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France to help India realise high-speed train dream


Feb 16, 2012
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France to help India realise high-speed train dream | mydigitalfc.com

By Saahil Anant Feb 26 2012 , New Delhi
Tags: News
France has offered to build India’s first high-speed train line between Pune-Mumbai-Ahmedabad. French companies are also willing to set up manufacturing facilities in India for production of high-speed trains with related infrast-ructure.

French transport minister Thierry Mariani met railways minister Dinesh Trivedi on Friday to discuss possibilities around providing inf-rastructure for rail networks as well as manufacturing of high-speed trains in India.

“French government has agreed to finance feasibility study (for high-speed train network) in India. It is more of a medium-to-long term project and not really short-term. For the short-term, we have also discussed renovation of classical (railway) lines in India,” Mariani said on his four-day visit to India. He added that it typically takes four to five years to develop a rail network.

France has offered to chip in with companies that have been responsible for shaping up the European nation’s high-speed railway system. This involves Fre-nch companies such as SNCF (national corporation of French railways), the country’s state-owned railway network operator; RFF (or the French rail network) that takes care of maintenance and a public sector company involved in regulating safety aspects in railways, Mariani said. “If given some contracts, companies such as Alstom can set up units in India for production of railway (systems),” Mariani added.

Trivedi is expected to visit France April-end this year to take a look at France’s railway operations. Indian Railways has identified six corridors for building high-speed rail networks in the country but are yet to execute them.

Last month, Trivedi had said that India has decided to set up a high-level working group along with Japan – the pioneer in bullet trains, to examine various issues relating to establishment of high-speed rail corridors in the country.

Mariani will meet civil aviation minister Ajit Singh and UDD minister Kamal Nath during his visit lasting till February 27. “The EU-ETS (emission trading system) will of course be one subject (to discuss with Singh),” Mariani said, without divulging nature of discussions to be held. India along with 22 other nations has opposed EU’s decision to impose carbon tax on all flights landing or taking off from Europe under ETS.
French are saying they can construct Ahmedabad-Mumbai-Pune line in 5 years for which pre-feasibility study already done and Alstom is ready to set up their manufacturing plant in India just like Bombardier did for Metro Rail projects.

First the Japanese, now French are showing their interest and I also read about some Spanish company interested in High-speed rail project in India. Means government is too much serious about the Project but still it seems it will take lots of time.
India france partnership is here for a very longer period of time it will developed into a partnership in every field not only stertegic partnership, space, economy, techonlohy etc. etc. :tup:

France can build HSR..no doubt about it but the Japanese can provide both money and technology.
there should be open tender to complete these projects, just like mmrca. Japan, Germany, France,Singapore, south Korea, Canada etc etc will all bid for the contract at best price available.
If it is not a matter of 'honor' China successfully implemented this high speed railway project across China already and has been doing it for multiple countries already. I am sure the Chinese would be able to do this for the Indians since its a technology already well mastered.
If it is not a matter of 'honor' China successfully implemented this high speed railway project across China already and has been doing it for multiple countries already. I am sure the Chinese would be able to do this for the Indians since its a technology already well mastered.

Like the above member said, a tender should a issued and if China wins good then.
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If it is not a matter of 'honor' China successfully implemented this high speed railway project across China already and has been doing it for multiple countries already. I am sure the Chinese would be able to do this for the Indians since its a technology already well mastered.

Possibly but then again French and Japanese are the true masters of this tech and able to provide much more and more advanced kit tech than China by a long way.

Not a matter of pride but logic.
If it is not a matter of 'honor' China successfully implemented this high speed railway project across China already and has been doing it for multiple countries already. I am sure the Chinese would be able to do this for the Indians since its a technology already well mastered.

yup buddy. chinese no doubt has done wonders in technology. but indian style is a bit cumbersome in nature. i hope u understand that chinese working in india wont be able to execute stuff like it did in its own country. also the trust issues come when strategic projects are on line. latest example is of MTHL in mumbai which is 22 km of sea bridge was taken away from chinese applicants owing strategic reasons. so we will have to wait for diplomatic easing of relations before chinese get to milk indian opportunities. till than countries like russia, france, japan, etc will get the booty to enjoy. :)
Possibly but then again French and Japanese are the true masters of this tech and able to provide much more and more advanced kit tech than China by a long way.

Not a matter of pride but logic.

Then you have no idea what you are talking about.
Then you have no idea what you are talking about.

Chances are minimal that government will go for Chinese Tech instead will purchase or set up manufacturing plant in India with French and Japanese Collaboration. Bombardier did the same.

But our government is also seeking collaboration of Japanese and Chinese tech to increase speed to 200km/hour on conventional rail routes. They are going for Chinese tech in some sectors because they have less construction cost compared to European one.
Then you have no idea what you are talking about.

So in China's limited operation of HSR (relatively)it has become a master so quickly that it can rival giants in this sector such as Japan and France who have been doing so for decades?!!

Then you clearly have no idea what you are talking about.
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