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India Kashmir vs Pakistan Kashmir

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India occupied Kashmir vs Azaad Kashmir

1 Indian occupied Kashmir.

2 Azaad Kashmir

Kindly check this cheap comparison thread on Kashmir.
Lady without burqa,na..I don't believe it.Have you seen our dangal girl who is a kashmiri Muslim
Terrorism has killed the Tourism of Kashmir .
All development and Money goes to Kashmir . Pro Indian Jammu people get Chuci hui Guttli :p:
I am from Srinagar and who can better reply to you. Whatever economy we have it is all due to indigenous efforts. The great Sufi Saint Hazrat Amir Kabir Mir Syed Ali hamdani (ra) brought many crafts from Persia to Kashmir whether it is world famous handicrafts,paper machie, walnut wood craft or many other crafts. It forms a major component of our economy. Secondly we have horticulture which again is indigenous development and tourism which is the bounty bestowed by Almighty.
You have not allowed us to export our produce directly to international markets by disallowing cargo planes to land at Srinagar airport which is only a name sake international Airport with no international flights. We have huge resources of medicinal plants which we can't develop due to the occupation. Even after 70 years we have 12 hr load shedding everyday. The roads even in srinagar are worst in the world . you deliberately infused corruption in my state otherwise your occupation would end in a week. Your Army and BSF is looting our forests by cutting our green gold. Even after 70 years we don't have drainage system.
And about HDI, it would go up if you only leave us alone coz you are hindering our developement.
If you have business and you are not doing well then it is your problem.

I know many Kashmiri muslims who have some ..... business i will not mention here, and earning in lakhs. They have good contacts abroad specially in europe and middle east and no govt. has stopped them from doing business.

Now their children are settled in middle east and enjoying luxarious life and expanding their business. They happen to live in one of the posch areas of delhi and visit srinagar on monthaly basis for business purpose.

Another family I know, which has home near Lal chowk , they have good textile Business specially in pashmina and there is big demand of it.Those who are sane they are earning good because they k ow the consumership is in india more than Pakistan and with indian passport it is easy to have an american or schengen visa which is not in tje case of Pakistani passport.
Unfortunately and I am sorry to say you are one lazy person sitting at home and bitching about the government because people like you do not want to do hard work and then blame government of supressing the locality for your own failures.
If you were sensible enough you would have availed the opourtunity to do business.

Of course we cannot create another financial capital like mumbai in Jharkhand or Patna because every place has its own importance.

And secondly if we had allowed you to cut trees and roam in the mountains and protected aeeas then people like you would have destroyed all flora of the belt. Govt. Is not fool and believes in sustainable development of himalayan region. Let the green energy flourish and then you may ask permission from govt.
Everything is done stepwise. This is India not Pakistan.
First of all it is fallacious to assume that "occupied" Kashmir is a province of Pakistan, legally it is not, I'll explain why. My observation is that India has treated Kashmir with far better than Pakistan.

I'll try to cover as many dimensions as possible. Any omission is not out of an intent to distort information but out of ignorance. Please bring it to attention and it shall be added/amended.

Territory:India: Recognizes the whole original territory of the princely state of Jammu and Kashmir as a part of Kashmir. All of that territory under Indian control is administered by the Jammu and Kashmir government.

Pakistan: Administers its area of control as two separate states Azad Kashmir (13,297 km sq) and Gilgit-Baltistan (72,971 km sq). In 1963 it gave the Trans-Karakoram track (5,181 km sq) to China under the Sino-Pakistan Agreement.

