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Indian Special Forces



PM visits NCC parade 2017:








Can see members of the Counter Assualt Team (CAT) disembarking:

^ AFAIK CAT members travel in 2 escort vehicles (one at the front of the motorcade, one at the rear)
Were the NSG guys you got to talk to taking part in the parade or were they on duty providing security?

+ No mention of the SPG? :(
The guys i talked to were taking part in parade....the guys who were part of security weren't seen on ground much, only on building tops

i was sitting in enclosure no 3 and it was on the side of presidents house so didn't get a chance to see even PM's convoy :( so no spg
but i think i saw a single spg vehicle and guys in formals(in vehicle) at end of President's convoy..their windows were down.

next year i will try to arrange VIP passes in advance..this time i was too late so i only got these normal passes 10 hours before the parade..

ill suggest whenever u come to India please come and watch this parade:girl_wacko:
The guys i talked to were taking part in parade....the guys who were part of security weren't seen on ground much, only on building tops

i was sitting in enclosure no 3 and it was on the side of presidents house so didn't get a chance to see even PM's convoy :( so no spg
but i think i saw a single spg vehicle and guys in formals(in vehicle) at end of President's convoy..their windows were down.

next year i will try to arrange VIP passes in advance..this time i was too late so i only got these normal passes 10 hours before the parade..

ill suggest whenever u come to India please come and watch this parade:girl_wacko:

One NSG guy was standing on Feroze Shah road along with Delhi police personnels while 3-4 were standing around enclosure no 29 and 20.
PM arriving at Beating Retreat ceremony 2017:





First time I have seen the PM's vehicle with its emergency lights on in India and the first time I have ever seen the X5 escort vehicles with their emergency lights on:




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