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HDI 2013 (Human Development Index)


Dec 25, 2010
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Canada dropped from 6th place 2012 to 11, i dont think that there is much of a difference between 3 6 11 in overall life experience.

Human Development Index - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I think Canada should have been atleast in the top 5 especially with the government recent job stimulus and plus our growth rate is reflective of that, however the yanks if you check out the northeast states like vermont/maine are definately not in good shape. Lets not even discuss the state of michigan or the bankrupt state like California.
The Human Development Report of
the United Nations Development
Programme (UNDP) for 2013,
released on Thursday, puts India’s
HDI value for the last year at 0.554,
placing it in the medium human
development category, which it
shares with Equatorial Guinea.

On the positive side, India’s HDI value
went up from 0.345 to 0.554 between
1980 and 2012, an increase of 61 per
cent or an average annual increase of
1.5 per cent.
Life expectancy at birth increased by
10.5 years, mean years of schooling
by 2.5 years and expected years of
schooling by 4.4 years.
Importantly, the gross national income
(GNI) per capita went up 273 per
cent, the report says.

Despite India’s progress, its HDI of
0.554 is below the average of 0.64 for
countries in the medium human
development group, and of 0.558 for
countries in South Asia.

Even on the Gender Inequality Index
— inequalities in reproductive health,
empowerment and economic activity
— India has been ranked 132nd
among the 148 countries for which
data is available. In India, only 10.9
per cent of the parliamentary seats
are held by women, and 26.6 per cent
of adult women have reached a
secondary or higher level of
education, compared with 50.4 per
cent of their male counterparts. For
every 100,000 live births, 200 women
die of causes related to pregnancy,
and female participation in the labour
market is 29 per cent, compared with
80.7 per cent for men.
As for the Multidimensional Poverty
Index (MPI), which identifies multiple
deprivations in the same household in
education, health and living standard,
India’s value averages out at 0.283, a
little above Bangladesh’s and
Pakistan’s. The figures for evaluating
MPI have been drawn from the
2005-06 survey, according to which
53.7 per cent of the population lived
in multidimensional poverty, while an
additional 16.4 per cent were
vulnerable to multiple deprivations.

Read full article here..

UNDP brackets India with Equatorial Guinea in human development index - The Hindu: Mobile Edition
I think Canada should have been atleast in the top 5 especially with the government recent job stimulus and plus our growth rate is reflective of that, however the yanks if you check out the northeast states like vermont/maine are definately not in good shape. Lets not even discuss the state of michigan or the bankrupt state like California.

HDI dont go there, they dont evaluate data that is relevant to long projections, they build index on data which is relevant to that year, what is it if there is one bankrupt town or two? it is not like USA gone bankrupt, this might be a trend but we will see in years to come


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