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Game Is Over For RAW, CIA & Their Collaborators In Zardari Govt


Jul 11, 2008
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Why Mushraff has to go now? May be because he was the one who spoke for the ISI and rubbished the so called proves brought by CIA officials recently of Pakistan's involvement in Kabul Blast. All pieces of puzzle seem to fit perfectly right.


The writer is a defense analyst.

Rehman Malik’s private security firm has close ties to the British intelligence. Zardari’s government has cut funding for our nuclear and missile research and recruitment, which means bright young Pakistanis can’t be hired anymore. Pakistanis should know that this elected government is surrendering on our nuclear program, is surrendering on our ISI, and has joined American and Indian plans for Pakistan and the region. This is a sellout on a grand scale.

Despite numerous hiccups and tactical errors such as the sending of our old centrifuges to the IAEA, successive governments of Pakistan stood their ground on the nuclear issue – especially in terms of protecting our nuclear capability’s interests.

For the first time we have now chosen to surrender on this count – for that is what happened on August 1, 2008, in the IAEA board of governors meeting where Pakistan showed its pusillanimity and abandoned its policy of at least seeking a vote in this body on the IAEA-India safeguards.

This is clearly a first in our soon to be many compromises on the nuclear issue. A similar surrender in the Conference on Disarmament in Geneva on the Fissile Material Cut off Treaty (FMCT) will be next. So far we have been holding out against the US draft, supported by India, which contravenes the international consensus on the FMCT (as discussed in earlier columns) reflected in the Shannon Report of March 1995 and in UN General Assembly Resolution 48/75L. But now we should brace ourselves for the inevitable compromise if the prevailing decision makers and their advisers continue on their path of making Pakistan a loyal satellite state of the U.S.

The game plan that some of us had been pointing to for some time now has become abundantly overt. This plan rests on a three-pronged strategy at the macro level, with many off shoots at the micro level:

Weakening key state institutions and keeping the subjugated ones in that position with perhaps a facade of compromise if required;

Aggravating the law and order situation beyond the tribal belt;

Gradually compromising on our nuclear capability so that eventually the stability and credibility of the deterrence is destroyed which would then make it easier to rollback the whole program.

Some of the above strategies were operationalized before February 2008, but clearly the Americans felt a double game was going on by the Pakistanis to preserve their national interests and hence the search for more reliable political partners.

So let us see how the three-pronged strategy of the present rulers is being worked out.

As for weakening the existing strong state institutions, the case of the ISI is the most blatant one, although the army has been targeted also – despite de-linkage between the presidency and the military. Of course, the ISI has its share of negatives but if the rulers – one cannot use the word government here because one of the main rulers is outside of the government – really wanted to rectify the aberrations within this institution, they could have simply delinked the Internal Wing, which has been used by so many for internal political machinations. Instead, by seeking to put it under the unelected Interior adviser, more political fangs were being sought and, undoubtedly, as is happening elsewhere, the organization would have been packed with “loyalists”.

Worse still, by now creating ambiguity of where the civilian control of the ISI rests – since the old order has not been formally rescinded – uncertainty is being created which will impact the external functioning of the ISI while its controversial internal functions will increase rather than abate. Interestingly, it should be recalled that Rehman Malik and his U.K.-based security setup had close links with British intelligence.

Why target the ISI at this time and in this particular fashion? Clearly, this is a well-planned campaign being conducted in collusion with the U.S. and India, with Karzai offering ground support. The U.S. has strong reasons for targeting the military in general and the ISI in particular since it has been evident for some time that they were not falling in line with U.S. demands and policy imperatives. That the CIA and ISI worked together since the first Afghan venture is now history. It would appear that the CIA wanted to continue in that fashion but some of its policies were threatening Pakistan directly such as seeking to stir up trouble in the settled areas of the Pukhtunkhwa province. A look at the Serena Hotel, Swat’s guest book for the last two years, will reveal interesting information especially regarding the Americans who visited there dressed as locals, speaking Pushto (a point that had been made in an earlier column), and were in touch with Fazlullah. According to official sources, militants in Swat even today are getting foreign funding and, even though foreign militants were eliminated during the first phase of the military operation in Swat, there is again a presence of foreign militants in the area.

