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India must respect Vienna convention on Italy envoy's immunity says EU

hang the ambassador. we aint gonna die if EU wont do business with us.

EU is one of the largest trade partners for India

and whats the point in having worlds third largest army, missiles and nukes if we can get scared of NATO or
a tiny country like italy.

All those military resources are for defending India not scaring others and besides NATO is battle-proven C4ISR military, though they lack American level of power projection.

are we seria or some tiny middle eastern nation?

The need of the hour is to think with the organ between one's ears not with the organ between one's legs

Italy has breached trust here and India should make them pay.

We declare the Italian diplomat Persona non grata and freeze contacts until resolution of this issue.

Technically, its neither hurts India or Italy as both are mutually of litte value to eachother.
hang the ambassador. we aint gonna die if EU wont do business with us. and whats the point in having worlds third largest army, missiles and nukes if we can get scared of NATO or a tiny country like italy. are we seria or some tiny middle eastern nation?

One good thing about Indian system howsoever broken is that it's vetting system is so strong due to pressure of population that retards, who would make a decision like you would not come even within the sniffing distance of Power.

Thankfully Competition would root out the ultra stupid from bureaucracy.

Going to war with EU or breaking relations over this stupid episode?????????

I don't know whether to feel angry or sorry over this.Probably this is the reason why TV channels like times now which are nothing but elaborate shouting match are so popular in India.

@Syama Ayas you have exactly put what i wanted to say in more elaborate words,something which i was not able to do due to anger after seeing people talking about nukes and war over this.
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And you have every right in the world to be angry,what the italians did was pure treachery but insisting on having their ambassador detained will hurt India more than Italy,it will give the italians just cause in the eyes of the world:"look at this indians,they can't respect international laws how can we trust that our marines will get a fair trial in that country?".Severing ties with them,exposing to the world their lies will hurt them more politically and economically in the long run,you don't need to risk the reputation of your nation for this,let the italians loose theirs,by acting like this you're practically forcing the EU to step in ,you're doing the italians a huge favour,they'll play the victim card.
As far as this case goes,I can even relate to you on an emotional base as an american marine killed in a traffic accident a very popular singer in my country.He was shipped to the US for trial where he was aquited even though there were tapes prooving him guilty for the accident.The public outrage was enormous.He died a few months later in an accident,so I guess destiny has a funny way of catching up with you.

Just to answer your question buddy, how can INDIANS be trusted , just by acknowledging the fact that we cared for the emotions of those two ITALIAN bastards and allowed them to go CHRISTMAS and then again for casting vote. The question is how can we trust double faced ITALIANS? Do you have an answer? Hope not.
so trying to act smart when we know that your brain is not larger than a pea, GDP in terms of PPP, India stands third.

according to IMF, the economy stood at 4.7 trillion dollars in terms of PPP

You sneaky little vixen,I see what you did there but we're talking about the one that counts,the nominal GDP.
India first cheated Italian marines when Indians assured Italians that we are just asking Italian marines to come on land and record their statement but instead you arrested them. If Italians cheated you than it was simply a pay back. Why so much crying from indian side now?

Do the same with American drone operators. You can't, pity on you......hehhehehehehe
No,it's not a saturated economy,european economies deal with crisis on a cyclical basis,they get hurt,they come back,end of story,it happenned before you know.

Ofcourse there won't be a war,wtf?? When did I mention war? No,you're not demanding anything right you can't keep a ambassador hostage and that's a given.France has a lot more money to loose offending Italy than what it gains vis a vis India,trust me,and the whole EU won't allow one its members to be treated in complete defiance of international law ,it could have been the bulgarian ambassador and the results will be the same.

Yes,I think the expulsion of the ambassador is the right thing to do after he did,and probably Italy will pay economically and politically in regards to India for she dis but beeing part of a civilised international community means you have to play by the rules or beeing sent to a nasty corner with zimbabwe,n koreea and iran.

I'm sorry but numbers proove you wrong,please come back and discuss when you can have actual facts behind your stories:wave:

ahh. the little f.vcks trying to put us in a nasty corner,eh??? if you f.vcks had any balls, stop hiding behind the EU and do it on your own. talking about Italy as some 'great power' and than hiding behind another group of nations for support and security,only Italians will do this.
I've been reading the italian press today and they seem to think that India tricked the marines in coming to shore and so,you never had the right to detain them in the first place,thus making their promises null and void.They're angry to at the way you're handling this so I'm not sure exactly who's in the wrong here.

Even if they felt that, does it equate to deliberately deceiving the highest judicial institution in India? In any case, as far as I'm concerned, what is done is done. India must make it's displeasure known by booting out the Italian ambassador (& quickly), , downgrading ties by cutting off all high level contacts & not allowing the Italians to replace their ambassador any time soon & further by disallowing Italian companies from bidding/tendering on any government contract in India. That should do.
so trying to act smart when we know that your brain is not larger than a pea, GDP in terms of PPP, India stands third.

List of countries by GDP (PPP)

according to IMF, the economy stood at 4.7 trillion dollars in terms of PPP

The world is one market and nominal tells you how much value an economy produces as agreed upon by the whole world.

PPP is useless here.
You sneaky little vixen,I see what you did there but we're talking about the one that counts,the nominal GDP.

among the one that counts, you are not even counted as economic power you little worm, i don't know what kind of retarded things they teach you in your schools, but listen to me, no one here gives a f.vck to your pu$$y nation. seriously, I'm amazed to see you little f.vcks talking big here, do it in the open,we will spit you in your face, no one,just no one here gives a f.vck p.ussy to your nation

The world is one market and nominal tells you how much value an economy produces as agreed upon by the whole world.

PPP is useless here.

actually it was nominal GDP that was thought to be limited and in some cases useless to measure the true economy, to over come this,PPP was brought in.
Why are people discussing economy here? Can we let it go if Italy is stronger economically than India(which it obviously is)? This is not the first time Italy has deceived us. Remember quatrocci ?
Even if they felt that, does it equate to deliberately deceiving the highest judicial institution in India? In any case, as far as I'm concerned, what is done is done. India must make it's displeasure known by booting out the Italian ambassador (& quickly), , downgrading ties by cutting off all high level contacts & not allowing the Italians to replace their ambassador any time soon & further by disallowing Italian companies from bidding/tendering on any government contract in India. That should do.

And that's the corect way to go ,fight them on honest economic and political ground but refrain from these silly antics as detaining a officiall ambassador,stupid remarks as "tiny,poor country", or even the most laughable I've heard such as "hang,jail him!":what:...what are you,a mob of lybians storming the american embassy?
among the one that counts, you are not even counted as economic power you little worm, i don't know what kind of retarded things they teach you in your schools, but listen to me, no one here gives a f.vck to your pu$$y nation. seriously, I'm amazed to see you little f.vcks talking big here, do it in the open,we will spit you in your face, no one,just no one here gives a f.vck **** to your nation

actually it was nominal GDP that was thought to be limited and in some cases useless to measure the true economy, to over come this,PPP was brought in.

You are not helping in having a rational discussion.
among the one that counts, you are not even counted as economic power you little worm, i don't know what kind of retarded things they teach you in your schools, but listen to me, no one here gives a f.vck to your pu$$y nation. seriously, I'm amazed to see you little f.vcks talking big here, do it in the open,we will spit you in your face, no one,just no one here gives a f.vck **** to your nation

actually it was nominal GDP that was thought to be limited and in some cases useless to measure the true economy, to over come this,PPP was brought in.

PPP matters only for transactions done within the country.For everything else nominal GDP matters.

You are not helping in having a rational discussion.

Rational discussion was booted out of window,a long time ago.

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