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Indonesia Bans Sex Outside Marriage


Aug 14, 2022
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United States
JAKARTA, Dec 6 (Reuters) - Indonesia's parliament on Tuesday banned sex outside marriage with a punishment of up to one year in jail, despite worries the laws may scare away tourists from its shores and harm investment.

Lawmakers approved a new criminal code which will apply to Indonesians and foreigners alike and also prohibit cohabitation between unmarried couples. It will also ban insulting the president or state institutions, spreading views counter to the state ideology, and staging protests without notification.

The laws were passed with support from all political parties.

However, the code will not come into effect for three years to allow for implementing regulations to be drafted.

Currently, Indonesia bans adultery but not premarital sex.

Maulana Yusran, deputy chief of Indonesia's tourism industry board, said the new code was "totally counter-productive" at a time when the economy and tourism were starting to recover from the pandemic.

"We deeply regret the government have closed their eyes. We have already expressed our concern to the ministry of tourism about how harmful this law is," he said.

Foreign arrivals in the holiday destination of Bali are expected to reach pre-pandemic levels of six million by 2025, the tourism association has said previously, as the island recovers from the impacts of COVID-19.

Indonesia is also trying to attract more so-called "digital nomads" to its tropical shores by offering a more flexible visa.

Speaking at an investment summit, U.S. Ambassador to Indonesia Sung Kim said the news could result in less foreign investment, tourism and travel to the Southeast Asian nation.

"Criminalising the personal decisions of individuals would loom large within the decision matrix of many companies determining whether to invest in Indonesia," he said.

U.S. State Department spokesperson Ned Price told a news briefing in Washington the United States was assessing the contents of the law and noted that the implementing regulations had not yet been drafted.

"But we are concerned regarding how these changes could impact the exercise of human rights and fundamental freedoms in Indonesia. We're also concerned about how the law could impact ... U.S. citizens visiting and living in Indonesia as well as the investment climate for U.S. companies," he said.

"Indonesia is a valued democratic partner of the United States; we seek to work together with Indonesia to counter hatred and intolerance," he added.

Albert Aries, a spokesperson for Indonesia's justice ministry, said the new laws regulating morality were limited by who could report them, such as a parent, spouse or child of suspected offenders.

"The aim is to protect the institution of marriage and Indonesian values, while at the same time being able to protect the privacy of the community and also negate the rights of the public or other third parties to report this matter or 'playing judge' on behalf of morality," he said.

These laws are part of a raft of legal changes that critics say undermine civil liberties in the world's third-largest democracy. Other laws include bans on black magic.


Editorials in national newspapers decried the new laws, with daily newspaper Koran Tempo saying the code has "authoritarian" tones, while the Jakarta Post said it had "grave concerns" about their application.

Decades in the making, legislators hailed the passage of the criminal code as much needed overhaul of a colonial vestige.

"The old code belongs to Dutch heritage ... and is no longer relevant now," Bambang Wuryanto, head of the parliamentary commission in charge of revising the code told lawmakers.

Opponents of the bill have highlighted articles they say will curb free speech and represent a "huge setback" in ensuring the retention of democratic freedoms after the fall of authoritarian leader Suharto in 1998.

"This is not only a setback but a death for Indonesia's democracy," said Citra Referandum, a lawyer from Indonesia’s Legal Aid Institute. "The process has not been democratic at all."

Responding to the criticism, Indonesia's Law and Human Rights Minister Yasonna Laoly told parliament: "It's not easy for a multicultural and multi-ethnic country to make a criminal code that can accommodate all interests."

Legal experts say that an article in the code on customary law could reinforce discriminatory and sharia-inspired bylaws at a local level and pose a particular threat to LGBT people.

"Regulations that are not in accordance with human rights principles will occur in conservative areas," said Bivitri Susanti, from the Indonesia Jentera School of Law, referring to existing bylaws in some regions that impose curfews on women, or target what are described as "deviant" sexualities.

The new laws will also include more lenient sentences for those charged with corruption.

The morality charges have been partially watered down from an earlier version of the bill so that they can only reported by limited parties, such as a spouse, parent or child.

The government had planned to pass a revision of the country's colonial-era criminal code in 2019 but nationwide protests halted its passage.

Lawmakers have since diluted down some of the provisions with President Joko Widodo urging parliament to pass the bill this year, before the country's political climate heats up ahead of the presidential elections scheduled for early 2024.

The public response to the new code has been muted so far, with only small protests held in the capital on Monday on Tuesday.

LOL see how many show up demonstrating the law, only around 10 people LOL

That parliament members are not fool. Here in Indonesia we have many political consultant companies, they make survey that will show Indonesian people opinion regarding the issue. They dont make political suicide since Indonesia is a democratic country, they do understand how thing works in a democratic country.

10 people protesting in front of parliament show clearly that the law is supported by huge majority of Indonesians.

We don ban critics, we only ban insult to President, this is a good thing, respecting your leader. You can criticize President, but dont insult him.

