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How I lost faith in multiculturalism

Its not true in Australia's case. Major chunk of Indian students here were doing vocational education course like hair dressing, cookery. Another chunk were doing Accounting in all sorts of shonky colleges/university tie ups.

Basically they were doing these courses to gain permanent residency as Australia had skill shortages in these areas. And once they got their residency they rarely stuck to their training areas. Many ended up doing odd jobs and few others decided to get proper education.

Its the same situation with pretty much all of the international (not just Indian) students here studying in these private colleges and TAFEs.

Well then , since you get the experience first hand there , could you further elucidate how these students gain the permanent residency in the first place ?
Is the Australian immigration system so lax ?
I think multiculturalism for the sake of it is bound to fail. It failed in europe.
Anyway, aussies, it is your country, you can decide whether you want outsiders or not. Nothing racist about that.
And you have the right to decide who should be allowed into your country.
I just read the title and did not bother with the rest...

Is it the same, we are superior the rest of the world is inferior kind of article?
Yeah... lets kill some more Indian students coz they are brown in color... This is what has been happening in Australia... Shameless attitude by a certain section of Australian society...

This white supremicism makes me sick literally...
Yeah... lets kill some more Indian students coz they are brown in color... This is what has been happening in Australia... Shameless attitude by a certain section of Australian society...

This white supremicism makes me sick literally...

I wont call it white supremacist, as Indians were living there peacefully before. Also only students are attacked mostly by teenagers, but professionals are not.
It will be too simplistic to attribute it to racism.
Yeah... lets kill some more Indian students coz they are brown in color... This is what has been happening in Australia... Shameless attitude by a certain section of Australian society...

This white supremicism makes me sick literally...

^ I don't think the attacks are simply motivated because Indian students are "brown". Surveys conducted by an Australian news network suggest majority of Australians have a "unfavorable" view of Indian migrants (I think I once posted that survey on here before). It seems Indian behavior there is found to be offensive, lewd, and unwelcome. These also must be factors to why some Indian students are being targeted. Also, some attacks may not be racially motivated at all.

There are other minorities Indonesians, Arabs, that also have "brown" skin tone and there doesn't appear to be any wave or trend of attacks on those students.
I wont call it white supremacist, as Indians were living there peacefully before. Also only students are attacked mostly by teenagers, but professionals are not.
It will be too simplistic to attribute it to racism.

Have you been to Australia? In 2008 a 41 years old Chinese immigrant who was a lecturer in Victoria University in Melbourne was beaten to death by a few teenagers. These guys originally thought of going out "curry bashing" (which meant assaulting and robbing an Indian) when they dined in MacDonald. But they ended up finding a humble Chinese guy who is a father of a 16 years old girl. Those teenagers smashed him in the head and robbed only $15 from his wallet. These teenagers served just two years in a youth detention centre after manslaughter. I believe they already came out into the society now and lived a happy life again.
1. We Australians killed 1 million baby girls in last 20 years(1 in 5 children is aborted)girls when our population is only 21 million. It would be wise if we stop this grusesome practice and give girls a equal chance to live and prosper
Abortion Rate in Australia - New Stats Show 91,000 Babies Killed Per Year | LifeSiteNews.com
(new stats shows 91,000 babies killed every year

2. Our crime rate is one of the worst in the world, rapes, murder, theft, loot, arson drug trafficking, child molestation, sex slavery,shop lifting, armed robbery, cyber crime and fraud.
Australian Institute of Criminology - Crime types

3. 6.3 million people or 30.1% of its population falls victim to crime each year; No#1 in the world
Total crime victims (most recent) by country

4. Australia has one of the highest Suicide rates in the world at position No#6
Suicide rates in ages 15-24 by country. Definition, graph and map.

5. To get the same number of interviews as an applicant with an Anglo-Saxon name, a Chinese applicant must submit 68% more applications, a Middle Eastern applicant must submit 64% more applications, an Indigenous applicant must submit 35% more applications, and an Italian applicant must submit 12% more applications.
Andrew Leigh MP - Home

6. 60 per cent of Australian adults and one quarter of children are classed as overweight or obese
More than half of all Australians are 'obese' - Telegraph

7. Three out of four Indigenous Australians experience racism in their everyday lives
Racism in Australia facts | ANTaR - Australians for Native Title and Reconciliation

8. Aboriginal people can expect to live up to twenty years less than non-Indigenous Australians
Aboriginal Life Expectancy - Average Aboriginal Life Today

9. Child sexual abuse and paedophilia; 1 in 3 girls and 1 in 7 boys is sexually abused in Australia.
eMJA: Child sexual abuse revisited

10. Why abroginal Australia lives in poverty??

11. Australia Racist Backward; American CEO, Sol Trujello
Sol Trujillo's parting shot: racist backward

12. Australian society; Too racist, The Age
Lifting the veil on our ingrained racism

13. Poverty In Australia;
Poverty in Australia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

14. Violence Against the homeless, more than 100,000 homeless
Violence against the homeless - On Line Opinion - 7/12/2009

15. Violence against woman; No 3 in the world (rapes)
Rapes (per capita) by country. Definition, graph and map.
double post... but i hope ^^^^ above you will like...

the real truth is always painful...
The west is using human right to shoot themselves in the foot.

Do you know why those islam terrorists/jihadists are so few in China?

The reason is very simple. If they dare to preach those garbages in China, we will make sure they will craw back to where they come from.

If they even think of or did anything harmful to us, we will make sure they pay dearly for their crime.

Was there any purpose to your post other than to vent an anti-Islam rant?
It may interest you to know that the exact same allegations against Muslims were levelled against Asian migrants in the 80s and 90s.

