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Hinduvata Leaders and their BS

What a load of crack pot BS. We have someone openly trying to justify or defend in some way and extent these barbaric criminals.

Sting operation videos have been used by the FBI, CIA, Police Dept. (in USA, Can, UK, and other places) sting operation videos actually can reveal more about a person than a publicly broadcast interview when the interviewee is aware he must carefully censor himself in front of cameras.

The fact is he is openly admitting to the crimes, he has blood of innocent women and children on his hands this is not enough evidence to convict and punish him for the rest of his life? The fact that the Police stood down in the Gujarat massacre does not bother you? You don't see that as odd or suspicious? The fact that the Chief Minister of Gujarat Narendra Modhi who clearly turned a blind eye to the massacre and allowed the massacre to took place is not enough evidence?

Enough of your crackpot reasoning...

Sources to visit:

Tehelka, Gujarat Pogrom, Narendra Modi, Muslim massacre, | Indian Muslims

The Daily Mail - Daily News from Pakistan - Newspaper from Pakistan

SBS Dateline | Gujarat Getting Away With Murder

The case aganist him is still being heard in the court.And he is out on bail.

Its not that no riot cases were registered aganist him or the court absolved him of all the charges.The riot cases are still on and are being heard. .So stop pushing these half baked stories too hard.
"I Ripped Open a Pregnant Muslim woman's stomach...We showed Muslims what we are capable of..."-Babu Bajrangi, Leader of the Shiv Sena For 20 years he was also the Leader of India's official radical extremist BJP Party.

stupid ppl, right!

i agree.

they should go to jail and stay forever their.
by the way , it was done to hindus as well , when india was under mugal empire.
but still, i don't support all this.

this is just soooo stupid.


This dude shoul dbe hanged and killed forget jail! :angry:
Yeah......******* bastard......he should be stoned to death
You people have forgotton to say thanks to the daredavil reporter who tactfully got it out. And this tape will be the only evidence to hang the guy.

The Indians Journalist who conducted these interviews must be given respect and international recognition of this amazing piece of Journalism.

This is one of the best achievements of not only Indian Journalism but international Journalism (if only the World would be aware of this video).
The case aganist him is still being heard in the court.And he is out on bail.

Its not that no riot cases were registered aganist him or the court absolved him of all the charges.The riot cases are still on and are being heard. .So stop pushing these half baked stories too hard.

Oh stop pushing it too hard huh wat do u care not a concern for you ? look wat happend to her!:hitwall::angry:
The case aganist him is still being heard in the court.And he is out on bail.

It's crazy how it is even possible to bail out a genocidal maniac such as genocide criminal Babu Bajrangi. The fact that it is possible to even bail out a genocidal blood thirsty terrorist maniac says a lot about the Indian judicial system, law enforcement, and Indian government (both provincial and national).
:angry: He should be tied to a pole and blown up with RPGs. :angry:

People needs become humans before religious.
If there are any events in Indian history that make me bow my head in shame, they have to be the Babri Masjid demolition, the Sikh Riots and Godhra riots. Those were the times when many Indians forgot that they were human beings and committed atrocities that a man would shudder to imagine. No matter how much we defend ourselves the stains of those gory events can never be wiped clean. For any Indian with a conscience, these events will always haunt no matter how much we progress, no matter what power we become in the future. The least the people of India could do is stand up and demand speedy justice for those who were affected by these atrocities.

by the way , it was done to hindus as well , when india was under mugal empire.
but still, i don't support all this.

this is just soooo stupid.


Another baseless rumour :sniper:

So i take it as a Joke

or else, Prove it

but still, i don't support all this.


Another Harsh and racist comments by a Hindu i guess :guns:

The Truth: Gujarat 2002: Haresh Bhatt

"The Bomb Makers, We Made A Complete Rocket Launcher Here"

Transcript: HARESH BHATT

The Godhra MLA reveals how his firecracker factory made bombs that were then smuggled across the state

JUNE 1, 2007

Haresh Bhatt: Get rid of their lathis… teach them [the RSS] to use guns… Bajrang Dal members undergo arms training… I am the first in the whole country to run a warg [training module]… I formed the first warg in Gujarat in 1987… with seven young men…

TEHELKA: In ’87?

Bhatt: Yes, in ’87…The [Babri Masjid] demolition that happenedlater, I gave training for that too… Forty young men from across the country were brought here… I also trained Bajrang Dal activists here in Sarkhej, which created a ruckus later… Rajesh Pilot even said in the Lok Sabha that training was being given in Sarkhej... training in demolition…

TEHELKA: You mean of the Babri Masjid..

Bhatt: Yes. The training to demolish the Babri Masjid was given in Sarkhej in Ahmedabad.

TEHELKA: So Pilot raised this question…

Bhatt: Yes… And a CBI inquiry and all… went on here…

TEHELKA: Against you?

Bhatt: Me… against the instructors here... all of them.

Death worship Bhatt with the VHP’s Pravin Togadia

Bhatt: The training centre still exists…At the start, we gave them the same training they give in the army… judo, karate… rifle shooting… obstacle courses like in the army…
how to climb a 30-ft rope… bungee jumping… how to leap from one wall to another… all this in a 15-day training session… It still goes on… One session has just ended…

• • •

TEHELKA: When Godhra happened in 2002… now, Hindus hardly ever keep arms… so how then did they get weapons?…

Bhatt: I have my own gun factory… I used to make firecrackers… We made all the bombs there… Diesel bombs, pipe bombs, we made them there… and we used to distribute them from there as well… We ordered two truckloads of swords from Punjab… right here, in a village called Dhariya, we readied everything there… and then we distributed the samaan [arms]… At that time, the only thing was that the samaan was needed…

TEHELKA: Where did you get the arms from?

