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Is the game over for China?

There is no BRI without Russia or Iran. Unlike Pakistanis neither of them are letting Chinese own anything

Let this event pass; let the sanctions on Iran ease out, we will discuss then.

How do grown up, educated men end up believing these conspiracy theories?

Though you are right in this particular post, but it's same as when you want to follow a certain school of thought; no reasoning can change you. e.g. you blindly following PML-N. Don't want to derail the thread but it's the same reasoning as yours.
I won't comment on this news/rumour but would only respond to quoted parts of your post
Conflict in ChinaSeas is possible ...at least we can deduct it from the naval asset production from PRC....
Power of equivalent or near equivalent stature do not fight directly .... there will be no direct confrontation between China and US, CHINA is not JAPAN or Korea
Or it is just a G2 emerging after the Deal is Done. That is ChinaUS as Berzinsky has written about... and after it a new Global Financial Architecture that keeps the CombinedWest intact but shifts ProductivityGains to the CombinedEast...
Always remember
- Financial Industry is part of Service Industry and rely upon other Industries to survive especially on Industry related to Production.

- Growth of Production Industry also give raise to Financial Industry of the country or the region

so there could not be segregation of Financial Industry and Production Industry in a manner as you are suggesting, here keep in mind 4 or 5 out 10 largest banks of world are Chinese and China is already a sort of Production Factory of the World and its raise is Comprehensive rather Partial or Selective
If nothing of the sort, as canvassed above, happens then obviously DirectConflict between states/blocks cann't be ruled out... a kind revisit of WW2 and the emergences of newer states...some larger and some even smaller...
Middle East and South Asia .....
There will be significant decoupling and increased hostility between China and the Anglo world, as expected. This will be expedited.

China will suffer from this. But it will tenaciously carve out influence and markets elsewhere and keep advancing. China is an extremely tenacious and restless country. To think it will just give up because Pompeo said "game over" is quite absurd.
Rather amazing scoop ..don't you think....

The Most Secret Meeting between the Messengers of the Two Most Powerful Countries' DeepStates and the news got out in such detail.... Scoop of the Century at least!

That there is a PowerFlux in the InternationalGame is evident since the Chinese island building spree in SouthChinaSea!

And then there was/is Kabulistan and Persian combine for the US n Friends....

What is unclear till now are grey areas of TechFeudalism and its interstate arrangements...

Is there certain Techno breakthrough that might alter the GlobalPowerArchitecture....not reffering to 5G...which is just a convinient excuse...???

The way Sino-US or better said Sino-CombinedWest economies and finances are intertwined breaking loose by packing up factories is not that easy.... discarding the open jawed waiters of factories moving to their countries... China is also the BiGGEST Singular market for the said CombinedWest... who else can replace it that quickly?

Man-made or vengence of Nature the KhooniVirus is bent on engineering Socio-GeoEconomic and Geopolitical changes.... when it leaves a Depression in its wake apart from dead....

Such situations are not easy to manage if we go by last 200yrs of History...mostly result in Violence.... ME is still burning...might burn more...

Conflict in ChinaSeas is possible ...at least we can deduct it from the naval asset production from PRC....

Or it is just a G2 emerging after the Deal is Done. That is ChinaUS as Berzinsky has written about
... and after it a new Global Financial Architecture that keeps the CombinedWest intact but shifts ProductivityGains to the CombinedEast...

If nothing of the sort, as canvassed above, happens then obviously DirectConflict between states/blocks cann't be ruled out... a kind revisit of WW2 and the emergences of newer states...some larger and some even smaller...

KhooniVirus is a perfect excuse for so many for so many things...

I believe we need to give it due time in meditation.... its impact on OurLand cann't be underestimated... the region to be frank...

Perhaps Africa might erupt again in proxy wars... or go for BenignImerialism as some in the West have advocated...

DeepStates normally don't talk on third party's land... they have rather well established protocols of communications... and The Threat of Magnitude positioned in the OP is WorldChanging in nature... I would rule out Kabulistan as venue... better be in NY/DC or BeiJing or Shanghai....

Let us see which way the Momentum of History takes us...we stigs in the rushing stream...

@Slav Defence @PakSword @Signalian @Horus @jaibi @WebMaster @Ace of Spades @masterchief_mirza @SIPRA @Mentee @N.Siddiqui @dbc
To be (the $), or not to be (the $) that’s the question....

The rest are all details....

Der Spiegel, the mouthpiece of the US Deep State, declared the Coronavirus long back as “Made in China”....
The China Miracle stops with the Corona Virus...This is the time for Turkey to reestablish itself again as the Great Ottomans and the true custodians of Mecca and Medina..Corona Virus is an overture from history to the Turks to finally retake their rightful place under the sun

Dream on ... covid-19 attack most nations including Turkey.
Yes beg for help from the one who started it, very helpful. It's like you asking a thief to help you pay your loan by returning some of the money he stole from you.
Idiot! you had the time to prepare but you didn't do shit! Now keep crying!
Yes beg for help from the one who started it, very helpful. It's like you asking a thief to help you pay your loan by returning some of the money he stole from you.

you watch too much CNN and fox news dude, try other sources and make your own conclusion based on the facts.
I am sure you also believe Osama planned 9/11
It's more and more looking like it's game over for US, tiny virus called mighty US bluff, it's global leadership will be gone forever.
That's my assessment as well, and i am including India factor in it. As we discussed before.

Interesting times ahead, rest assured; new alliances, new venues, new socio-economic structure. All we mortals can do is wait and watch. Plan and re-plan for any possibility.

And to further add, i believe this excuse can be used by any party. It changes everything and once the dust settles, there will be a window for Pakistan, not for too long but there will be, to achieve it's strategic goals or at-least to make bigger leap forward.

Delhi, Kabul, Amritsar, Srinagar.

I do not think China is going to easily submit to the NWO (2030). Supply chain will adjust out of China and add to it the 2nd Great Depression on the way with mass unemployments = lower buying power. Western markets for China will become minimal over next few years.

Totalitarian System with a new financial system is coming to West. China becoming a superpower is utterly unacceptable.

What's more interesting is the stuff coming out of Bill Gates.

China will take the fall for it with huge economic impact including possible unilateral sanctions.

These kind of voices are increasing ..
The rise of China is because it has been an incredible manufacturing powerhouse. It deserves credit for lifting millions of its citizens out of poverty in just one generation. But all countries in the world are very annoyed at them. They've ground world economic activity to a halt in a matter of months. Nothing will be forgotten. Or forgiven.

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