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Israeli businessesman : "Europe is preparing a holocaust against Muslims!"

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You got ur land back? Isn't Gilgit-Baltistan andd Azaad Kashmirr in Muslims handdss? ;)

Most if noot all of India was invaded... Dats why sso many Muslims in India... Uunless u r Hindutva bigot

I live in South India and I can say there is not much of Islamic influence in my areas and we take proud of our culture.

(the attitudes of forcefully converted decedents are completely different from the decedents who are converted by peaceful means)
What do you mean we? The US is not in Europe we would not be a part of such stupidity. If the Europeans want to continue to be bigots it is on them, they started the immigration themselves anyway.

As hard as it may be for you to accept - US is an extension of the white christian civilization of Europe and if it comes to choosing sides, you know which side they will take.
oh ssso tell me scholar how is a hinddu maaade?

besiides hindus did many conqueests on dravid territoory and convertted them tto hinnduuism

If you don't know anything about Hinduism then don't post. You know a distorted history and some twisted facts about your religion.
In medieval ages Islam spread through terror and murders which can be branded into Wahhabism, there is a thing with Arabs they are violent and think less and are perfect to obey orders.

Most historians think of them as savages for most of their history.
You got ur land back? Isn't Gilgit-Baltistan andd Azaad Kashmirr in Muslims handdss? ;)

Most if noot all of India was invaded... Dats why sso many Muslims in India... Uunless u r Hindutva bigot

When there is no strength and braveness left people do personal insults, post reported.
And the Hindus swarm.

Don't worry, we'll treat you much kinder this time. ;)

We will treat you like Halaku did.

That's the only thing the desert dwellers seem to understand real well.
The vast majority of you are oppressed and invaded.

But people who lost their identity and sense of history.

Perfectly describes many of you?

We understand the mindset of a convert.

who u quotted?? papa bally?

wwe werent da only 1s who were ooppressed and innvaded... ur ancestors should know who got da butt of da rifle? ;)
As hard as it may be for you to accept - US is an extension of the white christian civilization of Europe and if it comes to choosing sides, you know which side they will take.

UK and USA are one of the best allies and most of the or may be all of the European nations are part of NATO. So they are bound to help each other via the Treaty.
Stick to the topic or get banned.

Take your Hinduvata/Maulana rants else where.
Most if noot all of India was invaded... Dats why sso many Muslims in India... Uunless u r Hindutva bigot

All of India?? Name a Mugal leader who ruled South India??

Do you know about Cheraman Juma Masjid??

Unlike you most of the people here in India converted to Islam not because of fear..
We will treat you like Halaku did.

That's the only thing the desert dwellers seem to understand real well.

Tell that your ancestors that used to dance in front of the Mughal badshahs. :lol:

We will treat you like Halaku did.

That's the only thing the desert dwellers seem to understand real well.

Tell that your ancestors that used to dance in front of the Mughal badshahs. :lol:
Most historians think of them as savages for most of their history.

They are tribal people, Oil money made them concentrate on pleasures and think less.

Before Islam these desert people do not have an advanced civilization as India or Babylon.
As hard as it may be for you to accept - US is an extension of the white christian civilization of Europe and if it comes to choosing sides, you know which side they will take.

Its the US which has the internment plans and plans for nuking Mecca and Medina.

To start off...

Not Europe!
Most historians think of them as savages for most of their history.

im sry diid u want me 22 remind u wat historians & invaders thinkkss of u lots? yyour casste systemm, throwing of widow into fire, kama sutra? do u want me too remind u sonny?
Tell that your ancestors that used to dance in front of the Mughal badshahs. :lol:

Tell that your ancestors that used to dance in front of the Mughal badshahs. :lol:

Your ancestors did to get money :rofl:

Mughals used converts like crap for all their works.
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