India: India legally views Kashmir as a state in it's Union where it enjoys special autonomy and has its own official flag and constitution. The first government of Jammu and Kashmir was an emergency government with of Sheikh Abdullah as the Prime Minister.[1] It was formed on 30 October 1947. The first free democratic elections were held in the state in 1951. [2] In August 1953 Sheikh Abdullah was dismissed from his post and then prosecuted and jailed for on charges of conspiracy. [3]

The constitution of Kashmir was drafted by a body of elected members came into force on 26 January 1957. [4] In 1965, it was amended, and the offices of prime minister and president were renamed chief minister and governor respectively. [5] There have been several allegations of vote rigging in the past. Some instances have been notable such as the Assembly elections of 1987 that sparked insurgency. [6] However recent elections have been relatively untainted and the assembly elections of 2014 saw record turnout which may be seen as a sign of returning voter confidence. [7]

Jammu and Kashmir has a bicameral legislature with Legislative Assemblyand Legislative Council. It must be noted however that the Union Government of India has no representation in either and does not nominate any members. So Kashmiris have effective control of all aspects of their governance other than Defence, Foreign Affairs, Communication. This is legally guaranteed by the Article 370 of Indian constitution. [8] More importantly, the state of Jammu and Kashmir sends representatives to the parliament of India that thus they have a stake in the running of the country. The J&K assembly also has 25 seats which always remain vacant because they are reserved for representatives from "Pakistan-occupied" Kashmir. [9]

Pakistan: Pakistan considers the whole of Jammu and Kashmir state as disputed territory so it's legal status is confusing. Article 257 of the Pakistani constitution says that the relationship of J&K with Pakistan can be only formalized if the former joins Pakistan. [10] So technically the fundamental human rights of Kashmirs there are not guaranteed as they are not citizens. Here it is also important to separate Azad Kashmir and Gilgit-Baltistan as there is vast differences in their governance.

Azad Kashmir
Azad Kashmir is categorized as an "autonomous" region but the term is misleading. [12] The practical functioning of the autonomous Azad Kashmir is dictated by the Interim Constitution Act 1974. [13] This act, however, was drafted by the Pakistani Government. The act provides the basic structures for a self governing state but that is illusory as the Pakistani government can dismiss the AJK government irrespective of the support it may enjoy in the AJK Legislative Assembly.

Also it creates two centres of power the Azad Kashmir Government in Muzaffarabad and the Azad Kashmir Council in Islamabad. The Prime Minister of Pakistan is the head of the Kashmir Council and this council, not the Government of AJK, is in true control of AJK and it maintains a firm grip on AJK. [13]

The first democratic elections in AJK were held in 1970. Before that the "state" was run by a war council and later by certain other representative systems. The Government of Pakistan also maintains a direct control of Defence, Security, Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade, Currency and Coins. [14] People from AJK have no elected representative in the Pakistani parliament.

Before August 2009 the area of Gilgil-Baltistan was treated as a de factodependent territory. As a federally administered territory it was directly controlled by Northern Area Council headed by Pakistan's Minister for Kashmir Affairs. [15] Post 2009 it has a de facto "autonomous" province-like status but it is not a province of Pakistan. It currently has a Chief Minister and Governer. [16]

However as is the case with AJK this region is also in firm control of the Federal Government of Pakistan. The Gilgit-Baltistan Council is the effective power in the state and it too is headed by the Prime Minister of Pakistan. And similar to AJK Council out of the 12 member of the council six are nominated by the Pakistani Prime Minister. [17]

While the economic figures on the Indian side of the LoC are easy to come by there aren't any official economic data on the west of the border. In absence of thereof the best we have are estimated figures from unbiased sources. All the data in this section are from this report. Note that I could not find data on Gilgit-Baltistan.

Indian J&K
GDP: $15.2 billion
Population: 12,548,925
Total Deposits: $8.8 billion
Total Loans: $3.03 billion

Pakistani AJK
GDP : $3.2 billion
Population: 4,000,000 (estimated)
Total Deposits: $3.6 billion
Total Loans: $97.3 million [Typographic error? More likely 0.973 billion]

I shall refrain from making comments as economics is hardly my subject so I provided the figures please draw your own conclusions.

