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In suicide note, student blames Facebook comments

Do i need one when my family own one which i carry all time.
gun license is for a person. what you are doing is a criminal offense. if you advocate gun ownership, you should get one on your own.

and no government goes about distributing weapons to its citizens. they did their job by providing a legal framework of gun ownership.
kṣamā;3312273 said:
@ajtr: Damn give Indian gals a gun and pakistani gals a nuke !!! I really donn know how on earth did u manage to stay out of a mental institution ?? Or u are in one as we speak ?? :what:
im not demanding moon im just demanding a gun for self protection of girls.
Apparently, harassment of women in India is a huge problem, where as in Pakistan just looking at one can get you beat up by a mob.
let's not paint rosy pictures. female harassment is a core issue in the south asian region.
Apparently, harassment of women in India is a huge problem, where as in Pakistan just looking at one can get you beat up,by a mob.

And yet by an estimate I heard : a woman in Pakistan is raped every 3 hours ! Made my stomach turn knowing that, that on one hand if I were to go out onto the street and harass a women about 2 dozen brothers of her will sprout up from nowhere and beat the living out of me and yet we've got a darker side to our society as well ! And this is a dichotomy I do not like !
let's not paint rosy pictures. female harassment is a core issue in the south asian region.

India is a bigger and more crowded country. Of course you guys have more of a problem than us.
i'm really serious about this i never joke on women related topics.

Then may I say that your suggestion is beyond ridiculous ! Even if I were to look past the absurdity of handing out guns to women by the GOI, I've known enough women to know unequivocally so that at times their volatility, tantrums and recklessness makes us men look like the epitome of level-headedness !
You see the problem is in your dirty mind set cant get things right just use bloody force to deal with it
dirty mind...how can demanding right to self protection is dirty mind or thought.is it dirty coz it challenges men's bloated ego.
Then may I say that your suggestion is beyond ridiculous ! Even if I were to look past the absurdity of handing out guns to women by the GOI, I've known enough women to know unequivocally so that at times their volatility, tantrums and recklessness makes us men look like the epitome of level-headedness !

Giving a gun to a woman when it's that time of the month sounds like mistake.
how can demanding right to self protection is dirty mind or thought.is it dirty coz it challenges men's bloated ego.
we already have the legal framework to give that right to all citizens.
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