It would seem the ISI was finally uncomfortable with some of the CIA goings on in Pakistan and was also outraged against the new U.S. ally in the region, India, so it had to be pilloried and undermined. Also, the increasing evidence that the U.S. is using the Shamsi base against Iran, a friendly neighbor with whom we have no quarrel or conflict, could not be ignored. The ISI was also seeking to make more public the Indian ingresses into Balochistan and FATA and the continuing acceptance by the U.S. and Karzai of terrorist groups operating in Balochistan from Kabul. So, all in all, the time was considered right to target the ISI – especially given the assumption that internally also some would welcome this given the disinformation and political history of this organization. Of course, the fact that the ISI has a critical external role was not a concern for the rulers – in fact, that is the role that they along with the U.S. were seeking to undermine in any case.

Perhaps it is time for the real U.S. agenda within Pakistan to be revealed, especially their efforts to aid and abet extremism and militancy; and here the first and second prongs of their strategy coincide.

We seem to have forgotten that the U.S. first turned against the Taliban only when they rejected the UNOCAL oil deal in 1998, so if the ISI is guilty of having links with Taliban remnants, so is the CIA. Only the ISI won’t play ball with the CIA anymore and that is not acceptable to U.S.!

Finally, in terms of a phased surrender on the nuclear issue, along with the external dynamics there is a policy to undermine the development of our technical capabilities. According to a recent news report (The News, August 3, 2008), the government has decided to cut down funds for defense-related organizations under the Strategic Plans Division. Specifically, the cuts will be imposed on scientific research and development organizations and their personnel, so that will directly hit our future R&D in sensitive hi-tech areas. If the state is short of funds, surely more useful cuts could be made in the general bureaucracy – both civil and military – as well as in the spending of the prime minister, the ministers and the presidency. Why hire ambassadors at large, resuscitate old bureaucrats and hire private planes for ministers when austerity is so essential?

Undermining our strategic R&D, and making it less attractive for the best to enter this field in the future, is part of a sinister design. We are finally on the path of being delivered to the U.S. as a defanged and loyal satellite.
We should take up his matter seriously.
there will be no end to their evil designs, it will simply go on and on.
We have to show their real faces to their public and wider world.
We should take up his matter seriously.
there will be no end to their evil designs, it will simply go on and on.
We have to show their real faces to their public and wider world.

Yeah we should take up this matter very seriously but then what are we going to do about it when majority voted for him. Its a shame but true that our majority uneducated population is made fool with this roti kapra **** and hence they bring in the same thugs every time besides being repeatedly betrayed by them. Our only hope is if Musharraf survives this impeachment which by the way the chances seem to be very mute, otherwise god may have mercy on us (Pakistan).:cry::pakistan:
Though I do not agree RAW's involvement, I do certainly agree that uneducated mass is the greatest weak point of any democracy.

India is also facing similar problems, and most regional heads are duds. Thankfully the national heads are better off.
Any way, Sheerin Mizari certainly has to face retaliation from all subject parties!
It's blame Pakistan week. As resistance to western occupation of Afghanistan intensifies, the increasingly frustrated Bush administration is venting its anger against Inter-Service Intelligence (ISI), Pakistan's military intelligence agency.

The White House leaked claims ISI was in cahoots with pro-Taliban groups in Pakistan's tribal area along the Afghan border.

Pakistan's Defence Minister Ahmed Mukhtar said the White House accuses ISI of warning Pashtun tribes of impending U.S. air attacks. President George W. Bush angrily asked Pakistan's visiting Prime Minister Yousuf Gilani, "Who's in charge of ISI?"

In Ottawa, the Harper government dutifully echoed Bush's accusation against Pakistan, including the so far unsubstantiated claim that ISI agents had bombed India's embassy in Kabul.

I was one of the first western journalists invited into ISI headquarters in 1986. ISI's then director, the fierce Lt.- Gen. Akhtar Rahman, personally briefed me on Pakistan's secret role in fighting Soviet occupation of Afghanistan. ISI's "boys" provided communications, logistics, heavy weapons, and direction in the Afghan War. ISI played the key role in the victory over the Soviets.

