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India slips seven positions to 101 in Global Hunger Index 2021, lags behind Pakistan, Bangladesh and Nepal

They see ISI everywhere.

Do you know all products in India have ISI written on them? No kidding. The level of brainwashing is real.




Please show these great findings to the ghost of this reverse-migrating laborer woman who died of hunger at Muzzafarpur railway station during the start of last year's lockdown. She died because she didn't have money to buy food. Show those findings to this starving man in Rajasthan who also last year had to resort to eating the carcass of a dog killed on a highway. He did that because he didn't have money. Watch the vid in the article. There will be so many such stories in India. Are these all Chinese propaganda ? Everything in India needs money, money being an artificial construct yet it deciding everything here. These tweeters and the people in the Indian government should have some shame.

Greece is just Afghanistan but in Europe with nice beaches and tourism. It would be another Syria if it weren't for Europe.

I am curious. What about Syria ?
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India produces 3x less food than China, has equal population, yet is food surplus country???

India must be a truly spiritual land inhabited by spirits who need no food
That's even worse, since it means that India is using it's land foolishly as it still produces 3x less food with more arable land.

Amid virus & trade wars, China forced to buy rice from India, India News News | wionews.com
Please show these great findings to the ghost of this reverse-migrating laborer woman who died of hunger at Muzzafarpur railway station during the start of last year's lockdown. She died because she didn't have money to buy food. Show those findings to this starving man in Rajasthan who also last year had to resort to eating the carcass of a dog killed on a highway. He did that because he didn't have money. Watch the vid in the article. There will be so many such stories in India. Are these all Chinese propaganda ? Everything in India needs money, money being an artificial construct yet it deciding everything here. These tweeters and the people in the Indian government should have some shame. And you provide tweets of fools who retweet criminals like Kapil Mishra and criminal media agencies like OpIndia ? What a sad reflection on you.

I am curious. What about Syria ?
Greece is just another Afghanistan and Syria.:



This is one of the lucky Greeks, he has no food or home but has a drink of water.

In December 2020, China purchased 100000 tons of Indian rice from India at the price of US $300 / ton (FOB), the rice is used to make feed.

BTW: Chinese people are not used to eating Indian long grain rice, so all the rice imported from India is used to make feed or liquorn.

Indian rice lacks stickiness, which is not in line with Chinese eating habits.
This is Chinese rice:


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Indian Nationalists will be very upset if they know about their country's Hunger Index ranking
Not free for all things.

1. You are not the first one to use the "Lazy" argument. LOL. So you will instead prefer people to die of avoidable hunger and disease or commit suicide ? More than 350,000 Indian farmers committed suicide just between 1995 and 2015 because of socio-economic reasons. This tragedy could have been easily avoided. You would prefer tragedy over harmony ? Below are some of my threads :

2. Please read this post onwards.

1. What is bankruptcy within a country ?

2. To generate external-based income or to do exchange India has mined materials, agriculture products, finished goods, human services etc.
So instead of 3,50,000 suicides in 20 years, you want millions of Indians to be killed in a single year a la holodomor.
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