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Germany slams Saudi Arabia's offer to build mosques for Syrian refugees as ‘cynical’

@Saif al-Arab

Marseille is a little dangerous right? with gangs and crime compared to Paris. Yeah I know there is a sizeable Arab population in France perhaps due to France having colonies like the British had with India.

What about the law that you are not permitted to wear head scarves in schools yet a tourist from Saudi Arabia is exempt from this.

So it is USA's responsibility to care about the consequences of sectarian flare ups in Libya, Syria etc? :hitwall:

They made a delicate situation worse by their meddling in. Even they have realised this now.
@Saif al-Arab

Marseille is a little dangerous right? with gangs and crime compared to Paris. Yeah I know there is a sizeable Arab population in France perhaps due to France having colonies like the British had with India.

What about the law that you are not permitted to wear head scarves in schools yet a tourist from Saudi Arabia is exempt from this.

Marseille was historically the main port city of France. It's a very cosmopolitan city like most of France is. Actually millions of "local French people" are of Spanish, German, Italian, Polish etc. origin to begin with. France is a land of migrants. There are also big regional differences and historical regions to begin with. Corsicans are basically Italians then you have Bretons in Bretagne who speak a totally different language. Catalans in the South. Occitan's etc. Germans in Alsace.

There was organized crime in Marseille and mafia long before any Arab/Berber/non-European presence. Yes, there is some crime there and it's one of the more "dangerous" cities. Not that it's anything worse than many major European cities. You should avoid some neighborhoods at night though. I don't know Marseille that well. I know the Alpes-Maritimes (Eastern Provence) much better and we use to holiday there and have family there. I was there last month.

Yes, most are from the former colonies (Algeria was part of France for some 130 years for instance starting from 1830 when Louis-Philippe I ruled) or Lebanon and Syria.

There is a ban of all religious symbols in government operated primary and secondary schools. Wearing headscarfs in public or other religious symbols is not banned. Nor is it (for now at least) banned at universities.

Thus you cannot apply such a silly law for tourists from wherever country they might come from. Besides not all Saudi Arabian women tourists wear headscarfs abroad.

The France of today as we know it is based on secularism and has pretty much been like that since the Ancien Régime was toppled during the French Revolution. It's common to hear the Roman Catholic Church in France complain for instance.
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Marseille was historically the main port city of France. It's a very cosmopolitan city like most of France is. Actually millions of "local French people" are of Spanish, German, Italian, Polish etc. origin to begin with. France is a land of migrants. There are also big regional differences and historical regions to begin with. Corsicans are basically Italians then you have Bretons in Bretagne who speak a totally different language. Catalans in the South. Occitan's etc. Germans in Alsace.

There was organized crime in Marseille and mafia long before any Arab/Berber/non-European presence. Yes, there is some crime there and it's one of the more "dangerous" cities. Not that it's anything worse than many major European cities. You should avoid some neighborhoods at night though. I don't know Marseille that well. I know the Alpes-Maritimes (Eastern Provence) much better and we use to holiday there and have family there. I was there last month.

Yes, most are from the former colonies (Algeria was part of France for some 130 years for instance starting from 1830 when Louis-Philipe I ruled) or Lebanon and Syria.

There is a ban of all religious symbols in government operated primary and secondary schools. Wearing headscarfs in public or other religious symbols is not banned. Nor is it (for now at least) banned at universities.

Thus you cannot apply such a silly law for tourists from wherever country they might come from.

Where there is a big port's such as Marseille, Liverpool or Rotterdam you will always find criminals as it's a smuggling route to the mainland. I like some French films like Leon and I am a big fan of the genius Eric Cantona what a player he was! I never been to France yet but hope I can....
Where there is a big port's such as Marseille, Liverpool or Rotterdam you will always find criminals as it's a smuggling route to the mainland. I like some French films like Leon nd I am a big fan of the genius Eric Cantona what a player he was!

Spot on. Don't forget Palermo, Genoa etc. Jeddah in KSA has somewhat (or at least it had historically) a similar reputation of illegal business. I guess that every country that borders the sea has such cities.

I hear that Mumbai is no different or Karachi in Pakistan.

It's a good movie and I am also a fan of Eric Cantona although I don't agree with him politically (he is a leftist). BTW, he is a son of migrants. Sardinian (Italian) father and Catalan mother.
Germany is right
and not only Germany is blaming KSA
Spot on. Don't forget Palermo, Genoa etc. Jeddah in KSA has somewhat (or at least it had historically) a similar reputation of illegal business. I guess that every country that borders the sea has such cities.

I hear that Mumbai is no different or Karachi in Pakistan.

It's a good movie and I am also a fan of Eric Cantona although I don't agree with him politically (he is a leftist). BTW, he is a son of migrants. Sardinian (Italian) father and Catalan mother.

I am Gujarati origin and my forefathers town is near the sea where they make boats that sail to the Gulf and much smuggling in Gold, Silver happens there.

hey guys send PMs
we don't care your private life to be shared to everyone
i know most of you are kids but at least make an effort . thx guys.
I am Gujarati origin and my forefathers town is near the sea where they make boats that sail to the Gulf and much smuggling in Gold, Silver happens there.


Yes, that part of India and South Asia has had millennium old trade ties (and other ones) with the Arabian Peninsula. There are also natives of Gujarati descent in the GCC although their ancestors arrived long ago. I hear that there are some very old Arab communities in Gujarat too. Speaking about migrants. At the end of the day we are all migrants.