You have no idea what goes on in Australia. Everyone gets a level playing ground here in Australia. Its not like these trouble making Lebanese and Turkish groups aren't provided with free school education and highly subsidized Uni education like everyone else. They are not poor by any standards. They dwell in mansions and drive around in souped up cars, and collect dole money at the same time.

Why is it and Indian or a Chinese kid goes to a public school, gets into uni and does something productive in life, but these people go to the very same school and end up as scum of the society? Their thought process is, why bother studying for 5 years in Uni when you can mint money just by dealing drugs. When other ethnic minorities can fit into the society and be responsible citizens by going through the same system why can't these scum?

Any objective evidence of these claims other than your uncle told you so?

It's amazing how so-called moderate Indians show their true colors when egged on by other Indian trolls.
who told you that ? lol

Seems you haven't a clue about the whole hairdressing student fiasco. Read on if you want to understand what was going on in Australia.

True, what "skill" are those "students" bringing or acquiring? How many of them are earning Masters and Doctorate degrees? How many of them becoming professionals? (Rhetorical) It's certainly a charade a facade.

These 'students' have no skill, no money and no prospects. They found a loophole in the immigration system and the country was flooded with literally hundreds of thousands of Indian 'students'. It put a stress on the infrastructure, housing, jobs, everything. This was the cause of the so-called attacks on Indian 'students'.

I am not saying they are rich, but they are the more fortunate ones back in the country, thats how they manage to pay the agent and get on them boats.

No. The fortunate ones buy plane tickets to fly to Australia and lodge an asylum/refugee claim. The people in the boats scrounge together everything they have to escape.

Yup I do know, however you should go back and read my comment again. I was merely explaining why the "boat issue" is such a big deal for Aussies.

The 'boat issue' is only a deal for bigots who ignore facts and focus on demagoguery. The vast majority of asylum seekers arrive by plane and are not Muslim. A very small minority of asylum seekers arrive by boat and they are mostly Muslim. Tamils arrive by boat and plane.

This whole 'boat people' issue is a thin disguise for a campaign against Muslim refugees.

Yeah I can make your arguments sound twisted as well by quoting couple of sentences from a paragraph. Go and read the rest of it.

No, you can provide objective statistics from the police and welfare agencies to substantiate your claim. Otherwise, it is just a bigoted rant because 'your uncle told you so'.

Don't know why you are telling me this. But as long as these ^ skilled people can earn their livelihood and not commit any crimes I don't have any issues with them. Couldn't care less about what pretext they came here on. What I do mind is my tax money going to some drug dealer who lives in a mansion, drives a fancy car and claims center link benefits at the same time. I would rather have these parasites deported.

Bullcrap. The vast majority of these 'students' didn't even attend school and were, therefore, breaking the law. According to your own assertion that anyone breaking the law should be deported, all these Indian 'students' should be deported.
Its not true in Australia's case. Major chunk of Indian students here were doing vocational education course like hair dressing, cookery. Another chunk were doing Accounting in all sorts of shonky colleges/university tie ups.

Basically they were doing these courses to gain permanent residency as Australia had skill shortages in these areas. And once they got their residency they rarely stuck to their training areas. Many ended up doing odd jobs and few others decided to get proper education.

Its the same situation with pretty much all of the international (not just Indian) students here studying in these private colleges and TAFEs.

Wrong by a mile! Most international students are enrolled in legitimate courses, whether TAFE or uni, but the overwhelming majority of students in the sham hairdressing and cookery classes were Indian. Most of these 'students' rarely attended school and many of these schools didn't even have an oven or a hair dryer. The whole thing was a scam.

Indians were up to these same tricks in California, where they got busted. It is a very common tactic among Indians to enroll in sham schools to get a student visa as a stepping stone for migration.

Believe it or not, Australia doesn't have enough chef and hair dressers. So these "students" are actually bringing in skills on paper, but not many stick to these professions.

There is no shortage of hairdressers or cooks. Remember, these are not haute cuisine chefs we are talking about, but short order cooks. Are you telling me that any country, including Australia, cannot train its own hairdressers and short order cooks?
Multiculutralism in Australia is a complete failure, and everyone knows it.

What the supporters of multiculutralism try to do is put Multi-racialism and Multi-culutralism together so they can say "anyone who doesn't support multiculutralism is a racist" A country can be multi-racial but it can't be multi-cultural because it doesn't work.

Many different, and incompatible cultures can not exist in one place, it just does not work as been proven.
Multiculutralism in Australia is a complete failure, and everyone knows it.

What the supporters of multiculutralism try to do is put Multi-racialism and Multi-culutralism together so they can say "anyone who doesn't support multiculutralism is a racist" A country can be multi-racial but it can't be multi-cultural because it doesn't work.

Many different, and incompatible cultures can not exist in one place, it just does not work as been proven.

I do not against the non-multiculturalism in Europe, since they are the native in this land, so they have the right to defend their native culture and bloodline.

But Australia and North America weren't belong to the white europeans originally, so against multiculturalism is pretty much hypocrite and selfish.
Multiculutralism in Australia is a complete failure, and everyone knows it.

What the supporters of multiculutralism try to do is put Multi-racialism and Multi-culutralism together so they can say "anyone who doesn't support multiculutralism is a racist" A country can be multi-racial but it can't be multi-cultural because it doesn't work.

Many different, and incompatible cultures can not exist in one place, it just does not work as been proven.

Multiculturalism doesn't mean all cultures have to be equally prominent. The dominant culture should always be Australian, but there should be mutual respect for cultural traditions of migrants and vice versa. It goes without saying that any cultural practices that are incompatible with core Australian values should not be tolerated.
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