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Israel Must Think seriously About Pakistan's Nuclear weapons: Israeli President.

Oh my god oh my god

4th Israeli in just a month.I fear that they will Hijack the Forum.First they Come few but slowly they come more and more and finally they kick you out.

It's just that there is so much false information about my country trumpetted as fact on some threads. If Pakistan was as big a topic in Israeli forums as Israel is on Pakistani forums, you'd be doing something too.

It's so stupid because the Arabs have convinced countries that Israel is at war with all Islamic countries and therefore with Pakistan too.
ghost you hate us isreal thats ok

but usa they are provideing you money from long of time

have you ever think what pakistan is without usa help

well usa pays us money to clean up the mess they created 2 decades ago to allow a base in peshawar in 60s to spy on soviets,in 80's to assist afghan insurgency,from 2001 to clean up the mess they created so what ever they pay us is our right u have to pay us to get our services or get f***ed in afghanistan,we don't owe america sh**
The trouble with Iran getting nukes is not that they'll neccessarily use them (although that is a risk)

And what makes you think Israel isn't a threat to the muslim world?
I'm sure you weren't making brownies in Dimona.
If you have the right to keep nuclear arsenal what takes that right away from Iran for their security against a trigger happy Israel.
You don't want Iran to have Nuclear weapons first denuclearize yourself and only then you will be in a position to even have this debate.
welcome to our Jewish brother David 82 and God bless Israel. I dont undrstand why people make a big thing of Israel. they are peaceful nation who are good friends 2 have
It's so stupid because the Arabs have convinced countries that Israel is at war with all Islamic countries and therefore with Pakistan too.

Really you aren't?


and what exactly were your F-16s doing in India?

Why does your President give statements of taking Pakistan's Nuclear weapons seriously and not China, S.Africa, India, U.S and the European Nuclear powers ?
We don't look towards the arab countries for our piece of information, whereas you look towards the bias media that is continuously feeding you with falsehood.
And what makes you think Israel isn't a threat to the muslim world?
I'm sure you weren't making brownies in Dimona.
If you have the right to keep nuclear arsenal what takes that right away from Iran for their security against a trigger happy Israel.
You don't want Iran to have Nuclear weapons first denuclearize yourself and only then you will be in a position to even have this debate.

It's a stated objective of Iran since 1979 to destroy Israel. They see this as a national duty, and say so openly. They have tried to do it more strongly as the years go on through their proxies.

In contrast Israel does not want to destroy Iran or any other country (we had good relations with it until 1979).

If Islamic countries like Pakistan, Turkey, Jordan, Malaysia, Indonesia have nukes what do we care?
Iran by contrast is actively training and arming Hamas, Hezbollah and Syria while pressuring moderate Arab states.
Really you aren't?


and what exactly were your F-16s doing in India?

Why does your President give statements of taking Pakistan's Nuclear weapons seriously and not China, S.Africa, India, U.S and the European Nuclear powers ?
We don't look towards the arab countries for our piece of information, whereas you look towards the bias media that is continuously feeding you with falsehood.

This is my point. You're convinced that we are at war with the entire Islamic world. Then you list 5 countries as proof.
We have peace agreements and full diplomatic relations with numbers 3 and 4 : Jordan and Egypt. And the 5th isn't a country.

I'll repeat it till the cows come home: Israel doesn't care that Pakistan has nukes. The only thing it's worried about is that it would sell designs to Iran.
I voted for Likud. I live in Israel, and I'm familiar with the stances of Likud politicians. No one has hostility to Pakistan in the govt .

The trouble with Iran getting nukes is not that they'll neccessarily use them (although that is a risk), but that it'll give them protection to 'export the revolution' in all places where there is instability.
That means giving even more weaponry to Hamas and Hezbollah and Syria than they're already doing.

David. Your talk sounds like that of a Master of universe. Do you ev er stop and think that you are dictating the whole world as to who should have nukes and shoud not and who should have weapons and who should not.

At the same time you intrude into all Muslim territories with your jets, you even use EU Passport to assasinate people in other countires.

You attack lebnon and syria on the assumptions and destroy their economies and infrastructure causing miseries among comon people to the pointless agressions.

you destory homes of Palistenians on a false and self concocted agenda, this make you a country disliked by the people who otherwise are decent folks.

On the other hand when did Pakistan or Iran did such a terrible thing on any people, I know u will say we are killing our own, we are taking care of those who in our openion are not acting like Muslims and are a manace. I hope you will do the same to your people if they act as those we are going after. And I am sure you have many.

those who have killed innocnets in your wars, I know that you are aware of them, but say nothing and in some case it looks that you condone what they have done by not charging and letting the jusitce take place. Your know about Sabra and shatila camps and the massacres in those. You ought to do the right thing if you think that u r fair and reasonable people.

