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In parting shot, Obama prods India on religious freedom

"India will succeed so long as it is not splintered along the lines of religious faith, as long as it is not splintered along any lines, and it is unified as one nation," he said in a townhall address to mostly young Indians.

There is nothing wrong in what he said!!
It is absolutely true.

Hinduvitas will ensure plenty of splinters occur.
India is known to telling big fat NOs whenever somebody tried to "influence" India.
Japan could not influrnce us against China.
US could not influence us against Russia.
We know where to draw the line.
Who? When ? How?? :undecided:

Then why does India not say no to Evangelicals funded by the US ? Why does India encourage US to ban our Chief Ministers and the "John Dayals" and "Kailash Satyarthi" to depose before the US Congress and make a case agaisnt India ?

Obama's speech embarrassed us as hosts and we still pretend as if nothing happened and even refuse to acknowledge the reality. Why did not the Govt. of India not issue an appropriate reply ?

It did not because that is the PRICE of doing business with the US. That is one of the COST. So get ready to start paying with our dignity and grow a Thick Skin.

This is why I never trust the US. Their foreign policy has been the worst for 50 years... I doubt they want India as a partner.

The US does not trust us either. The relationship is built on mutual needs and strategic realities.

US wants to draw us into a regional alignment that will safeguard their interests and India wants to involve US to create more strategic space to resist ever expanding Chinese threat.

The point is to discuss the COST of doing business with the US and be prepared for it.

Come on guys its time for conspiracy theories .

Truth is stranger than fiction.

"India will succeed so long as it is not splintered along the lines of religious faith, as long as it is not splintered along any lines, and it is unified as one nation," he said in a townhall address to mostly young Indians.

There is nothing wrong in what he said!!
It is absolutely true.

Cheer leader no 2. How many more ?
why sanghis upset over Obama preaching religious tolerance????

or they belief in "4 hindu babies" ideology ????

Obama didnt said anything wrong..

India will be India till we are religiously tolerant to all ..................otherwise we will turn like our some neighbours

We don't want foreigners interfering in our Internal affairs,please don't let the hate you have for certain people cloud your judgement on the issues of Sovereignty & Dignity of our nation
Cheer leader no 2. How many more ?

What kind of an idiot are you? What is there to cheer?

"India will succeed so long as it is not splintered along the lines of religious faith, as long as it is not splintered along any lines, and it is unified as one nation,"

Regardless of who has said it, what is wrong with this statement?? It is a cold hard fact, backed by an enormous history.
LOL. If you do not want foreigners interfering with our internal affairs why not say this to them, instead of me ? :lol:

I am pretty clear about what constitutes Sovereignty and Dignity of my Nation, are you ?

If there is nothing to cheer, why are you cheering Obamas obnoxious comment ? :cheesy: ......... its pretty clear who the idiot is.

A Certain "prophet" was a pedophile by modern standards and a mass murder and war lord.......... regardless of who has said it, what is wrong with this statement ? LOL.

I didnt quote you on this man,I quoted @Promethus
Then why does India not say no to Evangelicals funded by the US ? Why does India encourage US to ban our Chief Ministers and the "John Dayals" and "Kailash Satyarthi" to depose before the US Congress and make a case agaisnt India ?

Obama's speech embarrassed us as hosts and we still pretend as if nothing happened and even refuse to acknowledge the reality. Why did not the Govt. of India not issue an appropriate reply ?

It did not because that is the PRICE of doing business with the US. That is one of the COST. So get ready to start paying with our dignity and grow a Thick Skin.

what is the power of the spectacles you wear?? :coffee:
Dont you think you try to read too much between the lines???
I didnt quote you on this man,I quoted @Promethus

Sorry... corrected my mistake.

what is the power of the spectacles you wear?? :coffee:
Dont you think you try to read too much between the lines???

Obama said it so that the whole world can read between the lines and understand the message he is trying to send :lol:

That is why global media has picked up the "message" and published articles about it.

What is your IQ ?? :coffee:
Sorry... corrected my mistake.

Obama said it so that the whole world can read between the lines and understand the message he is trying to send :lol:

That is why global media has picked up the "message" and published articles about it.

What is your IQ ?

Happens no problem
India can expect more lecture from Obama, this just a start from Obama POV to Modi who still the boss in this relationship, morally India better toe the line with US morality.
India can expect more lecture from Obama, this just a start from Obama POV to Modi who still the boss in this relationship, morally India better toe the line with US morality.

"Yes, We Can" :D

It has nothing to do with morality, everything to do with US domestic politics and introducing leverage against another powerful nation.
"Yes, We Can" :D

It has nothing to do with morality, everything to do with US domestic politics and introducing leverage against another powerful nation.

Obama is on his way out of the white house, he don't need to play up US domestic politic to win election, Obama remind India who the dominant partner in India and US relationship, US know India need US to balance out China rise, in this relation India mostly benefit from US to counter China influence, India better play to her role and US take the lead, India offer no benefit to the US as this relationship construct.
Obama said it so that the whole world can read between the lines and understand the message he is trying to send :lol:

That is why global media has picked up the "message" and published articles about it.
So be it!!
Is that something new??
We should be used to it by now, by it I meant the bashing of foreign media. We 're still a country of snake charmers for 'em.
So yeah....I wasnt surprised.

Prajapati said:
What is your IQ ?? :coffee:

Going by the number of times I got you banned ...I will say its better than your's. :haha::haha:


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