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Has Egypt acquired one of the most powerful Russian land weapons?

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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Despite the absence of official information, photos published on social media in Egypt revealed the moment the Egyptian and Russian sides signed a contract to manufacture 400-500 “T- 90MS” tanks for the Egyptian army.

In the photos, the Egyptian Minister of Military Production appeared during his receipt of a model photographer for the tank from Alexander Potapov, director of the Russian "Orl Vagun Zafod" factory, where the contract includes the transfer of technology for joint production locally, and it is expected that the T-90MS tanks will give the Egyptian military manufacturing base, more experience gained in Field of tanks and shields.

Egypt will operate the upgraded Russian tank alongside the main American M1 Abrams, in order to replace the old Soviet tanks that will be out of service now from the T-55 and T-62.

The T-90 "Vladimir" is the main Russian fighting tank. The tank was named after its designer, Vladimir Ivanovich Potkin.

The tank weighs 46.5 tons, is fitted with a 125 mm cannon, and a 12-cylinder diesel engine with a power of 1000 hp (for an optional V-96).

Among the most important weapons of the tank, a 12.5 mm machine gun capable of firing super-explosive and hollow explosives remotely, and guided missiles of the "Reflex" and "Cobra" types of anti-tank and armor of all kinds and helicopters.

As for the tank fire control system, its characteristics exceed all foreign counterparts, as the tank speed or the target, the air temperature, the wind speed, the air pressure, the angle of inclination of the cannon and other additional factors are calculated before launch, which allows the destruction of any target with one shot.

It is noteworthy that the Russian media confirmed that Egypt wants to obtain the promising Russian "Armata" tanks, after Russia announced its readiness for export..

Egypt military needs to get its priorities and strategy right. They are buying so many different hardware which is not needed, in the long term the costs will rise, plus training of personal on different machines, tactics etc.

And why would Egypt name a tank Ramses. Isn't that Farun?
i will talk about it when egyptian F-16s get AMRAAMs for its F-16 fleet. otherwise talking on Egyptian military is useless.

That is great betrayal. USA claims to be Egyptian ally but wont give them Amraams. They might aswel sell the f16s to Pakistan :victory:


Despite the absence of official information, photos published on social media in Egypt revealed the moment the Egyptian and Russian sides signed a contract to manufacture 400-500 “T- 90MS” tanks for the Egyptian army.

In the photos, the Egyptian Minister of Military Production appeared during his receipt of a model photographer for the tank from Alexander Potapov, director of the Russian "Orl Vagun Zafod" factory, where the contract includes the transfer of technology for joint production locally, and it is expected that the T-90MS tanks will give the Egyptian military manufacturing base, more experience gained in Field of tanks and shields.

Egypt will operate the upgraded Russian tank alongside the main American M1 Abrams, in order to replace the old Soviet tanks that will be out of service now from the T-55 and T-62.

The T-90 "Vladimir" is the main Russian fighting tank. The tank was named after its designer, Vladimir Ivanovich Potkin.

The tank weighs 46.5 tons, is fitted with a 125 mm cannon, and a 12-cylinder diesel engine with a power of 1000 hp (for an optional V-96).

Among the most important weapons of the tank, a 12.5 mm machine gun capable of firing super-explosive and hollow explosives remotely, and guided missiles of the "Reflex" and "Cobra" types of anti-tank and armor of all kinds and helicopters.

As for the tank fire control system, its characteristics exceed all foreign counterparts, as the tank speed or the target, the air temperature, the wind speed, the air pressure, the angle of inclination of the cannon and other additional factors are calculated before launch, which allows the destruction of any target with one shot.

It is noteworthy that the Russian media confirmed that Egypt wants to obtain the promising Russian "Armata" tanks, after Russia announced its readiness for export..

What's the need she. When got much superior m1 and USA would give em on discount via major regional partner
It's all to get kickbacks from giving contract

Buying f16 and MIG 29 even though both are of same category
While making military a chuchu Ka muraba can any one tell what would be it's English Analogy
Really potent replacement for the older T series.(Will this be a 1:1 replacement?)
Very impressive armoured force for Egypt, 1400 odd Abrams and 500 T-90MS.
parades? like all military procurements how many tank designs is this guy to buy? I hope he will bu leclerc ariete and challenger too :)

what a joke this brutal maneater is turning egypt into

Israel is happily watching Muslim countries destroy / compete against each other.
Israel is happily watching Muslim countries destroy / compete against each other.

my friend I dont know what this rubbish israel fetish is.. but you need to enable your brain.. :

you dont need israel.. these so called muslim countries are the worst enemies to their so called muslim brothers.. if you declare everything on israel you take out the blame for your individual faults.. giving israel for everything that happens bad in my life the fault is just to protect myself from the blame and nothing will change its the excuse to do what people did in the past and to keep doing in the future and today.. this is not something the great leaders of the past did.. they instead of many people today realized that they have to clean their backyard first before they go out and change the world.. things just work this way.. if there will come a next good leader I say to you the first thing he has to do is to fight against those who say that they are their brothers..
we bought it from RUssia and they keep breaking down... their life is too low... always need maintenanse. as i know, we are only happy with Russian helikopters. mi-8 spesifikly. the rest is junk
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