Any way, there is rain in Jakarta when the law is passed. In Islam, this is a sign of bless from God. Any way Indonesian people put God above all in our state ideology



Their country, their values, their religion and their laws.

If some people don't like it - well, there's the door....

I dont know why with the Western people, why they are so obsessed in protecting free sex ?

Here in Indonesia, people are relatively free. I mean we are not like Taliban or Mullah Iranian regime either

Says the guys suckling at the teets of western society.
Stop being a hypocrite for once in your life and move to the Islamic Emirates of Afghanistan. The most pure Islamic society on Earth
lol Indiot, what about western societies taking advantage of developing countries?

We have every right to do the same to the West as well.
Sex outside marriage = Single mothers = Children raised without dad with all kind of material problems and likely turning into future criminals.

Latin America is a good example of that.

Well done Indonesia.
I would say this law will distinguish between Indonesia Democracy with Western style Democracy profoundly.

Indonesia has been regarded as pariah state in just one day if you see so many Western media cover this LOL

This is the first time we change this criminal law, the heritage of Dutch colonization. This is something historic in Indonesia point of view. The law is not static, it can be perfected further if parliament wants. For the last 2 decades we were busy on reforming other section in our law, like in 1998-2004 the focus is in political system, law related to election, President term, and so on and also economy, defense, oil and gas, mining and others. Last reform is Omnibus Law which is related to ease of doing business

In this December, we will once again holds Bali Democracy Forum. I think the forum will be great if it is meant to show Indonesia's democracy system that is not adopting Western values. I mean having a democratic country doesnt mean you are going to lost your moral value and adopt Western value instead. This will of course strengthen Democratic system idea and weaken authoritarian idea further in similar conservative society. ISIS and AQ ideology will also be weakened further by Indonesian democracy. This can lead into less terrorism action in the West. So this change should be celebrated instead of being condemn by Western countries.

It shows Democracy system can be used by both Conservatives and Liberals society to pursue each own ideals

Last year Bali Democracy Forum. The forum is made annually to promote democracy system

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This law would make me think twice before visiting Indonesia, for sure. What an extremist Taliban style move.

Imagine going to Bali with your girlfriend.

1) You and your girlfriend can't share the same room without a marriage certificate.
2) Opt to share a room with pinhole cameras to prove that you and your girlfriend didn't have sex during your stay.

It's not going to be enforceable for most cases lol.
Here in Indonesia, people are relatively free. I mean we are not like Taliban or Mullah Iranian regime either

I'd advise against employing the term mullah loosely, considering it has Islamophobic, racist, colonialist connotations among others.

Likewise, regimes certainly exist in the totalitarian west. In Iran though, we have a government and a legitimate political order brought about by a popular Revolution and set up through democratic referendum.

It shows Democracy system can be used by both Conservatives and Liberals society to pursue each own ideals

The task is slightly more complex when the dominant zio-American empire subjects a nation and its government to intensive soft war, putting to use its entire range of tools and resources in the propaganda, psy-ops and social engineering departments with full steam.

Imagine going to Bali with your girlfriend.

1) You and your girlfriend can't share the same room without a marriage certificate.
2) Opt to share a room with pinhole cameras to prove that you and your girlfriend didn't have sex during your stay.

It's not going to be enforceable for most cases lol.

Another practical indicator will be whether or not international pimping mafias are going to desert Indonesia.

As of this moment, it doesn't seem to have been the case. This can be verified through a simple internet search, for obvious reasons I'm not going to share any links nor any information as to how to proceed.

For purely analytical aims, I conducted such a search and was shocked and saddened to see how nearly every Moslem country is represented on these debauchery-facilitating sites: Saudi Arabia (massively), other Arab monarchies of the Persian Gulf, Turkey, Indonesia and Malaysia, Senegal, Pakistan as well unfortunately (although minimally).

Iran and Afghanistan are among few shining exceptions. Being sanctioned and demonized by criminal imperialist aggressors, and therefore banished from the standardized global circuits of the international business world can have tremendous benefits.

Shall try to verify in a few weeks or months from now and report back. Let's see whether the new Indonesian legislation is going to be enforced seriously enough to eliminate organized international prostitution rings from Indonesian soil. I certainly hope it will.
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Imagine going to Bali with your girlfriend.

1) You and your girlfriend can't share the same room without a marriage certificate.
2) Opt to share a room with pinhole cameras to prove that you and your girlfriend didn't have sex during your stay.

It's not going to be enforceable for most cases lol.
It’s a stupid illogical law and will just be used to blackmail and abuse innocent people
Indonesia will likely be seen as more conservative by Western analyst if Anies Baswedan become Indonesian President LOL

His popularity is going up significantly after getting endorsement from Nasional Democrat party just a month ago. His popularity is only 1 percent different with Ganjar Pranowo in latest survey by very credible survey company, Indikator. Anies is in ascending trend, while Ganjar and Prabowo are in decreasing trend based on latest survey

In term of tourism, I dont think there will be collapse in Indonesia tourism. Domestic tourist is already huge and our economy dependent on tourism is not as high as other country.

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