On my subsequent trips to Pakistan I was routinely briefed by succeeding ISI chiefs and joined ISI officers in the field, sometimes under fire.

ISI is accused of meddling in Pakistani politics. The late Benazir Bhutto, who often was thwarted by Pakistan's spooks, always scolded me, "you and your beloved generals at ISI." But before Musharraf, ISI was the Third World's most efficient, professional intelligence agency. It defends Pakistan against internal and external subversion by India's powerful spy agency, RAW, and by Iran. ISI works closely with CIA and the Pentagon, but also must serve Pakistan's interests, which often are not identical to Washington's.

The last ISI director general I knew was the tough, highly capable Lt.-Gen. Mahmood Ahmed. He was purged by the new dictator, Gen. Pervez Musharraf, because Washington felt Mahmood was insufficiently responsive to U.S. interests. Ensuing ISI directors were all pre-approved by Washington. All senior ISI veterans deemed "Islamist" or too nationalistic by Washington were purged, leaving ISI's upper ranks top heavy with yes men and paper passers.

Even so, there is strong opposition inside ISI to Washington's bribing and arm-twisting the Musharraf dictatorship into waging war against fellow Pakistanis and gravely damaging Pakistan's national interests.

ISI's primary duty is defending Pakistan. Pashtun tribesmen on the border sympathizing with their fellow Taliban Pashtun in Afghanistan are Pakistanis. Many, like the legendary Jalaluddin Haqqani, are old U.S. allies and freedom fighters from the 1980s.


Violence and uprisings in these tribal areas are not caused by "terrorism," but directly result from the U.S.-led occupation of Afghanistan and Washington's forcing the hated Musharraf regime to attack its own people.

ISI is trying to restrain pro-Taliban Pashtun tribesmen while dealing with growing U.S. attacks into Pakistan that threaten a wider war.

India, Pakistan's bitter foe, has an army of agents in Afghanistan and is arming, backing and financing the Karzai puppet regime in Kabul. Pakistan's historic strategic interests in Afghanistan have been undermined by the U.S. occupation. The U.S., Canada and India are trying to eliminate Pakistani influence in Afghanistan.

ISI, many of whose officers are Pashtun, has every right to warn Pakistani citizens of impending U.S. air attacks that kill large numbers of civilians.

But ISI also has another vital mission. Preventing Pakistan's Pashtun (15% to 20% of the population of 165 million) from rekindling the old "Greater Pashtunistan" movement calling for union of the Pashtun tribes of Pakistan and Afghanistan -- divided by British imperialism -- into a new Pashtun nation. That would tear apart Pakistan and invite Indian military intervention.

Washington's bull-in-a-china-shop behaviour pays no heeds to such realities.

Instead, Washington demonizes faithful old allies, ISI and Pakistan, while supporting Afghanistan's communists and drug dealers, and allowing India to stir the Afghan pot -- all for the sake of new energy pipelines.

As Henry Kissinger cynically noted, being America's ally is more dangerous than being its enemy.

TorontoSun.com - Eric Margolis - U.S. vilifies faithful old ally
Any way, Sheerin Mizari certainly has to face retaliation from all subject parties!

Don't worry, she's one of our best and most vocal defence analysts. And she has balls! ;)
‘RAW given special task to destabilise Pakistan, China’

Naveed Miraj

ISLAMABAD: India has revealed its designs to become a decisive power in the region and it has given forty billion rupees special fund to its intelligence agency (RAW) for creating instability in Pakistan, China, Afghanistan and Bangladesh to achieve the target.

RAW that has been playing its dirty game in the region with special focus on Pakistan and Afghanistan since many years is now actively engaged in the activities aimed at disrupting peace and feeding miscreants to promote subversive activities in Balochistan and FATA through its eleven consulates in the border areas of Afghanistan and the Karzai government helping RAW to achieve its goals.