You even do not consider giving any credence to U.N. report about attrocities committed by your troops in Lebnon/palistine using banned ordinance.

So Mr. Israeli do the right stuff and be a part of the wolrd where u live and that is Middle east.

Stop living like europeans in Middleast, as it is like living in Arctic and being oblivious of the surroundings.

So Be that of a people who respect others properties, customs and beliefs, this will create trust and respect for you and than all will believe in the policy of peace and of, LIVE AND LET LIVE.
welcome to our Jewish brother David 82 and God bless Israel. I dont undrstand why people make a big thing of Israel. they are peaceful nation who are good friends 2 have

We have seen their peaceful activities in Ghaza and elswhere in Occupied Palestine.

But indeed to indians they might be peaceful because Isreal is providing weapons for Kashmiri massacar.
I'll repeat it till the cows come home: Israel doesn't care that Pakistan has nukes. The only thing it's worried about is that it would sell designs to Iran.

And what makes you believe that Iran can destroy Isreal ?
It's a stated objective of Iran since 1979 to destroy Israel. They see this as a national duty, and say so openly. They have tried to do it more strongly as the years go on through their proxies.

I dont see the Iranian rehtoric about Isreal carry any weight. Neither she can harm Isreal in a big way.

If Islamic countries like Pakistan, Turkey, Jordan, Malaysia, Indonesia have nukes what do we care?

I dont know if Isreal has anything to do with other Muslim countries' nuke But we do know that Pakistani forces have busted joint Indo-Israeli plan to attack Kahuta (our nuclear plant)

Iran by contrast is actively training and arming Hamas, Hezbollah and Syria while pressuring moderate Arab states.

That is a two way development.
The trouble with Iran getting nukes is not that they'll neccessarily use them (although that is a risk), but that it'll give them protection to 'export the revolution' in all places where there is instability.
That means giving even more weaponry to Hamas and Hezbollah and Syria than they're already doing.

Nukes won't make a difference.
Everyone knows Iran supports Hezbollah and Hamas, but has Israel or the US retailated against Iran militarily?

Why would Iranian nukes change anything?
David. Your talk sounds like that of a Master of universe. Do you ev er stop and think that you are dictating the whole world as to who should have nukes and shoud not and who should have weapons and who should not.

At the same time you intrude into all Muslim territories with your jets, you even use EU Passport to assasinate people in other countires.

You attack lebnon and syria on the assumptions and destroy their economies and infrastructure causing miseries among comon people to the pointless agressions.

you destory homes of Palistenians on a false and self concocted agenda, this make you a country disliked by the people who otherwise are decent folks.

On the other hand when did Pakistan or Iran did such a terrible thing on any people, I know u will say we are killing our own, we are taking care of those who in our openion are not acting like Muslims and are a manace. I hope you will do the same to your people if they act as those we are going after. And I am sure you have many.

those who have killed innocnets in your wars, I know that you are aware of them, but say nothing and in some case it looks that you condone what they have done by not charging and letting the jusitce take place. Your know about Sabra and shatila camps and the massacres in those. You ought to do the right thing if you think that u r fair and reasonable people.

You even do not consider giving any credence to U.N. report about attrocities committed by your troops in Lebnon/palistine using banned ordinance.

So Mr. Israeli do the right stuff and be a part of the wolrd where u live and that is Middle east.

Stop living like europeans in Middleast, as it is like living in Arctic and being oblivious of the surroundings.

So Be that of a people who respect others properties, customs and beliefs, this will create trust and respect for you and than all will believe in the policy of peace and of, LIVE AND LET LIVE.

Almost every single one of your paragraphs is a blatant lie or a half-truth. Fed to you by the Western media or the Arab media.

My point in writing here is not to get into some slapping contest about previous conflicts.
The thread is about Pakistans Nuclear weapons, and that people say we care about them. We don't . I'm pretty sure if something was mentioned it was about selling the designs to Iran. The reason that is a problem is that the current rulers in Iran want to wipe us off the map.
Nukes won't make a difference.
Everyone knows Iran supports Hezbollah and Hamas, but has Israel or the US retailated against Iran militarily?

Why would Iranian nukes change anything?

Think about Pakistan before and after it had nukes. Of course Pakistan became infinitely more powerful.

When Pakistan and India got nukes they both became a lot more powerful. Iran would similarly become more powerful.

But both Pakistan and India are sane countries. They may have disputes but one isn't actively trying to disolve the other.
the weapon in hands of ISREAL is 99 times better than urs.........merkava is one of the top 5 tanks in world not like ur chinies waste.......(al khalid tank)

:bunny:and remember to thank god that ISREAL has not attacked u

We don't even recognized Israel as a country and you are talking about Israel attack.:rofl::rofl:

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