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India offers to resume talks with Pakistan



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Jan 13, 2010
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India has offered to resume official talks with Pakistan that were suspended after the bomb attacks on Mumbai (Bombay) in 2008.

An official in Delhi told the BBC that India had proposed talks involving the two country's foreign secretaries.

Pakistani officials are reported to be seeking clarification on the content.

However, foreign minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi said Pakistan would welcome the move if it led to the resumption of a "comprehensive dialogue", Reuters said.

India blamed Pakistan-based militants for the attack on Mumbai in November 2008 in which more than 170 people died.

Indian media, quoting government officials, reported on Thursday that the offer to resume talks included all relevant issues, including terrorism.

No suggested date has been made public.


India had already raised hopes of fresh talks when it announced that its home minister, P Chidambaram, would attend a regional co-operation group meeting in Pakistan later this month.

He will be the most senior Indian official to cross the border since the Mumbai attacks.

India and Pakistan began a formal dialogue in 2004 on a range of issues, including the long-running dispute over Kashmir.

But India suspended the talks after the attack on Mumbai.

The BBC's Chris Morris in Delhi says there is still much suspicion between the two sides, but there seems to be a willingness on the part of both governments to move forward.

Any thaw between the two countries would be welcomed abroad - particularly by the US, Britain and other countries who have troops in Afghanistan fighting against the Taliban, our correspondent adds.

Better relations between Delhi and Islamabad are seen as a vital element in any broader regional settlement.

Link! - BBC News - India offers to resume talks with Pakistan

hope relations get normalized...........:cheers:
India should commit to talks EVEN IF terror attacks upon India resume, while keeping silent about possible Indian responses to such things. That would be the surest deterrent to future attacks.
I don't see the point in "talking" till Pakistan stops the proxy war and stops the logistical support and destroys the infra of the terror organizations within it's borders. Pointless talking to people who can't control the country they run period
India should commit to talks EVEN IF terror attacks upon India resume, while keeping silent about possible Indian responses to such things. That would be the surest deterrent to future attacks.

India shouldn't talk at all.. Not now, nor when the terrorist attacks resume.. Our netas have already done a lot of talking, And now our media is doing its part.. We Indians are fed up of all these talking.. Our SARKAAR has been talking to them for 6 decades now.. Is there still anything left to talk about?.. The guys in the Big building on the Raisina hills must be one hell of a GUPPBAZ lot..:blah:

Honestly, we should walk the Israeli path and shed this show-off of our Gandhian Values.. The next time they show their interest to support their favorite FREEDOM FIGHTERS again, we should quietly send in some more money-orders to the freedom fighters in SWAT and FATA.. :sniper: That would do the trick better than talking and talking and talking forever:cheers:

I don't see the point in "talking" till Pakistan stops the proxy war and stops the logistical support and destroys the infra of the terror organizations within it's borders. Pointless talking to people who can't control the country they run period

This may be a reason of concern. But then look at Afghanistan. Hamid Karzai has no full control, still nations deal with him. It is the intention that matters most. Pakistan, till it drops its anti-India sentiments, has nothing concrete to offer with regard to peace in the region.

India and Pakistan need to understand each other by means of people to people contact and that needs to continue without disruption. However, that cannot happen in the shadow of terrorist threats. Pakistan can collaborate with India in this regard with actions such as - sharing real time intelligence, preempting any possible terrorist attack, nabbing those responsible for attacks, and so on. India on the other hand could offer to a time-bound resolution of disputed issues, if the relations remain positive.

Even though GoP may not be having full control, but it can show, through its actions, that its intentions are not hostile.
I don't see the point in "talking" till Pakistan stops the proxy war -
The theory is that progress on the political front - in my ideal, seeking peaceful competition between India and Pakistan for Kashmiris' affections - will encourage the dismantling of the terror networks by the current GoP. If India continues to stall, that will rob Pakistanis of their hopes for a peaceful resolution and thus encourage future terror attacks - or at least greater Pakistani militancy.
The theory is that progress on the political front - in my ideal, seeking peaceful competition between India and Pakistan for Kashmiris' affections - will encourage the dismantling of the terror networks by the current GoP. If India continues to stall, that will rob Pakistanis of their hopes for a peaceful resolution and thus encourage future terror attacks - or at least greater Pakistani militancy.

How have past Indo-Pak talks prevented terror attacks in India? In fact most terror attacks have happened when relations between the two countries were improving and talks were set for expansion.
Peace talks could not even prevent the Kargil war.

Curiously our present government seems to have forgotten the Kargil war and what took place prior to it.
The theory is that progress on the political front - in my ideal, seeking peaceful competition between India and Pakistan for Kashmiris' affections - will encourage the dismantling of the terror networks by the current GoP. If India continues to stall, that will rob Pakistanis of their hopes for a peaceful resolution and thus encourage future terror attacks - or at least greater Pakistani militancy.

India has been down that road numerous times, if we go back in time, you will realize its never worked well (for India at least), its infact left India's peace initiative back-stabbed and pointless.

The need for peace always shows up after India stops talking (always after India is attacked), never spoken when jihadis are pushed into Kashmir.

The point I want to make is, after so many terrorist attacks, and after taking a stance, why the sudden need for a talk?? For once, hope India sticks to its stance and continues to ignore Pakistan!

Just for the record! there hasn't been a serious terrorist incident in India since Mumbai. All is well !!
This may be a reason of concern. But then look at Afghanistan. Hamid Karzai has no full control, still nations deal with him. It is the intention that matters most. Pakistan, till it drops its anti-India sentiments, has nothing concrete to offer with regard to peace in the region.

