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French boycott Takes momentum in Pakistan!

I pray that Pakistan would shut down the french embassies and kick out all french diplomatic staff and impose a ban on french travelling to Pakistan.
I wouldn't be surprised if an Iranian type take over of the French embassy occurs.
I wouldn't be surprised if an Iranian type take over of the French embassy occurs.

They should be led out of the country peacefully. We should explain our problems with their policies in a respectful way and cut ties formally.

There is no reason for any theatrics, just do what is needed and move on to more important issues.
F u c k France
would you really?;

But you know what happens when Mullahs get hopping mad.

Khadim Rizvi and Mollah Fazlu will just use it as an excuse to attack the Pakistani government (for the sake of India.)

We need to show the world that we are responsible. We do the needed reaction, make sure it is heavy and to the point.

After committing to the action, we stick by it. We then move on.

They chose their actions, and so we choose ours in response.

I applaud Pres Rajab Tayyib Erdoğan and Imran Khan for their strong actions and statements.

Macron even mentioned them directly which shows that it is already having an effect.
eye for an eye? why can't we draw cartoons on holocaust and 9/11 and start posting on our buildings instead?
good idea . that is the peaceful way .
I pray that Pakistan would shut down the french embassies and kick out all french diplomatic staff and impose a ban on french travelling to Pakistan.

what about pakistanis living in france ,,?
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Your contradicting yourself. So if Pakistan can't do much to India. But you think Pakistan can do anything to France which is a first world power and on other side of the globe.

You are assuming France or French people pay any attention to what Pakistan has to say. It is much easier for Pakistanis to get a response from India or Indians

It is not the outcome or effort. it is the optics something is being done by the government.
It's not even "Islamophobia" to draw such cartoons, they're just blasphemous under Islamic law which simply does not govern France. I don't know why so many people expect France to submit to something that it doesn't believe in, nor do I think that it is even morally proper to focus on the cartoon rather than lives that are being lost because of it.

I realize blasphemy in Pakistan will put you on death row. In Germany where "blasphemy" is a crime in certain countries the punishment is extremely light - 200 days of probation. No one is going to die in Europe for insulting a prophet
Why, then, does France ban holocaust-denial?

Because it's obviously about making people conform to French ideals. The "freedom of speech" talking point is a sham, they use it to give their position the illusion of being identical to a moral that many within the West consider to be absolute (despite the fact that it doesn't really exist anywhere).

It is not bigoted towards Muslims to expect them to conform to the customs of the country that they're in. If people do not like it, they can find a Muslim-majority country to live in. It's as simple as that. The response is to not kill random people who have no involvement, especially when places like Pakistan, Saudi Arabia or Tunisia (which is where the recent attackers have hailed from) each have far more significant issues that need handling.

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