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India is a friend or foe of the Muslim world

India is friend of Muslim world

Only provided they don't go against us. Relations are a give-and-take. :)
Forget India being friend or foe of Muslim countries. Bigger question is.. are all muslim countries are friends or foes of each other?
As for me, India is not a friend or foe for my country. It is just a huge market that we can sell our products.
India has many things than we can admire and try to emulate. For example with all its faults, India is the largest democracy in the world and never had to suffer from a military takeover. That alone is something when all other South Asian countries have had military coups and/ or serious coup attempts (Sri Lanka in 1962).

Additionally, India has a tradition that all parties accept election results gracefully, unlike Pakistan where the losing parties always claim irregularities. India also has a very strong industrial base along with good education institutions and is the world leader in the IT field.

However, despite being a secular country; Indian society has a very large section of population which is vehemently Hindu and Hinduvta based. This has been evident thru the fact that BJP, a party with anti-Muslim and pro Hinduvta agenda had been in power for a number of years. Narender Singh Modi; responsible for the slaughter of thousands of Muslims in Gujarat riots; has been in power there for more than 10 years. There have been two Chief Ministers of Maharashtra belonging to Shiv Sena; a party openly advocates killing off or sending all Indian Muslims to Pakistan.

Even the Congress party has pro Hindu leaning. Can we forget that in the sectarian riots following the assassination of Indra Gandhi more than 10,000 Sikhs were killed in Delhi? Most of all is the repression of Kashmiri Muslims for the last 64 years!

India has successfully exploited the fact that India is home to as many Muslims as Pakistan and only second to Indonesia in the world Muslim population. In the Middle East India/Indians have more clout in all countries except in Saudi Arabia and Abu Dhabi.

As a Pakistani living abroad for many years and looking at India dispassionately as much as I can; my view is that India is no friend of the Muslims per say.

Best one can say in this regard is that India is a ‘Friend as well as Foe’ of the Muslims simultaneously.
^^^^ I beg to disagree on a lot of points...

BJP has been in power in many states in India...no incidents of communal violence. Being pro hindu doesn't qualified someone as anti muslim. They have nationalist views nothing to do with Hinduism. During BJP rule only one major riot too place in india in gujrat only when 59 karsevaks were burned alive by fanatics. Our Constitution and laws do not discriminate between hindu and non hindu...all have equal rights.

And as far as Narendra modi is concerned you tell me..how many riots took place in gujrat after 2002 ? Not a single incident....

Narender Singh Modi ??
Its Narender Modi .
He isn't even a upper caste Hindu ,he belongs to a backward caste though not the dalit caste.@nia

Also tell us is Iran a friend or foe of the Sunni Muslim world ?

Or Is pakistan a friend or foe of the muslims living in Xingyang ,china ??
With all due respect to those who vote India is a foe, I would like to say no India is a friend if we know how to make of her a good friend, we have a long history with India plus India is staying there not going to move so we need as Muslims to get her as one of our best friend and especially Pakistan should end the cold war with India since that war is not in her favor especially economically.
India is not friend of Pakistan. Indian desperately want to weaken Pakistan , so they get free economic passage to other side of world, plus secured their water resources. But...........
^^^^ I beg to disagree on a lot of points...

BJP has been in power in many states in India...no incidents of communal violence. Being pro hindu doesn't qualified someone as anti muslim. They have nationalist views nothing to do with Hinduism. During BJP rule only one major riot too place in india in gujrat only when 59 karsevaks were burned alive by fanatics. Our Constitution and laws do not discriminate between hindu and non hindu...all have equal rights.

And as far as Narendra modi is concerned you tell me..how many riots took place in gujrat after 2002 ? Not a single incident....

About 58 or 59 Hindus were killed at Godhra, in retaliation BJP/VHP activists with Narender Modi’s blessing killed 3,000 Muslims and destroyed thousands of Muslim owned businesses making nearly 80,000 Muslims homeless.

To top it all the butcher Modi is still the Chief Minister of Gujarat. How can there be any riots in Gujarat? People are scared stiff that next time Modi will kill 30,000 Muslims. Understand Modi is planning to ‘Fast’ as a remembrance for the karsaveks, what about the innocent Muslims who were killed in revenge?

Let me remind you of the National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) Controversy. NCERT is an organisation set up by the Government of India to assist and advise the Central and State Governments on academic matters related to school education. NCERT publishes books that are used in government and private schools across India that follow the CBSE curriculum.

There have been charges of an attempted "saffronized" rewriting of Indian History (i.e., make lessons consonant with the Hindutva). Allegations of historical revisionism with a nationalist agenda arose in two periods, under the Janata Party government 1977 to 1980, and again under the Bharatiya Janata Party government 1998 to 2004.

