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Indian Army ready to execute orders on taking back Azad Kashmir, says top general

Rann of Kutch assault prior to the 1965 war? You made an entry and got your *** whooped.
This narrative changing business wouldn’t work.
Read about Op Gibraltar. Pakistan launched it to capture Kashmir but celebrates the war as defence day. It was sold to Pakistani population as an unprovoked attack on Pakistan that wasn’t expected as per the superior staff work by planners in your Army.

Kargil was launched by Gen Musharraf and his coterie of few generals. Same old wine in new bottle that Mujahideen are attacking India. PA has nothing to do with it. The soldiers who were sent on this Kamikaze mission weren’t even acknowledged for few years.
Your PM went running to Clinton to save face. Good part? Musharraf tried his best to convince Nawaz to go to US to save his face. Keep 50% or 100% figure in your pocket. People who know about the events leading to Kargil would laugh on people like you.

Before you blame biased media, read what Air Commodore Kaiser Tufail has to say about your Kargil victory.

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This narrative changing business wouldn’t work.
Read about Op Gibraltar. Pakistan launched it to capture Kashmir but celebrates the war as defence day. It was sold to Pakistani population as an unprovoked attack on Pakistan that wasn’t expected as per the superior staff work by planners in your Army.

Kargil was again launched by Gen Musharraf. Same old wine in new bottle. Mujahideen attacking India. The soldiers who were sent on this Kamikaze mission weren’t even acknowledged for few years. Your PM went running to Clinton to save face. Good part? Musharraf tried his best to convince Nawaz to go to US to save his face. Keep 50% or 100% figure in your pocket. People who know about the events leading to Kargil would laugh on people like you.

Before you blame biased media, read what Air Commodore Kaiser Tufail has to say about your Kargil victory.

We learned from mistake Look at this result :


:laughcry: :laughcry: :laughcry:
download (1).jpg

India blew up its own helicopter while trying to target Pakistani jets, killing 7 – report​

Exactly. Even one of your senior members was talking about selling some of your land (again). I'm just a common Indian but I believe that we would be willing to buy you out of this non ending conflict instead of making a Ukraine out of you. Eventually remember. Pakistan is going to increasingly desertify and your growing population is going to be unsustainable with regards to basic food or water. It will not be pretty. Our planners know it. Human waves no army on earth can stop. Do you know the power of women when their children's lives are on the line? You can go the route of mutual destruction or you will eventually have to make peace with us. Coz China does not control your water. We do.

@Areesh Let's get real brother. You think we are not watching closely your country. You think if tomorrow your powers eventually come to an arrangement to cede control of GB and AK to India, your docile qaum will be able to do anything but cry and lament on Twitter and You Tube? You think we have not noticed Balochistan and Taliban and Iran attacks? You think we missed your response to our jets entering your airspace? Your response to our ballistic missile crossing your airspace and hitting your soil? Let's get real brother. You will not be happy. But you will eat that and stay in your homes. Like always. Like you did when your elected PM was ousted. Or when the Americans crossed your airspace and took out Bin Laden just miles from your military academy.

@HRK what is the meaning of that negative cross?
You can try your luck and see for yourself what you get and what you don't and i am not saying anything more than that.

This narrative changing business wouldn’t work.
Read about Op Gibraltar. Pakistan launched it to capture Kashmir but celebrates the war as defence day. It was sold to Pakistani population as an unprovoked attack on Pakistan that wasn’t expected as per the superior staff work by planners in your Army.
Pakistan launched an operation in a disputed territory vs India launched attack at IB in 1965. There is truth to why we call it defense day.
Pakistan launched an operation in a disputed territory vs India launched attack at IB in 1965.
Dispute didn’t allow anyone to attack the disputed territory. There was status quo and peace at that time. It was sheer miscalculation of an easy victory that prompted PA to launch the opertaion. There are multiple accounts that say that Pakistan Army was taken aback by Indian decision to open other fronts. Since, Pakistan initiated Op Gibraltar and didn’t achieve the objectives it is seen as a failure and a loss. It had the initiative and choice of time and place which was miscalculated.
Militarily yes, it was considered a stalemate by most experts unlike claim by both the sides of a thumping victory.

Starting a war at own choice and ending up defending its biggest city isn’t a reason of celebration to me. Soldiers who thwarted the Indian attack did so bravely and I commend them for that.
Claim of victory rests with higher ups and that is what I dispute.
Dispute didn’t allow anyone to attack the disputed territory. There are multiple accounts that say that Pakistan Army was taken aback by Indian decision to open other fronts. Since, Pakistan initiated Op Gibraltar and didn’t achieve the objectives it is seen as a failure and a loss. It had the initiative and choice of time and place which was miscalculated.
Militarily yes, it was considered a stalemate by most experts unlike claim by both the sides of a thumping victory.

Starting a war at own choice and ending up defending its biggest city isn’t a reason of celebration to me. Soldiers who thwarted the Indian attack did so bravely and I commend them for that. Claim of victory rests with higher ups and that is what I dispute.
My point was that Kashmir was an open ground for both sides (Read disputed) while Lahore was not a disputed territory by any means hence the difference between the two.
You can try your luck and see for yourself what you get and what you don't and i am not saying anything more than that.

A recent shocking statistic quoted by bald hawk Hijaz Elahi says that 40% young Pakistanis are desperate to leave the country. Does that sound like a population that is going to bleed and die for it?
A recent shocking statistic quoted by bald hawk Hijaz Elahi says that 40% young Pakistanis are desperate to leave the country. Does that sound like a population that is going to bleed and die for it?
You have all the stats with you and you paint a picture of Pakistan that heavily favors Indian designs and here i am saying again that why don't your govt try and see how well their plan is executed!

