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ISI may act if Afghanistan gets close to India


Oct 24, 2011
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Washington: Accusing India of trying to create anti-Pakistan Afghanistan, former Pakistan president Pervez Musharraf has warned that Islamabad's spy agency will need to take "counter-measures" if Afghanistan becomes too close to India.

"Since our independence, Afghanistan always has been anti-Pakistan because the Soviet Union and India have very good relations in Afghanistan," he said at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, a Washington think tank on Wednesday.

Accusing India of working to turn Afghanistan against Pakistan, he said: "We must not allow this to continue."

"We must not begrudge if Pakistan orders ISI (Inter-Services Intelligence) to take counter-measures to protect its own interests," said Musharraf defending the Pakistani spy agency that US officials have accused of supporting extremists.

"Now, India is trying to create anti-Pakistan Afghanistan. This is most unfortunate, and I am not saying this because I have some (Indo-centric) - and I'm anti-India. I know this through intelligence; I know this to be a fact," he said.

"Today - and just to give you one proof: Today, in Afghanistan, Afghanistan diplomats, the intelligence people, the security people, the Army men all go to India for training," Musharraf said.

"Now they go there, they come back, they get indoctrinated against Pakistan and, may I say, over the years since our independence, Afghanistan always has been anti-Pakistan because Soviet Union and India have very close relation in Afghanistan."

"And the intelligence agency, KGB, RAW and KHAD of Afghanistan have always been in cooperation and talking since 1950s," Musharraff said.

"So I think this needs a rapprochement certainly between India and Pakistan and rapprochement also between the two intelligence organisations: the RAW of India and the ISI of Pakistan," he said.

Describing current relations between the United States and Pakistan as "terrible”, Musharraf said Afghanistan could plunge into conflict along ethnic lines after 2014, when the United States plans to withdraw its combat troops from Afghanistan.

"Are you leaving a stable Afghanistan or an unstable Afghanistan? Because based on that, I in Pakistan will have to take my own counter-measures," Musharraf said.

The "adverse impact will be on Pakistan, so any leader in Pakistan must think of securing Pakistan's interests," he added.

what will be the counter measuere? Hmmm another pro-pakistan TALIBAN?
And what do you mean by ISI will take counter measure? Is pakistan already not taken measure? Than who order to attack to Indian( by using both your right Taliban and bribing other to kill indian)
Maybe not the right time to give ISI more "publicity".

And this guy was the commander of Pakistan's military not too long ago:cheesy:. All his recent statements work against Pakistan!
they have tried to set up their army,schools,hospitals etc??what you gave them??rule of taliban or backyard for training of terrorist.

Umm... Very Interesting.... I won't comment on that I think you know the answer. :rofl: Well we at least helped them against the Soviets, and still doing so against NATO. These people are not thankful and they are dumb idiots that are always looking for help. What about the Afghans that illegally come to Pakistan, using our resources and taking education? If you don't know anything. I would recommend you come off the internet and go to Afghanistan and see everything (the truth) with ur own eyes.
Umm... Very Interesting.... I won't comment on that I think you know the answer. :rofl: Well we at least helped them against the Soviets, and still doing so against NATO. These people are not thankful and they are dumb idiots that are always looking for help. What about the Afghans that illegally come to Pakistan, using our resources and taking education? If you don't know anything. I would recommend you come off the internet and go to Afghanistan and see everything (the truth) with ur own eyes.

when did a-stan have parliament??
when did they had army??
when their was development of schools and other infrastructure which is now slowly developing??

and look at the comments of the other afghans here.

for the sake of the strategic depth,you kept them backward and breeding ground of terrorist, still doing this.
and you helped the america for the dollars against the soviets.
unfortunately Pakistan thinks that foreign policy= threaten other nation......thats why the ISI always is left incharge of that...and hence the result around the world....this is just because the foolish fagots in your forein affairs think just like you.

What your language and keep a check on your emotions. (MODS KEEP AN EYE ON THIS FELLOW) Since when did you start caring so much for Afghanistan? Were you people not supporting Soviets against Afghanistan? Its funny how you change your clothes in just a matter of days. Go and watch your Bollywood crap movies to keep your self cool.
In this 10 year war on terrorism one can debate what america, india or nato has accrued or benefited but no one can doubt that the only biggest loser is ISI musharaf was a lame or isi was drunk when america allowed india to meddle in afghanistan every body should know that india is using pakistani airspace to help afghanistan with everything is ISI blind??
it is happening for quiet a time which refers to a tacit agreement of ISI
Sir ISI is doing what it is supposed to do and you are facing CIA RAW KGP KHAD at once so its not easy job to do with limited resources
Mushy is just making money by speaking all these BS..
coward.... he is an army man .. he should come back to Pakistan and should face people ..but he ran away showing his back ... no wonder why only he can plan Kargil ..
He is one big time B******. He was in my city here in USA for some lecture in some Five star hotel.. passes were from $100 to $500 or more.. there were more Indians than Pakistani in hall .. most of the Pakistani's were standing outside and shouting against him ... and he was laughing at them ..
Thats why ISI is here for- safeguard Pakistani interests specially abroad- As long as they doing their job- fine with me-

Mushy is trying very hard to become loyal amrikan ku**a again- not gona happen-
In this 10 year war on terrorism one can debate what america, india or nato has accrued or benefited but no one can doubt that the only biggest loser is ISI musharaf was a lame or isi was drunk when america allowed india to meddle in afghanistan every body should know that india is using pakistani airspace to help afghanistan with everything is ISI blind??
it is happening for quiet a time which refers to a tacit agreement of ISI

Brother, if you want to help Afgans stand on their foot, i recommend that you join teams with India in doing so. we will be more than happy to have you as our partners. First of the few things that ISI has learned over the years is that,
1) sponsering non state actors with our proper control can be disastorus to Pakistan.
2) Turning a blind eye on fanatics inside pakistan is also disastorus.
3) having to much atonomous region in Pakistan is going to breed uncontrolled teams that raise slogns against the unity of Pakistan.
4) Developing people like Taliban to keep the Afgan aligned to you is creating a uncivilized socity in Afgan and the people of Afgan dislike it as they are the first to get subjucated.
The point numerb 4 is the reason that they are against Pakistans interverntion in the present Afgan development program.

Offer the Afgans bread and butter rather than gun and RPG.

Let peace prevail

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