Understand that BJP/VHP also wanted to change the definition of secularism. BJP is a coalition of the parties that assassinated Mahatma Gandhi for being too soft on Muslims.

I admire the fact that Indian Constitution treats all Indian Citizens equally. There have been four Muslims Presidents (Zakir Hussein, Mohammed Hidyatullah, Fakhruddin Ali Ahmad & Abul Kalam) and one Sikh (Zail Singh). That fact that a large section of Indian population supports BJP/VHP/Shiv Sena indicates that many Indian Hindus do not do so in practice.

I repeat India is a friend and foe of the Muslims combined into one.
With all due respect to those who vote India is a foe, I would like to say no India is a friend if we know how to make of her a good friend, we have a long history with India plus India is staying there not going to move so we need as Muslims to get her as one of our best friend and especially Pakistan should end the cold war with India since that war is not in her favor especially economically.

You sort out your own issues we know Indians better than you. We do not need you to tell us about Indians
About 58 or 59 Hindus were killed at Godhra, in retaliation BJP/VHP activists with Narender Modi’s blessing killed 3,000 Muslims and destroyed thousands of Muslim owned businesses making nearly 80,000 Muslims homeless.

Your figures are wrong.

According to an official estimate, 1044 people were killed in the violence – 790 Muslims and 254 Hindus including those killed in the Godhra train fire.
India is not friend of Pakistan. Indian desperately want to weaken Pakistan , so they get free economic passage to other side of world, plus secured their water resources. But...........

yes india's main aim is to get access to afghan and iran where we want to invest more than 50 billion doll. but tell me one reason why this will make pakistan weaker???
About 58 or 59 Hindus were killed at Godhra, in retaliation BJP/VHP activists with Narender Modi’s blessing killed 3,000 Muslims and destroyed thousands of Muslim owned businesses making nearly 80,000 Muslims homeless.

To top it all the butcher Modi is still the Chief Minister of Gujarat. How can there be any riots in Gujarat? People are scared stiff that next time Modi will kill 30,000 Muslims. Understand Modi is planning to ‘Fast’ as a remembrance for the karsaveks, what about the innocent Muslims who were killed in revenge?

Let me remind you of the National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) Controversy. NCERT is an organisation set up by the Government of India to assist and advise the Central and State Governments on academic matters related to school education. NCERT publishes books that are used in government and private schools across India that follow the CBSE curriculum.

There have been charges of an attempted "saffronized" rewriting of Indian History (i.e., make lessons consonant with the Hindutva). Allegations of historical revisionism with a nationalist agenda arose in two periods, under the Janata Party government 1977 to 1980, and again under the Bharatiya Janata Party government 1998 to 2004.

Understand that BJP/VHP also wanted to change the definition of secularism. BJP is a coalition of the parties that assassinated Mahatma Gandhi for being too soft on Muslims.

I admire the fact that Indian Constitution treats all Indian Citizens equally. There have been four Muslims Presidents (Zakir Hussein, Mohammed Hidyatullah, Fakhruddin Ali Ahmad & Abul Kalam) and one Sikh (Zail Singh). That fact that a large section of Indian population supports BJP/VHP/Shiv Sena indicates that many Indian Hindus do not do so in practice.

I repeat India is a friend and foe of the Muslims combined into one.

Following on from what you said Sir I put up the following thread


from comments from Indians on it it is clear that some Indians support it without knowing what it is about whilst other secular Indians state that it is a group of racist thugs. Read the Indian comments and make come to your own conclusion.

This also convinced me that we have a small very vocal minority of fanatics but religious parties never get more than a few per cent votes in Pakistan BJP actually is one of the largest parties in India so they have more devoted to religous parties.

One other thing Modi could not get a visa for perceived human rights violations it would appear if you look at the Modi threads on the forums that many in India support him and want him to lead India
Following on from what you said Sir I put up the following thread


from comments from Indians on it it is clear that some Indians support it without knowing what it is about whilst other secular Indians state that it is a group of racist thugs. Read the Indian comments and make come to your own conclusion.

This also convinced me that we have a small very vocal minority of fanatics but religious parties never get more than a few per cent votes in Pakistan BJP actually is one of the largest parties in India so they have more devoted to religous parties.

One other thing Modi could not get a visa for perceived human rights violations it would appear if you look at the Modi threads on the forums that many in India support him and want him to lead India

aryan bhai, this is not the biggest threat to india growth. there are other things which are way more imp. dw we r dealing with them. stop reading these articles, to make ur life easier.
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