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Indian family steals accessories from Bali hotel, caught by staff. Viral video shocks Internet

Ofcourse, I cannot claim to speak for my country, my views are my own, in the same vein those who defend deplorable acts only defend their own views why conflate that to represent the entire country?

I've seen posts here by members calling for actual genocide and dismemberment of my country, in no way does that equate to their comity values or a projection of the proud nation they are born in.
and you did not see any Indian Posts desperately want to see Pakistan break into pieces, and well Akhand Bharat....

I was refereeing to crimes against humanity and own citizens brothers and sisters......especially against women....some Indians defend even rapes.
and you did not see any Indian Posts desperately want to see Pakistan break into pieces, and well Akhand Bharat....

I ignore them, the same as those who ask for violence, if no further intelligent exchange can take place then why bother?

Unlike the pleasant conversation I'm having now, that's what this forum is about is it not?
Surely stuff like this deserves a place in a defence forum. For example this -
I hope this is within my right to post and does not warrant banning or deleting.

We know your lungi is on fire right now but you cant derail this thread by posting something about Pakistan. You can create a new thread about it.

Meanwhile use this

images (5).jpeg
I ignore them, the same as those who ask for violence, if no further intelligent exchange can take place then why bother?

Unlike the pleasant conversation I'm having now, that's what this forum is about is it not?
Ignoring them here means giving them free hand, cant do that.

If someone is logical/sensible and respectful he will be treated same.

Hududkan mereka

I am gladly supportive if Hudud is included in Indonesia justice system just like applied in Aceh province. ;)

I dont know whether the Indian is punished or not because this video is not viral in Indonesia so I dont know what actually happening in the end. Maybe they just let go the Indian after all of the stolen accessories are given back.
The excuses these pathetic Indians come up with are laughable. Still trying to make most of a dire situation.

LOL at international power and a natural occurrence. India is a slumdog of this world. Rape, lynching, scams and now stealing. The list of bad habits keeps growing, but somehow we are supossed to give India a free pass according to Indian members. India is special because it is still learning to discover the world LOL As if stealing, raping and scamming are initially part of this exercise.

Someone posed the question that India is hated on this forum. Of course we hate India. Hate is not sufficient though.
No one came up with any excuses, the video was posted by an Indian to shame such behaviour and was rightfully criticized by Indians, none of what you ranted about has any bearing in this context.
Maybe they just let go the Indian after all of the stolen accessories are given back.

I think this option might be the best, keeping in mind the future business and reputation of the hotel. Hotel will loose business by too much highlighting and dragging this incident.

may be I am wrong, dont know.
I think this option might be the best, keeping in mind the future business and reputation of the hotel. Hotel will loose business by too much highlighting and dragging this incident.

may be I am wrong, dont know.
I agree, I think that's how the situation was likely resolved, it was professionally handled by the hotel staff, they kept their cool, kudos to them.

I pity the family though, this video is trending on national news outlets.
I agree, I think that's how the situation was likely resolved, it was professionally handled by the hotel staff, they kept their cool, kudos to them.

I pity the family though, this video is trending on national news outlets.
seems hotel management did not go to media or Police, they had no intentions to do anything else other than recovering the items.

Some bystander most likely another Indian cause the shame for Indians, Not the Hotel.
seems hotel management did not go to media or Police, they had no intentions to do anything else other than recovering the items.

Some bystander most likely another Indian cause the shame for Indians, Not the Hotel.
I meant the staff conduct not the video capture, they could have easily escalated the situation.
There are many Pakistanis who would not shy away from pulling these kind of stunts.
So what's new here and why are we trying to target indians on something we ourselves are no better?
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