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Hinduism in China

There is still a heavy influence of Hinduism in south east asian countries like Thailand , Cambodia and indonesia. Their religion and beliefs are more a mix of Hinduism and Buddhism.

Thai people still worship Hindu gods like Indra, Vishnu, Ganesha and Rama.
Some contemporary Hindu symbolism in SE asia.

Public art at Bangkok airport

Public art in Java

Ramayana is till the most important epic in all these countries.

Chinese are the wrong people to comment about these topics as they are ashamed of their own ancient culture and wanted to destroy it during cultural revolution. They should stick to their present culture of achieving "harmony" by destroying individuality and free thinking.
The more i see these kinds of discussions particularly from 3-4 usernames the more i begin to feel that they are paid which i initially didnt think for the simple reason if you carefully monitor the discussions they try to make the discussion as unintelligent as possible by stupid nonsense comments which are of no value rather than having a sensible debate.

What a bloody waste of time..really makes me wonder what these high IQ guys do for a living.
And i also think that the Hindus hate the Buddhism, that's why now it is almost extinct in India. :coffee:
The guy is repeating 'rat rat rat' i each post as if it offends us.:laugh:

He doest know we have household cats in most homes and rat poison is a very hot selling item in India markets..

Well if there was a little bit of grey matter, at least i could have used the word mentally challenged , but that needs a bit of brain inside, right.
That's Crap.

The Europeans Retards were Abrahamics. Today's Islam is the Mirror of Christianity of Europe 200 Years Back. When they came to India, They could not Comprehend What Dharma, Karma, Vedas, Swastika, Bhagvad Gita meant. They were with the One Book, One God Mentality like Muslims Today. It was Out of their Intellectual Capability to Understand Pluralism of the Eastern Religions. They Messed it up and made names like Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, Shintoism. They made Rough and Wrong Translations to Show the White Man as Superior and Hence We got the Nazis and the Aryan Invasion Theory(Proven Wrong). White Man tried to Play a Bluff to Hide his Backwardness and Show his Superiority by the Nazi Scheme.

Good Post.

BTW I wouldn't waste my time for those who already have made their mind and OP with Hinduism (so called) bashing agenda.

Hindus do not invade other's lands illegally with some fictional books, stupid flags and artefacts in their hands. You can not convert a non Hindu to Hindu. A Hindu is, whose father is a Hindu. Absence of Hinduism in China means Hindu kings did not attacked China or Hindu population didn't migrated to China where they might have done mixing/mating with local population like they did in ASEAN.

The Irony is that its going against Hindus because the lack of clairvoyance by part of Hindu kings for not assuming that one day some rag tag troll (OP) will come out to ridicule Hindus for not contesting their might beyond South Asia and letting these food collector tribes live freely, swapping their spiritual moralities/religions with foreigner's cowardly every 50 to 100 years of time span.........So stupid of Hindu Kings, isn't it.
Chinese are the wrong people to comment about these topics as they are ashamed of their own ancient culture and wanted to destroy it during cultural revolution. They should stick to their present culture of achieving "harmony" by destroying individuality and free thinking.

This was about Hinduism in china not necessarily meant for Indians, wanted to hear Chinese Opinions not Indian, the cultural revolution is a forgotten page in china's history the 5000 years can never be erased, and no Chinese aren't ashamed of their ancient history it's alive and well today.
Dragon is our ancient symbol, we do take it as a spiritual strength, not actually believe it exists. :coffee:

Does not matter, superstitions are superstitions. Lets not try to tell each other how mine are somehow slightly better than yours. I can also tell you indians take spiritual strength from stone statues and don't believe the statue will come alive and help me in my exams... agreed???
Meh turned into a troll thread might as well tell the mods to close it.

What was your intention of starting the thread,may i ask?

When you liked that nonsense post of Raphael it proved your intentions to me.Those who seek knowledge dont like and appreciate crappy posts like that.

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