Very true.. Couldn't agree more..

India and Pakistan need to understand each other by means of people to people contact and that needs to continue without disruption.

Brother, Indians and Pakistanis are no different people that promoting tourism would help us understand each other better.. We already know each other way too well.. We face similar problems and we have shared centuries of common heritage.. Is it that difficult to believe that 64 years ago they lived with us, just next door.. The very people who intend to nuke us today, years ago used to share recipe for pickles and would dance in each other's marriages and festivals.. We separated because they couldn't live with us.. And in a way they were correct, no hard feelings.. The wounds of partition, of leaving thy neighborhood runs very deep..

We are more like estrangled brothers than born enemies when it comes to people to people level..

I am not talking about old brotherhood and that we should unite again and BLAH BLAH.. I live in the present.. What I want is to make clear is that we are one race of people living in different countries.. But still we actually know each other very well.. We already know that the common man in Pakistan who works hard for his family doesn't give a damn about Kashmiri freedom fighters.. For him, it must be more bewildering that if they can be so close to china who are culturally alien to them, why not India with whom he shares not only many a languages but also the warmth of the knowledge that once upon a time, we were one..
Nothing can delink this human to human relation between the people.. Wether we talk or not at state level doesn't make any difference at people to people level..

However, that cannot happen in the shadow of terrorist threats.

It has happened in past, and with the soft leadership we have at hand.. It will happen in the future too.. Our besharam netas just love to act quisling..

Pakistan can collaborate with India in this regard with actions such as - sharing real time intelligence, preempting any possible terrorist attack, nabbing those responsible for attacks, and so on.

Who? Pakistan? Don't you think it would be like asking the murderer himself to help in the investigation to nab him??:pop:

India on the other hand could offer to a time-bound resolution of disputed issues, if the relations remain positive.

Accept the fact.. There is no peaceful resolution on board.. No party will leave one inch of its soil.. Its a case of status quo.. And we will have to live with that.. India wont leave an inch and Pakistan wont accept LoC as permanent.. Back to square one..:wave:

Even though GoP may not be having full control, but it can show, through its actions, that its intentions are not hostile.

Been waiting for that mate.. Been waiting for a long long time.. Still no light ate the end of tunnel..:angel:
I am not talking about old brotherhood and that we should unite again and BLAH BLAH.. I live in the present.. What I want is to make clear is that we are one race of people living in different countries.. But still we actually know each other very well.. We already know that the common man in Pakistan who works hard for his family doesn't give a damn about Kashmiri freedom fighters.. For him, it must be more bewildering that if they can be so close to china who are culturally alien to them, why not India with whom he shares not only many a languages but also the warmth of the knowledge that once upon a time, we were one..
Nothing can delink this human to human relation between the people.. Wether we talk or not at state level doesn't make any difference at people to people level..

Do you not know how much hate some Pakistanis have for India and do you not know how much hate has brewed up in Indians after all these years of terrorist attacks? I am talking about clearing that hatred in an environment where conversations can happen. Otherwise, both nations are moving towards some very torrid days.

It has happened in past, and with the soft leadership we have at hand.. It will happen in the future too.. Our besharam netas just love to act quisling..

I do not think it would be so easy now to launch another terrorist attack in India. The netas now know that the situation thereafter can spiral out of control, in ways they cannot imagine.

Who? Pakistan? Don't you think it would be like asking the murderer himself to help in the investigation to nab him??:pop:

It would be naive to consider the whole establishment as an individual. The establishment changes with changing environment, and the environment is built by the people. If people press for peace, there will indeed be peace. That is why mutual understanding and trust between the people of both nations is imperative.

Accept the fact.. There is no peaceful resolution on board.. No party will leave one inch of its soil.. Its a case of status quo.. And we will have to live with that.. India wont leave an inch and Pakistan wont accept LoC as permanent.. Back to square one..:wave:

Yes, it definitely seems so. But lets keep our fingers crossed, and try and hope for the best.
How have past Indo-Pak talks prevented terror attacks in India? In fact most terror attacks have happened when relations between the two countries were improving -
That's my point! The way things are now, terror attacks give the militants political leverage to stop improving relations. That's why declaring that talks will continue no matter what will de-fang attacks - except against the negotiating principals, perhaps.
The point I want to make is, after so many terrorist attacks, and after taking a stance, why the sudden need for a talk??
Call it ignorance, but I'm thinking that this time it could be different - especially if India shows a wee bit of flexibility politically, rather than sticking to its maximum demands. Pakistanis are now, more than before, against terrorism.
Nahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.. I think I'll pass I got stuff to do at night ... :coffee: how about 2020, I am dating this hot girl called Nato very european don't have time for India now , but will call you 2020
Nahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.. I think I'll pass I got stuff to do at night ... :coffee: how about 2020, I am dating this hot girl called Nato very european don't have time for India now , but will call you 2020

Wow.. You are dating a European girl.. Gud for you..
I am getting to date an American, two Korean, a Japanese, a nasty English and many more exotic lasses from around the world:smitten:.. Will later decide upon who is the hottest one of all for me:woot:.. But let me first deal with the Chinese dada first..:pop:

You see I got sooooo much work to do, and my netas are still insisting me to resume gossiping with pakistan.. I am just sooooo busyyyy.. I Don't have all that time.. not even by 2020.. We could try that in the next century though..:angel:

C ya then..:wave:

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