Human Development Index:
Again, as with the Economic figures data is hard to come by for Pakistani Kashmir.

Indian J&K
HDI: 0.529 [18]
All India: 0.586

Pakistani AJK and Gilgit-Baltistan
HDI: Unknown
All Pakistan: 0.537 [19]

I think this point needs to be stressed. Even though India, and Jammu and Kashmir fare pretty badly on the HDI scale the thing is, on the Pakistan side of the LOC it is very difficult to find any human development data at all. This raises a big question on the quality and intent of governance in that region. Also worth noting is that even though below the national average the HDI of J&K is above 13 other Indian states.

Both sides have had a pretty bad track record with human rights issues but this answer is already very long.
India occupied Kashmir vs Azaad Kashmir

1 Indian occupied Kashmir.

2 Azaad Kashmir

Kindly check this cheap comparison thread on Kashmir.
Um that girl is from Karachi her name is Sumbal Iqbal and she was an actress in drama Nelum Kinarey this girl Bano Rehmat is real Kashmiri from Muzzafarabad just saying
This is real AJK :D
First of all it is fallacious to assume that "occupied" Kashmir is a province of Pakistan, legally it is not, I'll explain why. My observation is that India has treated Kashmir with far better than Pakistan.

I'll try to cover as many dimensions as possible. Any omission is not out of an intent to distort information but out of ignorance. Please bring it to attention and it shall be added/amended.

Territory:India: Recognizes the whole original territory of the princely state of Jammu and Kashmir as a part of Kashmir. All of that territory under Indian control is administered by the Jammu and Kashmir government.

Pakistan: Administers its area of control as two separate states Azad Kashmir (13,297 km sq) and Gilgit-Baltistan (72,971 km sq). In 1963 it gave the Trans-Karakoram track (5,181 km sq) to China under the Sino-Pakistan Agreement.

India: India legally views Kashmir as a state in it's Union where it enjoys special autonomy and has its own official flag and constitution. The first government of Jammu and Kashmir was an emergency government with of Sheikh Abdullah as the Prime Minister.[1] It was formed on 30 October 1947. The first free democratic elections were held in the state in 1951. [2] In August 1953 Sheikh Abdullah was dismissed from his post and then prosecuted and jailed for on charges of conspiracy. [3]

The constitution of Kashmir was drafted by a body of elected members came into force on 26 January 1957. [4] In 1965, it was amended, and the offices of prime minister and president were renamed chief minister and governor respectively. [5] There have been several allegations of vote rigging in the past. Some instances have been notable such as the Assembly elections of 1987 that sparked insurgency. [6] However recent elections have been relatively untainted and the assembly elections of 2014 saw record turnout which may be seen as a sign of returning voter confidence. [7]

Jammu and Kashmir has a bicameral legislature with Legislative Assemblyand Legislative Council. It must be noted however that the Union Government of India has no representation in either and does not nominate any members. So Kashmiris have effective control of all aspects of their governance other than Defence, Foreign Affairs, Communication. This is legally guaranteed by the Article 370 of Indian constitution. [8] More importantly, the state of Jammu and Kashmir sends representatives to the parliament of India that thus they have a stake in the running of the country. The J&K assembly also has 25 seats which always remain vacant because they are reserved for representatives from "Pakistan-occupied" Kashmir. [9]

Pakistan: Pakistan considers the whole of Jammu and Kashmir state as disputed territory so it's legal status is confusing. Article 257 of the Pakistani constitution says that the relationship of J&K with Pakistan can be only formalized if the former joins Pakistan. [10] So technically the fundamental human rights of Kashmirs there are not guaranteed as they are not citizens. Here it is also important to separate Azad Kashmir and Gilgit-Baltistan as there is vast differences in their governance.

