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Israeli businessesman : "Europe is preparing a holocaust against Muslims!"

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Well, Europe tried to stop Islam militarily...we all know how that ended! Instead of stopping Islam in North Africa, Christendom lost Constantinople too. Today, ~ 60 million Muslims reside inside the European heartland.

Any attempt of "holocaust" of Muslims will put Europe in utter chaos. Muslims aren't Jews or Hindus whatever. Mess with Muslims in Europe, and you have the bloodiest civil war in your hand.

Anyways, West must accept this fact now : Islam has become an inevitable part of Western fabric. It is going to be the most 'practiced' faith of West Inshallah (As Christianity is a dead horse in many Western nations). Muslims are as Western as any other Westerner.

Islam is THE strongest ideology of human history, Mashallah. It is not blabbering but just plain facts. Islam has religious, social , political , military, legalistic , spiritual, and economic aspects. NO other ideology in human history comes even near the strength of Islam. So, if you want to "erase" Islam from the West...Best of luck to ya buddy....Even agnostic Muslims will fight back because even though they don't believe in God, Islam STILL plays a MAJOR role in their life...

So West must understand the reality. And Muslims should be Westerners and NOT Arabs living in the West. People like retarded Anjem Chaudry MUST be REJECTED utterly by Muslim community...

All in all, we aren't Jews, Hindus, Christians, or Sikhs whatever. Mess with us, and we will all go down together. :coffee:

This post is in some ways even worse than technistat's in its sheer ignorance and inaccuracy.

1. Muslims have been killed, exterminated and ethnically cleansed by Europeans for centuries.

Europeans in the past few hundred years have been winning.

A: In 1492 they wiped out the final Muslim kingdom in Spain, a country which was Muslim for 800 years, longer than Bosnia has been Muslim now or longer than the US and UK have been white European. Spain/Andalus was as Muslim as Morocco was and in fact more Muslim than countries such as Indonesia as Islam reached Spain in the very early days.

B: The Ottomans were expelled from Bulgaria, Serbia, Greece, Romania etc. When Muslims were defeated in Serbia, the 78 or so mosques in Belgrade were all destroyed. Bulgaria was at least half Muslim if not majority Muslim until the Christians kicked out the Muslim Ottomans.

C: Muslims ruled every major island in the Meditteranean e.g. Siciliy, Corsica, Sardinia, Malta and the Christians took them all back.

So Christianity has been militarily expanding and crushing Muslimhood (I don't say "Islam" since Islam is deen ilahi and can itself never be crushed) for centuries.

If they wiped out and massacred Muslims in Spain, Hungary, Serbia they could do it again.
Ḥashshāshīn;3728955 said:
The GCC, Iran, Libya and Turkey are considered developed nations.
Also; US is not Europe. I don't think US will get involved if this happens. Also, Russia's army is 1/3 Muslim.

Mate... Arab , yes developed (but corrupted in the heads).. US military Bases are in Gulf , No? Will they save their oil or go fight for `brotherhood` when they regard themselves as First grade Muslims?

How did Iran become developed with the GDP of close to 300 Bill Dollars?
GDP of Libiya around 60 Bill Dollars.
Yes Turkey is developing with GDP of close to 750 Bill Dollars.

Any neutral links that 1/3 of Russian Army is Muslim? Appreciated.

But my Question still stands , name me 5 DEVELOPED Muslim Countries who have the firepower to stand in front of `Christian ` army ????
This post is in some ways even worse than technistat's in its sheer ignorance and inaccuracy.

1. Muslims have been killed, exterminated and ethnically cleansed by Europeans for centuries.

Europeans in the past few hundred years have been winning.

A: In 1492 they wiped out the final Muslim kingdom in Spain, a country which was Muslim for 800 years, longer than Bosnia has been Muslim now or longer than the US and UK have been white European. Spain/Andalus was as Muslim as Morocco was and in fact more Muslim than countries such as Indonesia as Islam reached Spain in the very early days.

B: The Ottomans were expelled from Bulgaria, Serbia, Greece, Romania etc. When Muslims were defeated in Serbia, the 78 or so mosques in Belgrade were all destroyed. Bulgaria was at least half Muslim if not majority Muslim until the Christians kicked out the Muslim Ottomans.

C: Muslims ruled every major island in the Meditteranean e.g. Siciliy, Corsica, Sardinia, Malta and the Christians took them all back.

