreat and use Pakistan as comparison certain that a country 7 times smaller is going to have figures smaller but that does not matter.

Here is a staggering truth. 21% of Indians live on less than $1.90. Think about that? That is nearly 260 million Indian's - which is more than the entire population of Pakistan are trapped on living with $1.90 a day. What does this mean? In real world it means more hunger, more starving, more homeless, more pullimng rickshaws, more slums than any other place on earth and these people will be seen shaking heads and using India and China in the same sentance. The reason China is often spoken in the same sentance is because it gives India a feeling of respectability. The truth is going by figures India, Ethiopia, Chad, Niger, Central African Republic should be spoken in the same sentance

India and China are not even on the same league other than bodycount yet in the media there is persistance to compare the two. When the real figure are produced you will get the common reply "India is a democracy" as it that is a curse? If 260 million are in trapped in poverty what good ids democracy? The other thing you hear often is India is developing as if most of the rest of the world is sleeping.

You are what I call a racist deceitful person.
Indian economy surpasses the UK for the first time in more than 100 years

View attachment 362165

And the gap between the nation’s wealth is set to grow. India’s economic growth has rocketed over the last quarter century, growing between 6 and 8 per cent each year, compared to the UK’s growth of one or two per cent.


@Areesh @Syed.Ali.Haider @HAIDER @AZADPAKISTAN2009 @DESERT FIGHTER @Hassan Guy @Narendra Trump @HAIDER @Doordie @Starlord @Zarvan @Moonlight @RiazHaq @AmirPatriot @Jugger @Bouhmeed @Hindustani78 @ranjeet @Levina @Muhammad Omar @utraash @ashok321 @Abingdonboy @maximuswarrior @DJ_Viper
Congrats . Hope the winds of prosperity will spread all over the region.
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