Azad Kashmir
Azad Kashmir is categorized as an "autonomous" region but the term is misleading. [12] The practical functioning of the autonomous Azad Kashmir is dictated by the Interim Constitution Act 1974. [13] This act, however, was drafted by the Pakistani Government. The act provides the basic structures for a self governing state but that is illusory as the Pakistani government can dismiss the AJK government irrespective of the support it may enjoy in the AJK Legislative Assembly.

Also it creates two centres of power the Azad Kashmir Government in Muzaffarabad and the Azad Kashmir Council in Islamabad. The Prime Minister of Pakistan is the head of the Kashmir Council and this council, not the Government of AJK, is in true control of AJK and it maintains a firm grip on AJK. [13]

The first democratic elections in AJK were held in 1970. Before that the "state" was run by a war council and later by certain other representative systems. The Government of Pakistan also maintains a direct control of Defence, Security, Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade, Currency and Coins. [14] People from AJK have no elected representative in the Pakistani parliament.

Before August 2009 the area of Gilgil-Baltistan was treated as a de factodependent territory. As a federally administered territory it was directly controlled by Northern Area Council headed by Pakistan's Minister for Kashmir Affairs. [15] Post 2009 it has a de facto "autonomous" province-like status but it is not a province of Pakistan. It currently has a Chief Minister and Governer. [16]

However as is the case with AJK this region is also in firm control of the Federal Government of Pakistan. The Gilgit-Baltistan Council is the effective power in the state and it too is headed by the Prime Minister of Pakistan. And similar to AJK Council out of the 12 member of the council six are nominated by the Pakistani Prime Minister. [17]

While the economic figures on the Indian side of the LoC are easy to come by there aren't any official economic data on the west of the border. In absence of thereof the best we have are estimated figures from unbiased sources. All the data in this section are from this report. Note that I could not find data on Gilgit-Baltistan.

Indian J&K
GDP: $15.2 billion
Population: 12,548,925
Total Deposits: $8.8 billion
Total Loans: $3.03 billion

Pakistani AJK
GDP : $3.2 billion
Population: 4,000,000 (estimated)
Total Deposits: $3.6 billion
Total Loans: $97.3 million [Typographic error? More likely 0.973 billion]

I shall refrain from making comments as economics is hardly my subject so I provided the figures please draw your own conclusions.

Human Development Index:
Again, as with the Economic figures data is hard to come by for Pakistani Kashmir.

Indian J&K
HDI: 0.529 [18]
All India: 0.586

Pakistani AJK and Gilgit-Baltistan
HDI: Unknown
All Pakistan: 0.537 [19]

I think this point needs to be stressed. Even though India, and Jammu and Kashmir fare pretty badly on the HDI scale the thing is, on the Pakistan side of the LOC it is very difficult to find any human development data at all. This raises a big question on the quality and intent of governance in that region. Also worth noting is that even though below the national average the HDI of J&K is above 13 other Indian states.

Both sides have had a pretty bad track record with human rights issues but this answer is already very long.
Literally that whole article can be summed up as a pile of shit.

No wonder it is distinctly Indian.
And soon there will be metro in Kashmir. Which is not even in Pakistan forget pakistan occupied kashmir.
I live in Punjab, near the AK border. I have made countless trips into AK. Mirpur, Bimber.. etc... Never have i felt i was in a foreign land.. Nor did I ever come across armed forces. People in AK live peaceful lives, many live abroad and are very well off.

Azad Kashmiris hate India more than anyone.
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Um that girl is from Karachi her name is Sumbal Iqbal and she was an actress in drama Nelum Kinarey this girl Bano Rehmat is real Kashmiri from Muzzafarabad just saying
This is real AJK :D
Bhai apne to bajadali.
Bhai apne to bajadali.
Kahan baja di just correcting one mistakr btw I am from AJK so I am ore than enough to refute all propoganda against Pakistan and Azad Kashmir
We Azad Kashmiris are Pakistanis we dont have any soft corner for India nor do we wish to join India we are happy here here we celebrate our festivals freely while in IoK even Eid prayers are banned
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