So Christianity has been militarily expanding and crushing Muslimhood (I don't say "Islam" since Islam is deen ilahi and can itself never be crushed) for centuries.

If they wiped out and massacred Muslims in Spain, Hungary, Serbia they could do it again.

I know all this. Your point? My point isn't talking about political struggles of nation states. Ottoman Empire was fought by Europeans not because "Oh it is Muslim..lets fight it"...It was all powerplay and no one is talking about it. But in modern world, a 'holocaust' type measure will put Europe into utter civil war..and Europeans aren't retards to go for this.

The days of Spain, Ottoman Empire, Mughal Empire, Timur, Mongols etc are long gone.
Mate... Arab , yes developed (but corrupted in the heads).. US military Bases are in Gulf , No? Will they save their oil or go fight for `brotherhood` when they regard themselves as First grade Muslims?

How did Iran become developed with the GDP of close to 300 Bill Dollars?
GDP of Libiya around 60 Bill Dollars.
Yes Turkey is developing with GDP of close to 750 Bill Dollars.

Any neutral links that 1/3 of Russian Army is Muslim? Appreciated.

But my Question still stands , name me 5 DEVELOPED Muslim Countries who have the firepower to stand in front of `Christian ` army ????

Why do they need to be developed?
The days of holocaust is long gone too. There can be no other Hitler and there can be no other holocaust like the one of Jews. Muslims on the other hand need to take care of their people and image and become a bit progressive with the time. If people see them involved in every other terrorist attacks happening around the world then they will be suspicious of them and may never ever try to bridge any cultural gap whatsoever between the religions. But it is on Muslims to correct their image and fill this gap.

Why do they need to be developed?

So that people are occupied with constructive things not destructive.
Mate... Arab , yes developed (but corrupted in the heads).. US military Bases are in Gulf , No? Will they save their oil or go fight for `brotherhood` when they regard themselves as First grade Muslims?

How did Iran become developed with the GDP of close to 300 Bill Dollars?
GDP of Libiya around 60 Bill Dollars.
Yes Turkey is developing with GDP of close to 750 Bill Dollars.

Any neutral links that 1/3 of Russian Army is Muslim? Appreciated.

But my Question still stands , name me 5 DEVELOPED Muslim Countries who have the firepower to stand in front of `Christian ` army ????
Mate, you think Arabs will just sit back while Arabs in France are being slaughtered? And it's not about GDP, but rather GDP per Capita, which Iran and Libya have high of.

Russia: Predicting a Majority-Muslim Russia :: Daniel Pipes

And: Turkey, Iran, Pakistan, Egypt.

Fair enough.

1. I agree with your point about Anjem Choudhry (heavily promoted by the British media, no real influence in the actual Muslim community itself, I have seen the guy in person a few times myself).

2. You said:

Any attempt of "holocaust" of Muslims will put Europe in utter chaos. Muslims aren't Jews or Hindus whatever. Mess with Muslims in Europe, and you have the bloodiest civil war in your hand.

Europe did mess with Muslims in Europe and got away with it. Just go to Belgrade, Budapest, Sofia, Granada, Seville even Srebrenica and you will see how they succeeded.

Forget about a few Muslim minorities in a few cities isolated by the countryside (dominated by white Christians) in European states. Western states can in fact go to majority Muslim countries with huge Muslim populations and crush them militarily e.g. Iraq and Afghanistan.

If the west can invade Baghdad and Kabul it has no problem in keeping control of Marseille or Frankfurt, or even doing "unpleasant" things there.

If anything what will happen is there will be a decrease in tolerant multi-culturalism and more assimilationist policies, I do not think Europe ever wants to repeat its genocidal, colonial post. It would however practise USSR style policies of assimiliationism and secularism at the most.

Ḥashshāshīn;3728989 said:
Mate, you think Arabs will just sit back while Arabs in France are being slaughtered? And it's not about GDP, but rather GDP per Capita, which Iran and Libya have high of.

Russia: Predicting a Majority-Muslim Russia :: Daniel Pipes

And: Turkey, Iran, Pakistan, Egypt.

What are Arabs doing while Arabs are being slaughtered in the Gaza strip?

If Israel can bomb Gaza to bits which has been Arab for over a thousand years, France will be able to do in areas which are undisputedly French.

NATO would stop any attack on France by any non-NATO state.
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We allowed you to remain Hindu.


That's the key word. Allowed.

We allowed you to remain Hindu.


That's the key word. Allowed.