In any case as we discussed and others Germany has nothing to complain about when it comes to migrants as their elected government is willingly welcoming those migrants of which most are not even from Syria to begin with. Nobody forces them to. I am not criticizing them for doing it as this is their choice but facts remain facts.
Yes, that part of India and South Asia has had millennium old trade ties (and other ones) with the Arabian Peninsula. There are also natives of Gujarati descent in the GCC although their ancestors arrived long ago. I hear that there are some very old Arab communities in Gujarat too. Speaking about migrants. At the end of the day we are all migrants.

In any case as we discussed and others Germany has nothing to complain about when it comes to migrants as their elected government is willing taking those migrants of which most are not even from Syria to begin with. Nobody forces them.

Arabs been trading in Gujarat since ancient times there is whole towns named after them like Salaya where the people even do not look 'Indian'

I give some credit to the German people I saw that many came to the streets and welcomed the migrants and hostels are providing accomadation.


Much love :smitten:
They also invaded Vietnam. Or Japan. Why are they stable countries?
Do you have any idea how many Vietnamese they had to take in and how many Japanese? Lets not even forget how much they had to compensate and the trials that occurred decades after the crime- most likely when everything was "calculated" baed on forgotten memories!

Land Destroyer: The legacy of US war crimes against Vietnamese civilians

Media made a hype only to get them shuffling their feet:
Seeking Compensation for Vietnamese Agent Orange Victims, 52 years on | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

US starts Agent Orange clean-up in Vietnam - BBC News

VAORRC, Vietnam Agent Orange Relief & Responsibility Campaign | Home

Took them forever to wake up the the same humanity beating drum they play on others!
Who told u the mosque clerics would be sectarian motivated?

Are the saudis slaughtering muslims or the iranian zealots backed by russian drunkards , on a genocidal rampage in syria, iraq and yemen?
You seriously think it is something that need to be TOLD?
Have you not been following how these things are progressing? Muslims are killing Muslims calling them Kafirs. Shia is killing Sunni and Suni is killing Shia,hell there are half a dozen groups within the sunni now fighting each other. If you think there still is need to be TOLD about sectarian motivation, influence and violence then what can i say. It is unfortunate, it is sad but it is all real. This is happening allover the Muslim world now, almost all over.

As for the "Iranian zealots backed by Russian drunkards" it is all about perspective. For some Zionist and US backing is more bad and for others it is that of the Russians. Everyone gets to chose a side, the SAD part is we have created these sides within our self, divided our self into groups and are now going for watch others throat. If you can provide Iranian involvement in Syria Yemen and Iraq and innocence of the Saudis, there will be an equal amount that can prove it the other way around. The thing is it is sad we are doing it among our self. As for the main topic, the Germans are more then capable to giving refuge to these Syrians, they did so, and it wont be a problem for them to build them mosques. They are much better then most of the dumb so called Muslim countries who denied refuge and protection to Muslims at all. Better then the ones killing there own brothers and sisters not even sparing kids like we see happening in Syria or Yemen. Either it be Al Qaeda or ISIS or Taliban or TTP.

That is not actually the complete truth.

In the past 50 years, it was Saudis who were financing the mosques and Islamic centers in Germany and this was all as per German government permission. The reason for this was the German desire to ban out Turkish influence in Islamic centers and mosques.

Actually Germany had banned Turkish Islamic books written for education of Muslim children and instead used to bring in the books from Saudi Arabia. This even continued post 9/11. What is happening right now is not in my knowledge. But the Saudi offer was not out of the blue. It was consistent as per German understanding with Saudis for the past 50 years. You can ask knowledgeable Turks about what I am telling you here. They know about this, since Turkish ethnicity was the target of this policy.

We should not forget that Saudi Arabia has been an indispensable strategic partner of NATO including Germany. The recent fallout between Saudi Arabia and the West is an exception to a very long and previously extremely cozy relationship.

Yes i understand that. The Germans are worried a bit about the huge Turkish populations and are more inclined towards Saudi's. Also frankly, i wont mind if Saudi Sunni or Iranian Shia Muslims go there and build a mosque, i wont mind if the Germans do. What i am concerned about is how we are butchering each other and then try to end up looking good and savior of Muslim world by such statements and actions. I would have appreciated if Saudia or Iran or Pakistan or Bangladesh or any Muslim country would have done something to stop this inhuman ISIS and Taliban and TTP. Done something real rather then issuing feel good statements. Anyway, thank you for you post and the detailed information. I appreciate that.
Do you have any idea how many Vietnamese they had to take in and how many Japanese? Lets not even forget how much they had to compensate and the trials that occurred decades after the crime- most likely when everything was "calculated" baed on forgotten memories!

Land Destroyer: The legacy of US war crimes against Vietnamese civilians

Media made a hype only to get them shuffling their feet:
Seeking Compensation for Vietnamese Agent Orange Victims, 52 years on | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

US starts Agent Orange clean-up in Vietnam - BBC News

VAORRC, Vietnam Agent Orange Relief & Responsibility Campaign | Home

Took them forever to wake up the the same humanity beating drum they play on others!
Yes. But they MOVED ON. Like Philippines, Vietnam, Latin American states, Korea, Japan, China, Germany etc etc.

Arabs been trading in Gujarat since ancient times there is whole towns named after them like Salaya where the people even do not look 'Indian'

I give some credit to the German people I saw that many came to the streets and welcomed the migrants and hostels are providing accomadation.


Much love :smitten:
The clock for Germany is ticking. There is no going back for them. I hope they don't get refugee status when they themselves have to leave their own country.
True...but they are doing something (taking refugee and not limiting them to camps but integrating them into their population and giving them all the rights of their civilian) which isnt being acknowledged at all what makes you think if they do more it will be?

Because he isnt Pakistani but I am....Your address was more to me than him!

I havent used the word stupid....Kind of shows your mentality there!

2ndly, We werent talking about you no idea why you felt so....

Let me guess, you would have passed the 2nd grade had you not failed the first one.
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