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Iran is not the 'role model' for Pakistan as many Pakistanis make it out to be

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nither ispport extreamst any were are they irani or saudi nor i feel my self shia sunni but a muslim.but as i think irani are worst ever.

let me see
our women drive and work anywhere they like
they can leave the house w/ever they like
they don't have to wear that thing Afghans and arabs wear that covers all their face (I know there is no law in arabia but their men and family enforce it whereas in Iran the people are western in attitude compared to arabs)
they vote
etc... etc...
our government is much more tolerant than the saudis

you could have chosen any country on the planet but you chose the ONE COUNTRY THAT IS WORSE THAN US :woot:
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I don't even get worked up over these idiot statements anymore!

Unfortunately as Iranians we're stuck in a bad situation. Those that like us, like Einstein above, do so b/c they love our fascist govt and are anti western to the bone.
Those that hate us think Iranians are religious fundamentalists ready to do anything in the name of Islam blah blah....

I think Iran and Iranians are the most MISUNDERSTOOD country and people on the planet. On one side we have the west and Israel talking **** against us and on the other we're attracting all the flea infested jihadists on the planet lmao
One thing that I love is that the entire planet is an Iran expert, both the ones that "like us" and those that hate us.
To hell with you all.

I dont think that way Nima.. ;):rofl::rofl:
Wait wait, wasn't it the flea infested jihadists from Iran who orchestrated the secular violence in Iraq?

As this was an attempt to drag out the Iraq war so the U.S. would remain preoccupied with Iraq and not deliver a punishment to Iran. Pretty cowardly isn't it? :woot:

As we say in Persian you just connected a fart with a side burn

I can't believe I Translated that into English!!!!!:woot:

What you're saying is that those in power in Iran are flea infested jihadists themselves (agree and is the reason why we're attracting the Jihadist) which has nothing to do with what I was saying.

I'm saying Iranian people are misunderstood. Our government doesn't represent us in any shape or form.
Nima;770879]getting worked up means calling him names and then digging up proof to show him how dumb he sounds.

I don't even get worked up over these idiot
statements anymore!

flea infested jihadists

and I didn't call you all names, that rant was meant to be for the ppl of the world :D

Those that like us, like Einstein above

It don't matter who you're and what country you are from or what your opinion is anymore, everybody is an Iran expert since the early 2000's.

ok ok you win you are the expert on iran living in vancouver canada but rest of us are all jehadies of fudos.:rofl:
I don't even get worked up over these idiot
statements anymore!

flea infested jihadists

Those that like us, like Einstein above

ok ok you win you are the expert on iran living in vancouver canada but rest of us are all jehadies of fudos.:rofl:

I have to date spend the majority of my life in Iran
I am an Iranian citizen
I have family In Iran
I am Iranian

I know more about Iran than a Pakistani.

My cousin called us during elections and she broke down in tears even though it was not wise to talk about the situation over the phone (In Iran phones are randomly checked). She told us about the bruises on her back from the basiji batons and also told us how her friend's boy friend was caught by the police and nobody knows where he is.
don't talk out of your ***
Is this you?

How am I supposed to take you seriously?

That's my barber shop pic :rofl:
I took that pic so I can take it w/ me the next time I get a haircut.

I'll upload a better one but right now that's the only one I have
it might be the worst country in the world... but i still like how ahmedi stood in front of americans... sadly america has the history of destroying her friends and paying respect to her enemies as Henry Kissinger said “It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal”.
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I have to date spend the majority of my life in Iran
I am an Iranian citizen
I have family In Iran
I am Iranian

who are you trying to convince me or your self and since you dont like calling people names i take it you are talking out of your ***.

I know more about Iran than a Pakistani

I took that pic so I can take it w/ me the next time I get a haircut

yes you sound like a knowledgeable person don't forget to hang your address in your neck so you can find your way back home

My cousin called us during elections and she broke down in tears even though it was not wise to talk about the situation over the phone (In Iran phones are randomly checked). She told us about the bruises on her back from the basiji batons and also told us how her friend's boy friend was caught by the police and nobody knows where he is.
don't talk out of your ***

Stop it you are making me cry :rofl:
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Nima, you don't look bad in that pic. Atleast you have gutz to post your picture. You can pretty much ignore the ADT guy.. he is a troll and he has been banned from this forums not once, not twice but four times!!

He was provoking me again and again and moderators told me to add him to ignore list.. you can do the same!! Actually, the reason he started this post was to provoke me because I support Iranians (because of my own personal reasons)...

And I am amazed he has gutz to make fun of Iranians, when majority of people from Lahore look like this :-

Wrestlers from Lahore

lol that pic is full of win
I love the guy in the middle! He's so out of place :rofl:
they're called pehlwans you ignorant morons
even iranians here hate iran and what they're doing, the entire engineering faculty here which is iranians never wanna go back to their country
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