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#India tests Naval Ballistic Missile Defence system successfully

Did it the actual target or is someone gonna lose their job - yet again.

Kinda hard keeping up with the Indian Military f-ups.
Seeing you @ss on fire, it can be concluded that it did hit the target successfully.
In all the excitement you forgot the letter 'r' in 'your'. I guess you must be like during the height of climax.

Take a step back & choose you words carefully. Don't worry, this [PDF] - we won't ban you for such responses.
but youR @ss was on fire, was not it?
It'll take a whole lot more that '@$$ on fire' comment to get the best of mine.

I think my first comment is what led you to respond with the '@$$ on fire'.


We're not the one who asked your Battery Commander to shoot down your own Mi17.

We didn't ask you two BAE Hawks to crash into one another during AeroIndia.

We didn't tell your guys to "accidentally" fire a BRAHMOS into Pakistan & then apologize for it publicaly.

Not did we tell your Mirage 2000 & Su-30MKi slam into one another.

Don't know 'bout my sexy @$$ - but you guys have some how managed to top yourselves every year with one major f-up after another. You guys are certainly on fire.

I wonder what ya'll do for an encore...
Yes Indian Navy is nothing in front of Chinese Navy they have submarine launch ballistic missiles at their arsenal

team gangu got their triad covered

team gangu got their triad covered
Hahaha you have only 3000 km range and still in a development and testing phase

China have jl3 with a range of 8000 to 10000 km in range that means they will attack India to at China's local water or from South Pacific
Hahaha you have only 3000 km range and still in a development and testing phase

China have jl3 with a range of 8000 to 10000 km in range that means they will attack India to at China's local water or from South Pacific
china can defeat us

but same way

we can defeat you

ha ha

ha ha

ha ha

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