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Iran to UAE : We will crush any act of agression

go on Iran we are with you..

It seems to be really Interesting. Eagerly waiting for fight between two countries. Lets see who is stronger..

right now its 7 o'clock breakfast after that is 8 o'clock tea then its 9 o'clock breakfast and after that is 10 o'clock break then is 11 o'clock appetizer then its launch at 12 o'clock . you can get the picture till dinner.
sadly UAE clock is half an hour different with ours so really there is no time for that , but we are hard at work to find free time between our busy schedule so we can have an all out war on these islands without the inconvenience of altering our schedules ,When Iran and UAE find the appropriate time and Auspicious date for the conflict be assure that you'll be the first person who will be informed about it so you can satisfy your thirst for blood.
I think Iranian ballistic missiles carriers would be destroyed by air forces before they can launch such an attack just like what happened in Iraq and Lybia. But I assumed Iran will succeed in launching some ballistic missiles on UAE which will be intercepted by her air-defense systems. Pantsir is capable of detecting any flying object within the range 35 km and shooting down 4 targets simultaneously within 20km range with missiles, and 5km with it's automatic anti-aircraft guns. UAE bought undisclosed numbers of Thaad systems which is capable of shooting down a ballistic missile while it's in the Stratosphere stage. Don't forget Patriot-pac 3, HAWK-phase-3, and Rapier.

the problem is that at the first Persian Gulf war USA didn't manage to destroy Iraqi launcher even to the last day of the war.and it was UN inspectors who destroyed them .
each thaad carry two missile and is not designed for short range missile ,well they will be useful if some day N. Korea managed to solve the problem with its long range missile program and decided it would be fun to launch missile at UAE
Rappier and HAWK phase-" any number can be put here" have no Anti missile capabilities .
Why does Iran refuse to take this to the international court?? And why does each Iranian speech must contain "Zionist" in it??

why should Iran agrees? then lets take Qatif in to international curt because I claim Qatif is mine

we should focus on developing the land that we already have. I am sure Iran has plenty of space in its territory which are swamps, marshland, rainforests and thus, unproductive. It would be far more productive if instead of threatning of war which will cost Billions for Iran, Iran actually concentrates on the development of its own mainland by building infrastructure, housing and businesses on those places. One or two island would not make much difference to Iran, which is a huge country.

I am not saying that the island should be thrown away. But threatening with military is a foolishness. Did UK threaten to "crush Scotland" when Scotland demanded independence? Lesson to learn here.

three Islands are part of Iran. do you same as your recommendation to Iran about Taiwan? of course not. does not matter how developed or poor china is, you protect your all territory
How big is the Union Defence Force of the UAE ?

Its better if UAE and Saudi Arabia take military action against Iran instead of Israel and the US.

Typical Indians enemies of Muslims everywhere though they try to hide it. They want Muslims to kill Muslims


What can Arabs do to fight Iranians?
LOL, UAE's military is filled with Pakistanis

That's also one of the reasons why Pakistani leadership should mediate and cool tempers down.
You are Damn right , I suggest that also Kangaroo Land come and help them on the matter , I myself promise you that provide them all the black bag they need to transport their troops back after the war, and also I give them a very Generous discount.

Guys why are you being provoked by Indians. Muslims not Hindus would die if god forbid there was a war
go on Iran we are with you..

It seems to be really Interesting. Eagerly waiting for fight between two countries. Lets see who is stronger..

And one Indian carries Israel and Indian flag. You Iranians and Arabs are being suckered by your true enemies
I am eagearly waiting to see a fight between India and Israel. Lets see who is stronger.

That is impossible Israelis a nation of 4 million with barely enough weapons for a month that lost to Hezbollah can not do squat without third party help

UAE, India supports you all the way Iran is not only a threat to the west but the world in general including the Muslim world we had a chance back in the 80's but Saddam was a idiot should war break out between the 2 i'm sure we could lend UAE a hand a friend in need is a friend indeed!

Iranians do you need more evidence of what a neutral position of India is.lol

It would not be in India's intersst to take sides in a Saudi-Iran conflict. Not in our interest.

And one Indian who wants to pretend neutrality
Warmongering Muslim kids talking about killing eachother..

Someones happy about it...


What do you Muslims who want war with Muslims not understand about this pic :rofl:

UAE and saudi are the partner of america and israel so i support iran on this issue

But the problem is that Iranian and Arabs should be resolved peacefully by dialogue. America is the one that wants to sell its weapons, kill Muslims etc so it is America India and Israel enemies of Muslims that are encouraging this talk of war
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