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How racists are Chinese?

I guess Indian people are just stupid, uncreative, and incapable of innovation right? according to your reasoning.

So let me be a stupid, uncreative and incapable Indian and ask you when is China bringing out a wonderful wearable computer that has entirely Chinese elements with no borrowings from American or British processor and OS designs ?

1, Now China still does not recognize the Taliban government, let alone begin to support them.

So without recognizing the Taliban China has somehow managed to arm it, have mining sites and have the Taliban visit China ? From a thread from yesterday :
China and Pakistan were the only states to maintain their ties with the Taliban after 9/11.

The group may even have received Chinese weapons, according to Small, and there were also suspicions that the Taliban intentionally avoided attacking Chinese infrastructure projects in Afghanistan. The copper mine at Aynak, near Kabul, had been untouched by the Haqqani Network since China secured extraction rights in 2007.
Moreover, China’s economic role in Afghanistan has been growing. It is now the country’s biggest foreign investor and appears keen to extend the Belt and Road Initiative there. True, Beijing’s investments in Afghanistan pale in comparison to those in Pakistan, for example, but an end to the war could pave the way for deeper involvement.
During a trip to Beijing, Taliban delegates were “visibly moved by technology that they told their hosts was inconceivable in Afghanistan because of war,” the New York Times reported. And economic issues were again discussed on the group’s recent visit to China, according to Rahimullah Yusufzai.
There will soon be more and more Chinese mining sites there with absolute collaboration with the Taliban.

2, China does not export values. We are not the Soviet Union.

Sorry but does China have values to export ? :)

3, China believes that each country has different actual conditions, and the people of each country should choose their own path, which is their right and responsibility. Foreign forces have no right to interfere.

So China arming the Taliban, politically and economically collaborating with them and arming the 1980's so-called Afghan Mujahideen was not interfering ?

So all Afghan's who reject the Taliban are sensible and all Afghans who support or neutral are implied as insensible?

How else ? And what is your acceptance of the Taliban ?

How is China interfering in Afghanistan? Are you fucking serious lololol.

Please read above.
So let me be a stupid, uncreative and incapable Indian and ask you when is China bringing out a wonderful wearable computer that has entirely Chinese elements with no borrowings from American or British processor and OS designs ?

So without recognizing the Taliban China has somehow managed to arm it, have mining sites and have the Taliban visit China ? From a thread from yesterday :

There will soon be more and more Chinese mining sites there with absolute collaboration with the Taliban.

Sorry but does China have values to export ? :)

So China arming the Taliban, politically and economically collaborating with them and arming the 1980's so-called Afghan Mujahideen was not interfering ?

How else ? And what is your acceptance of the Taliban ?

Please read above.

To tell you the truth, Chinese knew the news of this copper mine in 2008. PDF also has a post about this copper mine.

It's not just the Taliban protecting the copper mine, and the US military and the Afghan government are also protecting the copper mine. You can think the reason for yourself.

Instead of blaming the Chinese for having contact with the Taliban, ask the Taliban, Americans and Afghan government forces why they stopped fighting in this copper mine.

I can tell you that NATO troops are far more corrupt than you think.






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The vast majority of Chinese people think that eating with their hands is unhygienic. Is this racial discrimination?

Young Uyghurs seldom eat rice with their hands now. Chopsticks are usually used.

Frankly speaking, I think chopsticks is a good choice.
The vast majority of Chinese people think that eating with their hands is unhygienic. Is this racial discrimination?

Young Uyghurs seldom eat rice with their hands now. Chopsticks are usually used.

Frankly speaking, I think chopsticks is a good choice.
I feel vast Chinese people want to impose their way of life on other people and if they don't agree - Chinese will look at them barbarians?
- This is what I am feeling from this thread they're not racist, they are just like the desi aunty in a wedding
Judging the hell out of people and looking down if they are not following the culture they are accustomed to?
To tell you the truth, Chinese knew the news of this copper mine in 2008.

"Chinese" meaning ordinary Chinese citizens ?

PDF also has a post about this copper mine.

Link ?

It's not just the Taliban protecting the copper mine, and the US military and the Afghan government are also protecting the copper mine. You can think the reason for yourself.

Instead of blaming the Chinese for having contact with the Taliban, ask the Taliban, Americans and Afghan government forces why they stopped fighting in this copper mine.

I can tell you that NATO troops are far more corrupt than you think.

I know about the dealings of NATO with Taliban. The Taliban forced farmers to grow opium and sold it to CIA. And some years ago I read of Taliban being taken onboard US air force planes to the battlefields of Syria to fight alongside the "Syrian" "moderate rebels" against Assad's forces.

The vast majority of Chinese people think that eating with their hands is unhygienic. Is this racial discrimination?

Young Uyghurs seldom eat rice with their hands now. Chopsticks are usually used.

Frankly speaking, I think chopsticks is a good choice.

Eating with hands is natural. And why is it unhygienic ? Can't you wash your hands with soap before and after eating ? Eating even rice with chopsticks is ridiculous.
I feel vast Chinese people want to impose their way of life on other people and if they don't agree - Chinese will look at them barbarians?
- This is what I am feeling from this thread they're not racist, they are just like the desi aunty in a wedding
Judging the hell out of people and looking down if they are not following the culture they are accustomed to?

You don't need to drink hot water like the Chinese, but chopsticks are indeed better than your hands.
"Chinese" meaning ordinary Chinese citizens ?

Link ?

I know about the dealings of NATO with Taliban. The Taliban forced farmers to grow opium and sold it to CIA. And some years ago I read of Taliban being taken onboard US air force planes to the battlefields of Syria to fight alongside the "Syrian" "moderate rebels" against Assad's forces.

Eating with hands is natural. And why is it unhygienic ? Can't you wash your hands with soap before and after eating ? Eating even rice with chopsticks is ridiculous.

Yes, that's what ordinary people know. That's no secret. There are more news.

For example, some NATO countries pay protection fees to the Taliban to prevent their bases from being attacked by the Taliban. By the way, and this:
The girl's name is yakint Anne. She is the chief sergeant of the engineering corps of the seventh division of the American Ranger mountain division.
Some illegal websites in China even have videos of her having a special communication with a Chinese worker.


Use water and soap then to wash the hands. Before and after.

And lot of South Asian and West Asian dishes ( like biryani ) can't be eaten with chopsticks. Even eating them with spoon won't bring out the flavor as much as with hand. And how will you eat the below with chopstick ?

Use water and soap then to wash the hands. Before and after.

And lot of South Asian and West Asian dishes ( like biryani ) can't be eaten with chopsticks. Even eating them with spoon won't bring out the flavor as much as with hand. And how will you eat the below with chopstick ?

now that's just your villager side talking lol
Use water and soap then to wash the hands. Before and after.

And lot of South Asian and West Asian dishes ( like biryani ) can't be eaten with chopsticks. Even eating them with spoon won't bring out the flavor as much as with hand. And how will you eat the below with chopstick ?


This kind of food is also available in China, but it's not a regular meal, it's done by hand.

Chinese people mainly eat rice, noodles, dumplings, and use chopsticks.

Chinese people are actually not so enthusiastic about promoting their own culture, because China has always been a secular society, even if there are some official promotion projects now, they are forced by the outside world.

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