Bhatt:We got many country-made pistols… from MP, from UP… we got pistols from everywhere and I distributed them from here… I am talking about this for the first time…
nobody knew this secret.

TEHELKA: I know that Hindus do not keep weapons, apart perhaps from kitchen knives…

Bhatt:We distributed so many weapons that people were shocked to see how many there were… We would make them here and then test them... We made a complete
launcher inside a pipe, right here in the factory... It was a launcher from the side and had piping over that… chaar ki pipe lagaate the… after closing the entire hole we filled that
with shrapnel and nails... and beneath that placed a 595 bomb… We’d set it off… it would go through a wall nine inches thick…

• • •

TEHELKA: Hareshbhai, you were saying that you got arms from Kanpur, but there was curfew…

Bhatt: Why couldn’t they have been brought?… Anything can be brought.

TEHELKA: I was thinking that if curfew…

Bhatt: I got them from MP… I got them from Bihar.

TEHELKA: But how, when curfew was in force?

Bhatt: Things come, everything can come.

TEHELKA: If it came from other states, it had to cross borders…

Bhatt: That’s it… they would smuggle it… and it wasn’t just one trip that came for me… there were scores of them.

TEHELKA: Our government wasn’t even in power in Kanpur then…

Bhatt: No we weren’t… Nor were we ruling in MP.

TEHELKA: Not even in MP…

Bhatt: Not in MP… not in UP… not even in Bihar...

TEHELKA: So how could these consignments come?

Bhatt: Don’t ask me all this.

TEHELKA: But they did come…

Bhatt: Yes, they definitely came…You can ask [VHP treasurer] Rohitbhai… [about] the arrangements that were made… So many of our Hindus were dying, what was done?… These are the questions you should be asking…

TEHELKA: So only swords were brought…

Bhatt: No, he’ll tell you everything… I told you we made launchers… launchers with stands and with pipes this thick… in factories… We went to test them…

TEHELKA: You mean the rocket launchers…

Bhatt: Yes… we’d fill them with gunpowder… first fill them, close them, then light a 595 local-made to blast it all…

TEHELKA:Were these ever used?

Bhatt: So much was used in the border areas, that they were astonished at how it had all been transported.

TEHELKA:Were they used in Ahmedabad?

Bhatt: Yes... Ahmedabad… Rohitbhai will tell you…

Source: Tehelka:: Free. Fair. Fearless

Absolutely ground breaking discovery and very revealing Journalism.

I am in dismay...:tsk:
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The Truth: Gujarat 2002: Arvind Pandya

"Gujarat Advocate General Arvind Pandya claims the accused have nothing to fear from the Nanavati-Shah Commission"

For Full Transcript Go here: Tehelka:: Free. Fair. Fearless
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Gujarat Massacre planned and supported by Indian police

"Indian Police Off. 1: Don't Spare the Muslims.

Indian Police Off. 2: Already Police has gathered...

Indian Police Off. 1: Don't spare any Muslims in Dongri Area!

...Indian Police Off 1: F*** them!"

Government Sponsored Terrorism 1992 and Gujarat - Narendra Modi, Babu Bajrangi, Arvind Pandya, Haresh Batt, Ramesh Dave and mor arrenged in Gujarat. Thousand Muslims killed in Gujarat. Thousand Muslims killed in Nandigram. Thousand Christians killed in Orissa. Thousand Sikhs killed in Punjab. Malagav Bomb blasting. Babri Masjid Demolish ( all Hindus Terrorism - BJP, RSS, VHP, Bajrangdal - Bajrang Dal)
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"I Ripped Open a Pregnant Muslim woman's stomach...We showed Muslims what we are capable of..."-Babu Bajrangi, Leader of the Shiv Sena For 20 years he was also the Leader of India's official radical extremist BJP Party.

stupid ppl, right!

i agree.

they should go to jail and stay forever their.
by the way , it was done to hindus as well , when india was under mugal empire.
but still, i don't support all this.

this is just soooo stupid.

Nope, that never happened under Mughal Rule! The Mughals brought the most peace and tolerance to the sub-continent, as far as empires are concerned! You know nothing about history, just propaganda!
It's crazy how it is even possible to bail out a genocidal maniac such as genocide criminal Babu Bajrangi. The fact that it is possible to even bail out a genocidal blood thirsty terrorist maniac says a lot about the Indian judicial system, law enforcement, and Indian government (both provincial and national).

I agree...that this Bajrangi should be fed to the dogs/pigs.....This is not a human....I see an animal here...Maybe we should publicially neuter him...maybe he will understand the gravity of his actions!!

Judiciary in 3rd world countries is a tough cookie to crack....But to criticize Indian judicial system....Being a Pakistani...you cannot utter a word about our ways, else you should explain why Hafiz Saeed is out without a case against him, why LET, JUD, Jaishe Mohammed etc are operational or why Pakistan harbors a blood thirsty terrorist like Dawood who openly lives in Karachi and from what I hear is one of the most influential men in Pakistan??

Things like this happen on both sides of the border no need to make this India specific......
I agree...that this Bajrangi should be fed to the dogs/pigs.....This is not a human....I see an animal here...Maybe we should publicially neuter him...maybe he will understand the gravity of his actions!!

You are insulting animals. Please understand an animal's nature is not sadistic an animal does not kill to derive pleasure from it like Babu Bajrangi. An Animal kills to defend itself or for food and survival.

Babu Bajrangi is a blood thirsty non-human genocidal maniac.

"I agree...that this Bajrangi should be fed to the dogs/pigs."

You will only poison the animals...

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