RAW agents are busy in instigating local people in Balochistan to involve them in sabotage activities through its consulates in border areas of Afghanistan for which Pakistan has provided solid proofs to the US government on many occasions but they paid no heed to it and instead pressed for minimising the role of ISI that is indirectly aimed at supporting India to achieve its target. There are confirmed reports of Indian involvement in the terrorist activities carrying on in Pakistan in shape of suicide attacks and the Wah incident is its solid example that a suicide bomber arrested by police told the investigators that he had been going to Kabul and was told that Wah factory is producing weapons to kill the innocent people of FATA.

India is in fact pursuing a strategy having multiple purposes and its involvement in Balochistan is aimed at blocking the way of China that is heading at fast pace to become a major player in the international politics and it is unacceptable to both India and America to provide space to China to play its role in which Pakistan role is pivotal as China has been active in the development of Balochistan specially the Gwadar port that would play a significant role in future economic activities in the region and would provide a trade corridor for central Asia besides a strategic position to China for promoting its economic activities with the rest of the world.

Afghan government that is on the back of India to promote sabotage activities in Pakistan must realize that it would also face the same treatment from India when it is succeeded in its strategy for bringing instability in Pakistan that would also harm Chinese interests and India is already engaged in supporting those elements in Afghanistan who are working to create chaos and make China and Pakistan hostage to get access to this region.

To block the way of China and create misunderstanding between the two countries the US is also extending full support to India as it is the only country that could help the US to fulfill its plans to keep China away from becoming its competitor and remain isolated therefore it has closed its eyes from the activities of Indians in the region.

Both India and USA are also cooperating with each other to support the separatists in Balochistan with an objective to weaken Pakistan and the situation demand more attention from the new government to take concrete steps for removing grievances of the Baloch people and ensure their due share in the resources besides protecting their rights. There is also need to review the situation and find political ways to resolve the problems of the people of Balochistan to create a sense of equality among them so that they could feel at with other strake holders of the state and play their due role in strengthening the federation and discourage those elements who are playing with peace in the province and providing opportunity to the enemies of Pakistan who intend to weaken it to fulfill their designs.

Similar is the case in the tribal areas where Indians are actively engaged in promoting terrorist activities not only in FATA but in the rest of the country with an objective to create law & order situation and promote sense of fear that would result in further worsening the economy as investors are already shifting their capital to other countries keeping in view the fragile law & order situation in the country and the country has not received a single penny regarding investment during the last six months.
what is the i.s.i is doing

ISI has not been able to analyze what exactly RAW is doing with Pakistan.
Bomb blast in Pakistan are not casual at all, they were all targeted to achieve certain objectives on international level with immaculate timing and no ordinary human can have such vast objectives.
Many bomb blasts were objected to kill one single personality and many individuals are being killed under the camouflage of burglary and street crime.
You will not believe me if I say that I was expecting a bomb blast at POF Wah, right from the time FIA building was attacked in Lahore, but our ISI failed to simply chalk out possible targets.
In those days, even I wrote an implementable security plan but I expected something better from professionals.
I just simply ask that all services in Pakistan should be made subjected to provision of NID card, travelling buying tickets, crossing city limits, renting buying houses and cars, if possible even simple shopping.
It should be made mandatory to hang NID in front for every citizen especially in major cities.
All airports and railway stations must be tightly monitored (using cameras and civil dress), international borders adjoining major cities must be tightly manned.
It should be made virtually impossible to smuggle any big weapons, humans etc. in and out of city.
High profile politicians should be tightly guarded and no one should be allowed to have personal guards.

Now, I can tell you one location where you can find RAW agents in abundance that would be our telephone companies at positions where they can tap to the lines of consumer.
If ISI stress little bit of their brain they could have thwarted many target killings.

Hell with politicians, protesters, human right agents, media, mullahs but a skilled HR is very vital to protect.

Didn't we saw that lawyer's rallies were never targeted but bombs were going off all around Pakistan.
Taliban helped socialists ANP to come to power and have no problems with dancing women of PPP but wanted to implement Sharia on Chinese in Islamabad.

I hope ISI sit down and analyse the consequecies of every terror plot.

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