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Iran to send astronaut to space by 2018

Jokes aside, that biggest achievement of Iran so far is launching 50 kg to very low orbit.

In order to launch man to space Iran should increase the power of its launchers about 100 times. Thats like 100 their Safir launchers tied together.

In terms of active launch systems by weight list of space powers goes like this:

US - 23,000 kg
Russia - 21,600 kg
Europe - 21,000 kg
Japan - 19,000 kg
China - 12,000 kg
India - 5,000 kg
South Korea - 1,000 kg
Israel - 400 kg
North Korea - 100 kg
Iran - 50 kg

Yet Iran has more ambitions than EU, Japan, India, South Korea, Israel...
Jokes aside, that biggest achievement of Iran so far is launching 50 kg to very low orbit.

In order to launch man to space Iran should increase the power of its launchers about 100 times. Thats like 100 their Safir launchers tied together.

In terms of active launch systems by weight list of space powers goes like this:

US - 23,000 kg
Russia - 21,600 kg
Europe - 21,000 kg
Japan - 19,000 kg
China - 12,000 kg
India - 5,000 kg
South Korea - 1,000 kg
Israel - 400 kg
North Korea - 100 kg
Iran - 50 kg

Yet Iran has more ambitions than EU, Japan, India, South Korea, Israel...

:coffee: :coffee: :coffee:
dude, mother-in-laws are not that bad... :azn:

howmany times we should tell you ...Mod Edit... that Iran sent a monkey to space in 2011 too?and he died...

Mod edit ...it is obvious you have comprehensive skill problem. Did I say anything about 2011? Does article say anything about 2011. You even did not read what the article says!!! It is about your 2013 successful!!! trip to space with that monkey. The pictures show that there are two monkeys and the first monkey and the second monkey are different. Instead of barking, would you explain where monkey's mole is gone?
@TheCommander gonna hate !!!


Here is a paragraph from an article on NPR regarding picture discrepancy:
Jonathan McDowell, a Harvard astronomer who tracks rocket launchings and space activity, also said this week's monkey space flight was real, but he had a slightly different explanation for the photo mix-up. He claimed the light gray monkey with the mole died during a failed space mission in 2011.
"The monkey with the mole was the one launched in 2011 that died. The rocket failed. It did not get into space," McDowell said. "They just mixed that footage with the footage of the 2013 successful launch."

Cry me a river !!!

Troll :coffee:

Why do I hate? Differently than you I am open to truth and happy discuss the issues like human being. I have also heard same claim about the monkey`s mole in our media too. That is why I posted it. By the way, unlike you, I never troll.
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You are not being fair at all. That person insulted me and you did not do anything. But when I respond his insult you edited my comment. Be fair!!!
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@TheCommander : I don't read every line or every comment in this section...so it's natural to miss some spots.
That one is also edited...If you or any other member find any insults or inappropriate language, send me a PM and report it.Thanks.
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You are not being fair at all. That person insulted me and you did not do anything. But when I respond his insult you edited my comment. Be fair!!!

He is more than fair...what you need to swallow is that Iran is much more advanced in space technology than its neighnours..this is the reason for all the trolling in this thread..
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With due respect, is it possible that Iran develop human rated rocket, capsule and master re-entry in 5-6 years?
If they can do it in real, ISRO will put on shame.

Best of luck to Iran !!
He is more than fair...what you need to swallow is that Iran is much more advanced in space technology than its neighnours..this is the reason for all the trolling in this thread..

Are you his attorney?

What you need to wake up and stop exaggerating the things you achieved. Yes, Iran has some capabilities and I respect that. What I do not respect and see as crap is your exaggeration. Have you ever asked yourself why people all the time so skeptical about your so-called highly advance technology? Because you mix truths and lies and if you achieve something like worth 1 point achievement you declare it as if 10 point achievement. You embed lies in it while you do this and you expect people to believe it as your society believes. By doing like that, you only trick yourself. Nothing more nothing less.

And do you know this story? A person makes something up and lies about it in a neighborhood, when he goes to another neighborhood he also believes his own lies. This sometimes really fits your situation.

@TheCommander : I don't read every line or every comment in this section...so it's natural to miss some spots.
That one is also edited...If you or any other member find any insults or inappropriate language, send me a PM and report it.Thanks.

Era, thank you for understanding. You are one of the decent people among Iranians, but I had to write like that because his insult was still there. You will not need to delete or edit my posts unless nobody insults me or you edit/delete their insults when they do.
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2015 or 2018 dosn't matter
only thing that matters is that me can and we will do it.
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