We? Who we? You guys are the same as us who got captured. The only difference is you guys converted out of fear, while we kept fighting...

No, India did fall like Iran. These Rajput, Maratha, Sikh, you are talking about were subjects of the Mughal Empire. As Mughal Empire showed generosity to the Hindus, the Mughal Empire became more weak, as it lessened its fight against Hindu kingdoms, and Hindus got a advantage of that.

All of those were under Mughal control. Check Mughal Empire map at its greatest extent.

Difference is that the Moghuls were in power as long as they were allowed by the mostly Hindu elite at that time. The first one to try and impose Islam as a state religion of sorts, Auragzeb, and all kinds of hell broke loose and the Mughal Empire became history. Same with the Brits, at first the locals didnt mind them, but when the economic exploitation became too much, all kinds of mutinies broke out.
hahaha, you are stuck with us whether you like it or not, for Europeans all brownies are the evil, ask the Sikhs after 9/11. if something like that happens there will be no bystanders

The europeans are not dumb. Brutal but not dumb.

And there is no "us" brownies. There is we and there is you.
We allowed you to remain Hindu.


That's the key word. Allowed.

We allowed you to remain Hindu.


That's the key word. Allowed.

One thing I must mention that is really a treat of all South Asian convert Muslims is that you guys should stop with the imaginary we ruled over Hindus BS. You guys were Hindus that converted out of your religion for personal reasons, whatever that might be. Doesnt make you the original rulers like Mughals, or Arabs. If there are 400 million odd Muslims in South Asia today, at least 399 million of you are converts from Hinduism who couldnt fight because you were cowards, hardly a quality that makes you a ruler...
I ve always believed that the europeans are capable of extreme brutality sometimes crossing over to genocidal tendencies if they felt their way of life is at stake and there will definitely be a blowback against the Muslims..but this will not be a one sided fight like it was with the Jews..but the Muslims will fight back and that would be the seed for WWIII...:agree:

Well you are already playing the "Islam khatray main" tune for decades..

Yea when muslim holocaust happens Indian Muslims are going to kill you hindus too and do mass protests not only in india but whole world!!
One thing I must mention that is really a treat of all South Asian convert Muslims is that you guys should stop with the imaginary we ruled over Hindus BS. You guys were Hindus that converted out of your religion for personal reasons, whatever that might be. Doesnt make you the original rulers like Mughals, or Arabs. If there are 400 million odd Muslims in South Asia today, at least 399 million of you are converts from Hinduism who couldnt fight because you were cowards, hardly a quality that makes you a ruler...

And you think you were a warrior? :rofl:

Your ancestors only didn't convert because their village elder told em not to, because he needed caste discrimination to keep his looting business going.

You were just rural village folk who listened to their elders, nothing wrong with that... Just you had to face Jizaya, persecution, and caste discrimination
Your iq continues to shrink day by day, the Mughals could have wiped out your religion if they had wanted to they had control over the majority of the subcontinent for 500+ years .

Im sorry there are many wrong things in your post.

First Mughals did not rule for 500+ years..babur came to India in 1526 and the Aurangazeb's reign ended in 1707..im not taking into account his sucessors who were nothing but fiefs to the Marathas. So that is about 180 years and in between they had to face various rebellions among the Jats, Rajputs, Sikhs, Marathas, Bhils etc. So they could hardly do jack as you had claimed nor their suppsoed tolerance was out of any virtue. Instead they were dependent on the goodwill of the local kings to maintain their position. The mughals empire was not a single unitary empire..but one which comprised of fairly autonomous kings ruling over their native population which nominally paying tributes to Delhi. Some like Akbar understood this and tried to maintain a modicum of tolerance..while fanatics like Aurangazeb perished when faced with Hindu and Sikh resistance.

Yes, the dharmic resistance is the only reason why we are still 80% Hindu. But then again, you would loath to accept it because that would take the wind out of your brave islamic ghazis tune.

Woh deene Hejazi ka bebak beda
Nishan jiska aqsai alam mein pahuncha
Kiye passipar jisne saton samandar
Woh dooba dahane mein Ganga kay aakar

Yea when muslim holocaust happens Indian Muslims are going to kill you hindus too and do mass protests not only in india but whole world!!

Go to bed kid.
With what? We might not keep the spare parts coming.

What do you mean we? The US is not in Europe we would not be a part of such stupidity. If the Europeans want to continue to be bigots it is on them, they started the immigration themselves anyway.
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