I had a bet with one of the Indian OSINT guy (Frontalfire) who said in 2019 that by march 2022 GB and AJK would be part of India but here we are.
You have all the stats with you and you paint a picture of Pakistan that heavily favors Indian designs and here i am saying again that why don't your govt try and see how well their plan is executed!

I had a bet with one of the Indian OSINT guy (Frontalfire) who said in 2019 that by march 2022 GB and AJK would be part of India but here we are.

We will have to see how things pan out. I'm a observing man more than a betting man. I'm also aware that wars are not won and lost on defence forums. The chaos in Pakistan doesn't faze me either. I remember Benazir killing days and the decade of bomb blasts. I think resolution will come through thirst, hunger, complete despair, and money. No blood.
This narrative changing business wouldn’t work.
Read about Op Gibraltar. Pakistan launched it to capture Kashmir but celebrates the war as defence day. It was sold to Pakistani population as an unprovoked attack on Pakistan that wasn’t expected as per the superior staff work by planners in your Army.

Kargil was launched by Gen Musharraf and his coterie of few generals. Same old wine in new bottle that Mujahideen are attacking India. PA has nothing to do with it. The soldiers who were sent on this Kamikaze mission weren’t even acknowledged for few years.
Your PM went running to Clinton to save face. Good part? Musharraf tried his best to convince Nawaz to go to US to save his face. Keep 50% or 100% figure in your pocket. People who know about the events leading to Kargil would laugh on people like you.

Before you blame biased media, read what Air Commodore Kaiser Tufail has to say about your Kargil victory.

Then again you also just changed the narrative from the rann of kutch assault to operation Gibraltar.

Both of them failed for the nations that launched ultimately leading to India outright declaring war on Pakistan by pushing past the IB and launching a 3 pronged attack against Pakistan. All 3 assaults were stopped dead, Sialkot assault was cut in half (literally), the Lahore assault faltered on the first day of the war (read what Harbaksh Singh has to say about that) and the Sindh assault made little to no ground. You can make as many claims as you want but the reality is, India performed miserably against Pakistan, a nation smaller in terms of land mass and military size.

With 1999 Kargil, I'm pretty sure it was Commnader Aul that was begging for a ceasefire only to later betray by launching a surprise attack against the Pakistani troops which were pulling back from their positions (as per the agreement), which led to India losing 6 peaks, of which out those 6 peaks, 4 are still retained by Pakistan today. As for casualties...you can't talk. You really can't. You took the higher casualties. Much higher
We will have to see how things pan out. I'm a observing man more than a betting man. I'm also aware that wars are not won and lost on defence forums. The chaos in Pakistan doesn't faze me either. I remember Benazir killing days and the decade of bomb blasts. I think resolution will come through thirst, hunger, complete despair, and money. No blood.
Ha !
1 billion indians half of them live in severe poverty with no toilets. and india wants azad kashmir plz stay away i dont want tatti all over the road here in azad k.
Well, India will divert water in a phased manner. Like boiling a frog.
Doesn’t matter - there are red lines and then things will start exploding in India simultaneously. Forcing India to react and then bringing it all to the nuclear option.

Unfortunately, you are stuck with Pakistan as much as they with you.. either play nice or lose most of what you have
Yaar you did not dump it. You were just born into it. Most of you. Except that neoconvert @Englishman . I use the term Hindu or Hindi or Hendi in the way the world does. Not in the religious polarised way Indians Pakistanis and Bangladeshis do. Unless you are Pashtun or Baloch and therefore primarily Iranic, you are and will always be Hindu.


We belong the the Abrahamic tradition and follow the guidance of the prophets, upon them be peace. From Moses, to Jesus and finally Muhammad PBUH. You can follow your many idols.

We'll enjoy the holy water of ZamZam, that gushed forth to assist prophet Abrahams family.

Whilst you can dip in the river gangees all day long, the personification of Ganga.


Read my paragraphs carefully

You feel uncomfortable but I've just given a balanced account....

Come to Islam dear brother. You will be happier. You will be welcomed to the brotherhood.

A good friend of mine from uni is an ex Hindu (pharmacist). I can provide you his details if you want?

PS people prefer to be associated with a set of values and principles rather than a demographic area. One is nationality whilst other is faith. And that's what we are talking about.
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say what?
A lot of muslims live in my area and guess what we've been coexisting just fine and there's nothing of the sort as you state in your comment
In a country of 1 billion people its easy for certain segments to be swayed by opportunist politicians who play them on religious grounds most just want to live their daily life.

You may be a good guy and there are many. But please fool someone else with this "co-existence" drama. Go check out Hyderabad, that used to be a Muslim city generally speaking rich in Muslim culture and heritage. Check out big Muslim areas disappearing slowly and steadily and turning into Hindu settlements if you will, where Muslims aren't welcome much (not saying they get killed there, but being scared to go is one form of other's religious supremacy). Same goes for Mumbai and many other areas, I can build a list with examples. Just because people don't have exposure to India on here, doesn't mean you guys can constantly shove "India has great co-existence" anthem down our throats. India would be better of being a Republic PRE Modi times.

Northern Army Commander Lt General Upendra Dwivedi on Tuesday said the Indian Army is ready to execute orders like taking back Azad Kashmir.

He TRULY wants to see the Chinese population and area grow by 100% very quickly!

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