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Indian footprints emerging on Naval base attack

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Well, some astute Pakistani members already predicted that this is going to happen. They are going to drop dark hints that it was India (with CIA) that dun it.

All in a conspiratorial tone and with not a shred of evidence except "who benefited".

Things never change here.
Umm maybe. but then I wont give a fu*k for what your govt says anyways. Lol Now go and sleep tight!

nobody gives a fcuk about what you say or think..Only thing what matters is international diplomacy where everyone agrees India was right in 26/11 and PAkistan has been found guilty.

Whereas Pakistan has become the prime target for terrorists and is also getting isolated in world stage
India has never end pains against the P3C orions ever since the sale commenced. It went to claim as far as Pakistan P3C orions being modified to carry nuclear arms. So it is very much a potential suspect. If proven, this has got to be the worst Indian espionage ever and may escalate to full scale tensions.

When are India and Pakistan not potential suspects when things go wrong in each other's countries..?? The only diff is Pakistan keeps getting convicted and India keeps getting exonerated
Only thing what matters is international diplomacy where everyone agrees India was right in 26/11 and PAkistan has been found guilty.

^^ noone knows any details about 26/11 outside India. Noone cares.
No if proved, then This is the best thing Raw did and it was executed brilliantly. And pakistan cannot do anything since TPP has already claimed it. What a situation!

It will further forge the notion that TTP = Indian agent and so is BLA.
Glorious India perpetuating terror against neighbors and its country men in the name of democracy. No wonder it remains the most backward country of the world.
It will further forge the notion that TTP = Indian agent and so is BLA.
Glorious India perpetuating terror against neighbors and its country men in the name of democracy. No wonder it remains the most backward country of the world.

Hahahaa i can sense your frustration. But unfortunately for pakistan THERE IS NO PROOF. Oh I discounted this thread:lol:
Hi, just curious...why did the Pakistani interior minister say that RPG's are rare to find in the hands of Taliban? As far as we can see on Youtube, even a local gun market has such stockpiles? Waiting for someone to clarify, because the equipment used would shed a light on whoever was responsible to a certain extent. There are many variations of RPG-7 as well. Also some reports indicate Uzi and M4 Carbine used but from images released, we saw two Chinese origin AK.
^^ noone knows any details about 26/11 outside India. Noone cares.

I just don't understand why people want to make fool of themselves by commenting on something they have no idea of... And some people get angry when we laugh on them.. lol
It will further forge the notion that TTP = Indian agent and so is BLA.
Glorious India perpetuating terror against neighbors and its country men in the name of democracy. No wonder it remains the most backward country of the world.

Some serious discussions are going on here.. please don't talk.. thanks
Like i said on another thread, nothing can be ruled out.
The destruction of these aircraft indeed suits India, however let us not assume everything.
Lack of Naval surveillance can suit infiltrators from other countries as well, maybe some Arabs who want to party in Waziristan...maybe some who want to party in Baluchistan...I assure you i am not kidding.
However, i agree that primary beneficiary is India...but then what?
It is a motive, not the proof.

I seriously doubt that the "senior intelligence officers" thus named in the news as a source are real or would be able to present this in front of their Chief or the government.

Let us assume there was an Indian hand...however if true, i am sure it was a smart hand since there would not be a single Indian national killed here...you can bet on that.
What can you do if you have gut feeling that India was the one behind it...but you do not have proof?

There can be any hand depending on the motive and the end game, after all the world is a cruel place.
Today you are brothers and tomorrow enemies.
America, India, Saudia, UAE, Iran, Afghanistan...many countries with stakes in this region...whether ideological or material...how many hands can we keep friendly all the time?

Why not address the weapon which these hands can use against Pakistan?
The weapon is so convenient and so easy to use that the hand feels itchy to pull the trigger...
After all hardly any country allows enemies to roam freely within its borders....giving space and respect to their twisted ideology...at the cost of sovereignty, peace, prosperity and ideology of the country.

Bottom line for us is that till the time there are the likes of Taliban and Lashkars (good or bad is temporary) roaming in Pakistan....they can collaborate with anyone on a project of mutual interest...
They are like terror consultants...will provide their services for USD...simple as that.
Islam is literally a "booming" business for these wonderful people using names like Taliban, Mujahideen, Fidayeen, Laskhar, Jaish, Sipah, Jamaat, Jamiat etc etc.
Yet we always tolerate them as Muslims instead of condemning them as the enemy number one and distancing ourselves from their points of view.

Most of the religious organizations in Pakistan are either foreign funded, promoters of sectarian intolerance, responsible for terrorist activities or against Pakistan...hardly any organization falls outside this definition.
Some of the leading ones were even against creation of Pakistan!
These organizations are running businesses in the name of Islam and we are so foolish that we are still unable to see them for what they really are.
Till these outlaw terrorist dogs are eliminated and their breeding grounds are shunned by us, Islam shall always be abused and twisted to serve some master, whether foreign or local....never Pakistan or its people.

While not being blind to the external threat, we need to quickly eliminate the terror franchises since it is obvious that all such attacks are no more seen as exclusively foreign by anyone due to local involvement.
I have a suggestion for GOP and PA.
If it is suspected that India is behind it due to motive, just announce openly that TTP was behind it and is clearly serving the interest of countries which are hostile to Pakistan.
Use your propaganda machinery to hammer away at the Taliban and what have they done for the Muslims except making their countries weaker and weaker.
Do not site idle and dumb at this time.

We all know it suits India, but we need solid proof and that will not be easy at all.
On the other hand is it not indeed criminal that we have failed to assail the Taliban ideology and have not condemned them for being the worst enemy of Pakistan, despite their terror campaign and many boasts both public and in private interviews.
What is our plan here?

If people suspect India then use it in your campaign and tell them that if we do not kill TTP now... tomorrow India will not even need to land one soldier in Pakistan and still shall wage war on us.
Make the people understand the significance of fighting the TTP and its supporters.

You cannot implement any law, when outlaws are tolerated and even revered in some cases.
Pakistan has long back slipped into chaos and anarchy to the point of no return and the recent attacks is been to have carroed out by Dis-gruntled mid level Navy officers.
Insiders role can not be ruled out and given the fact that these momins were using state of the art night vision devices and most importantly the thick Mum of pak military on the whole issue, is not good sign for pakistan.

It is a good time to be alive to see all the drama unfolding and Jihad biting back the of the creators.
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