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Iran Goes After Dogs And Their Owners


This isn't Iran, this is a joke about Arab terrorists blowing themselves up and the 72 virgins they will receive. Nice try though.

i beg to differ if you guys are even part of the human race.
stupid comment


are they more beautiful???

anyway good luck that a woman is not only "beauty"
i am happy for exemple to get married to a brain and that's clearly mich more important

ok let's kill this topic
it becomes bullshit
stupid comment


are they more beautiful???

anyway good luck that a woman is not only "beauty"
i am happy for exemple to get married to a brain and that's clearly mich more important

ok let's kill this topic
it becomes bullshit

yes, they are more beautiful. any guy with a common sense would see that. and you are on the same level of stupidism as that sri lanka guy. if you were a real iranian, you would know that these women are not representative of iranian women, unlike the pictures i posted of those sri lanka women.

comparing iranians and sri lankanese is like comparing earth and fire.
unlike people from sri lanka, iranian women are actually known for being beautiful. ask our neighbors, or even people in the west. your people on the other hand are known for being one of the most ugliest and uncivilized people in the world. your country hasnt made any relevant contribution to the world in its entire existence, while besides a lack of hygiene, cheap labour and inferiority complexes due to a swarthy color, there is nothing more your country is famous for.

you are an perfect example, as a guy with a mental disorder who asks on forums how to whiten his own face. you live in the uk, but i bet those britains would love to transport your sorry swarthy *** back to sri lanka.




i beg to differ if you guys are even part of the human race.

Well, you keep posting pictures of Tamil women and then blame me about Ethnic discrimination. There was a war and that ended in 2009. Right now we have the highest GDP per capita in south asia. 16th best gender equality in the world. We are a middle-income country. About hygiene, that's the stupidest thing you ever said. Any person who has been to Sri Lanka will tell you about hygiene in Sri Lanka. Anyway there are civilized Iranians on this forum so I don't like to insult Iran.

You have shown how civilized you are but I don't like to drag myself down to your level.
yes, they are more beautiful. any guy with a common sense would see that. and you are on the same level of stupidism as that sri lanka guy. if you were a real iranian, you would know that these women are not representative of iranian women, unlike the pictures i posted of those sri lanka women.

comparing iranians and sri lankanese is like comparing earth and fire.

you are a shame for Iran

2nd and 6th pictures are selectively chosen.
As for Air hostesses, these are Sri Lankan air hostesses.


inferiority man, you pretty much know that these air hostesses aren't represantive of the average sri lanka women. i dare you to post some street photos.

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