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Hatf 5 missile test fired successfully




India doesn't dare to 'violate' your border even though it is many times bigger than you are. So be thankful to your nation which contained much bigger adversary within its borders.

Those who do violate your border ;

A) They don't do it for fun. They HAVE TO in order to protect human lives.
B) You can't give any "reply" to them. They are just too strong.

Or if fired from Pakistani Punjab or deserts of Sindh, it can easily smoke your capital city of New Delhi , financial center of Mumbai etc. :rolleyes:

Why Are u deliberately trying to bring in/mentioning India ( and inviting trolls ) in your posts ( above n in past pages ) and killing a positive Discussion. I guess u hv some Extra Appetite for Flames.

PS : The Day ONE City of India is Smoked. Entire Pakistan shall be Evaporated in Retaliation. So Just Hope That Day Never Arrives. And Those are Not MY words rather What Our NFU Policy States.

India adopted a "no first use policy" after its nuclear tests in 1998. India's nuclear policy currently states that even though there will be no first-use of nuclear weapons by India, "nuclear retaliation to a first strike will be massive and designed to inflict unacceptable damage"

Long Live India & Pakistan !
India doesn't dare to 'violate' your border even though it is many times bigger than you are. So be thankful to your nation which contained much bigger adversary within its borders.

Those who do violate your border ;

A) They don't do it for fun. They HAVE TO in order to protect human lives.
B) You can't give any "reply" to them. They are just too strong.
dude give these useless replies to yr journalists of CNN or fox who actually believe it.
Dont waste yr or our time with such excuses here.
Why? because

1) in the war time or peace u either will be stupid to complain that yr fellow soldier is dying by bullets from enemy fire by not realizing that the bullets that u r firing they also kill human lives either u fire first at yr enemy or fire in response.The human lives die like that too if u fire or they fire at you.
But if u think that just because my fellow country men r being killed that too r just soldiers who r trained n r made to fight or die in the battlefield, so in response u cross all the limits n start killing everybody either innocent or culprit causing a mayhem n then tell yr citizens that look we r revenging the 9/11's few thousand deads by invading the whole countries n killing 3 million in Iraq n only God knows how many killed in Afg or in the side lines of war in Guantanamo bay style detention camps who r spread all over the world not an individual camp in Cuba.
If there is an incident happened in their country, then any civilized nation will approach the Law of the World which is under the UN (not security council who have few individuals as its members n have a value of as a king of the world, who can do anything) who has all the world countries as its members n prove it there to the satisfaction to the world by fair means not by lobbying. If that happens then u do that what is recommended by the world in UNO, then only world could have supported u if by the support of just american public u think u can do anything then in afraid yr wrong as the world doesnt only starts n ends within the borders of America's 54 states n if u say that we dont care like u said before in one of yr comments here then i think u believe in 'MIGHT IS RIGHT' policy because u r stronger then others for now.Its not right for a civilized n educated nation or individuals to think like that n the history also shows that who had took the Power as Might or as a tool to endorse yr say on others didnt have lasted longer after their adoption of this theory.
This 'Might is right' thing is the Law of the jungle in which is called the Law of the jungle where the lion is superior then other just because its stronger then other or is a carnivorous animal, then my friend we r all human beings not animals. That life n Law we have left far far behind. Now people will take u as evil it u think life that ,now as the people r getting more n more educated they r getting more n more civilized too as the education brings the awareness into the minds n broadens the mentality of the nations. If u now will not go with the passage of time or will not change yrself accordingly then u will be left alone in the world eventually like it is happening since the wars the more people n nations have against yr country then they r with u now.
What is this illustration Showing ?? A satellite Launch into Space is possible with this Missile? @Windjammer

It purports to show the sequence of war head separating from the main body or the rocket motor.
As for satellite launch, as Dr Samar said, you just add a meter of extension on Shaheen-2, and you have the launch vehicle.
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There you go guys.....first images of today's test.


Pakistan successfully conducted the training launch of Medium Range Ballistic Missile Hatf V (Ghauri) at undisclosed location on Wednesday

The nose appears different then the previous versions. Is it just the Paint job or those layers actually mean something?
The nose appears different then the previous versions. Is it just the Paint job or those layers actually mean something?

Yes, the lines/layers represent the components of the warhead. Recall the 2 wide Maroon sections separated by a white strip on the Shaheen-I missile's nose cone, in its first flight test. Internally, all previous versions were somewhat the same, in a red-painted nose cone.
The nose appears different then the previous versions. Is it just the Paint job or those layers actually mean something?

Probably some new coating or a new material used in making the cone. If I remember correctly DRDO did some changes with the nose coating in one of their missiles which helped in extending the range. So maybe it is something similar.
in case if you are hinting that Pakistan Copied DRDO a failed org than Dont troll Ok by saying that DRDO also did this! Troollll

Are Bhai.. Stay Cool...
All he meant was, Ghauri may have a Modified Nose Cone for Range Extension. Which was an answer to IceCold.
Oh well, here we go again. It's not the missile they are interested in, they are testing the effectiveness of the integrated launch control systems. Grrrrrrrrrr........ :blink:

because the missile itself is pretty pathetic..
The Ghauri is like the F-6 of missiles in Pakistan's inventory.. After all.. there is only so much you can do with the Nodong.
It also serves as the least costly test.
Rein in guys it's just a training launch..
Why even discuss such a disastrous scenario that will ONLY result in a few hundred million POOR people killed? Why does the Indo-Pak rivalry has to factor innocent lives into the equation in almost every discussion....promote peace and live respectfully next to each other. By nuking each other, you'll STILL be neighbors!! The geography doesn't change.

Also, there is no such thing as 'ONE' city from India and all Pakistan. If God forbid, the option is used...it'll be multiple cities / parts of the countries from both sides. No one fires a nuke at a nuclear power on one city to await a massive retaliation. The end result is doomsday, close to a billion people would die. So PLEASE. Keep your dickss in your pants and talk about Peace between you two. Unbelievable how casually lives of hundreds of million innocent people are discussed as if you guys were buying candy!

Nice Language.
Post Reported for Trolling.

PS : With All due Respect, Keep This Beautiful Forum Free from Your "Idotic/Unwanted Policing"
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