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GCC warns Hezbollah!!!

If your regime wont stop attacking us it will gone with the wind like all previos. You are not the first and not the last who attack us.
Forget it, they aren't Egypt, they're an enemy you won't respect whatsoever.
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Babylonians are not our slave owners.

Just Like Hitler Dined and Wined You?

Babylonians Destroyed Jerusalem of Soloman and Dawood(David) (as) and for hundreds of Years "Dined and Wined" the Bedouin Like Jews.

Hitler Killed The Jews and Babylonians used you Jews as Slaves when we were there. SLAVES. Like Egypt.

If your regime wont stop attacking us it will gone with the wind like all previos. You are not the first and not the last who attack us.

We are Fighting Babylon, Yet You Expect Us to Stop?

We Were the First to Save You, And We Will Be the Last to Attack You and Kill Your Messiah.

Persian empire was smart you are not.

I offered you Life, I told the Yehudi its end, I told it not to Jump on Fire, so I am the foolish one.

6 Million Jews Among 300+ Million Angry Arabs, A Nation built on Illegal Occupation,

Forget Turks or Persians. Talk about Smart...

You support it because you are wannabe arabs with no pride and self dignity. They spit on you again and again and you keep licking them.

And If We Supported You, Then we would be Wannabe Jews with no pride and dignity?

According to you We Must have been Wannabe Jews when we Freed YOU Jews From Babylon.

We Saved You NOT Because we Wanted to become a Inferior race, Jews But We Saved you Because you were Oppressed, We Always stood for the Oppressed. Just Like Palestinians are the Oppressed Today.

No they are much younger.

Who Ran From Egypt? You Jews Or Pharaoh?

Egypt and Persia are the Two Oldest Civilizations In HUMAN History

And not even your father AbdulAziz or the coming "False Messiah" Can Change that.

Actually Persia Predates Egypt As well, Did you know Most of the Egyptian Pheroahs Were Related to Persians by Ancestery and Used you again as SLAVES.

Even India and China is Older then Israel, Rome is a 4500 Year Old Civilization. Let alone Persia a 10,000 Year old Civilization.

About 25 Years...When the Euphrates Drys Up..We will end you...

We Persians are the Real "Chosen" people you know. Chosen to Create You, Chosen to End You.
Hamas couldn't deter Israeli strikes on Gaza let alone deter any attack on Iran!:cuckoo:
In fact, they publicly said they will not strike Israel if it strikes Iran.

I obviously said Hamas won't play that role, and deterring not in your form of understanding, even your nation cant prevent israeli airstrikes on your country, but Hamas can paralyze their country and economy temporarily but they aren't there to play any role. Only to defend against attacks by israel and political moves by them. Sorry to hurt your feelings, but palestinians have a right to self defense, im shocked it bothers you, yeah right saudi arabian, come out of your closest Zio.
Iran doesn't give orders in the way you make it to be, thats not why they support Hamas in the region, they sure can send a message through them, which mainly would they would arm and train israels enemies. That is effective but in true Iran doesnt command Hamas nor does Hamas take orders. Yet Iran was the only nation to help the people of Gaza with any arms but also political and econmical support which arabic countcountries havent done. Only God knows why they dont see playing a larger political role at the least should be something in their interest. We need to.rise and explore our opportunities and realize the Middle East is ours, make some changes bro.

We know Palestinians only care about money, so Qatar payed them 250 million$. It was a bribe to take them from Iran's camp to MB camp, their new natural ally. It worked as expected.
We know Palestinians only care about money, so Qatar payed them 250 million$. It was a bribe to take them from Iran's camp to MB camp, their new natural all. It worked as expected.

Who's we? I have my doubts with you. Qatar had a infrastructure project in Gaza after which Israel declared war immediately following the promise. I love.your fancy wording and your misinformation, Gaza needs all it can get and they haven't switched camps for money, or completely switched anyways. They get miilitary support from Iran still but arabic nations should be giving them military supoort. With this world today Hamas needs whatever it can from whoever. Unlike your ludicrious statement regarding your expectations of them while.you can go along.with whatevet you want.
Civilized nations in the region (Iranians, Turks, Kurds) should not get too much involved in the civil war among the bedoiun, desert barbarians. Give them weapons & let them kill each other. T.E. Lawrence(the spy who gave arabs their independence!) wrote about bedouin nature a hundred year ago in his "Seven pillars of wisdom" ! Israel will do the rest !
Yes through their new ally Egypt.
If Egypt agrees, which is likely since they are also being bankrolled by Qatar.

You're such a joke,.im sure.they would even if if Egypt allowed it wouldn't happen.
Just Like Hitler Dined and Wined You?

Babylonians Destroyed Jerusalem of Soloman and Dawood(David) (as) and for hundreds of Years "Dined and Wined" the Bedouin Like Jews.

Hitler Killed The Jews and Babylonians used you Jews as Slaves when we were there. SLAVES. Like Egypt.
Jews were not slaves in Babylon. They lived there very well.

We are Fighting Babylon, Yet You Expect Us to Stop?
You are not fighting anything, just kissing *** to Palestinians and they spit on u.

We Were the First to Save You, And We Will Be the Last to Attack You and Kill Your Messiah.
Stop smoking.

I offered you Life, I told the Yehudi its end, I told it not to Jump on Fire, so I am the foolish one.
We survived through many like you before, its you who need to be saved.

In fact your regime is already collapsing: unemployment, drugs, prostitution, fertility rate below reproduction level, corruption... When Assad falls u will remain with no allies at all.

Even India and China is Older then Israel, Rome is a 4500 Year Old Civilization. Let alone Persia a 10,000 Year old Civilization.
Rome was founded in 753 BC.
Most ancient Persian kingdom is Medan kingdom founded in 678 BC.
This stupid fuvking jew 500 keeps trying to initiate conflict between iranians and palestinians like the typical sick person he is. Iranians ignore you. hes trying to put you down and with it bash palestinians, ignore the zionist trash.

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