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It all Started with a Tweet by Wajahat Saeed Khan which was a flame bait... and then...Shit got real!!!

I can tell you . veterans have risked access to medical and pensions for voicing their opposition. like I said . we all are sourced from same pool. the blame is shared. PTI unfortunately is acting immature. there is no justification for bitching and cursing everyone associated with army. like calling all Muslims terrorists or calling all pathans taliban. i recall discrimination Pashtuns faced in punjab during the mid 2000s.
Sir, with respect, you are asking too much of people. These are common citizens with nothing but their voice and their twitter accounts. Imran khan will only alienate them if he goes out and hugs the army chief, not calm them down.

In the early days, when the whole thing was panning out. IK even said army is more important to the country than him and that people shouldn't criticize the army etc. What more can he do. This was before the mir jaffar references. If he kept repeating the "offer the other cheek" mantra, a majority of his supporters would have called him a sell out instead since people only follow a leader who resonates with their views, and if a leader abandons those views, then it's on him. If Modi went out and hugged Owaisi one day and declared an end to his hindutva agenda and bigotry, do you think he'd be fixing the indian hindu's hate for muslims. or would he be alienating his supporters only for more fringe leaders for take a share of the hindutva pie?

let me reply with counter questions?

who led out processions from Lal Masjid?
who called TTP angry brothers?
who has been ruling KPK throughout its time?
who suffered from amnesia while GHQ was on same page?
who opposed military operations against TTP?

IK, but did the terrorism started when IK came in KPK or was it the gift of your musharaf who overthrew NS? Or who actually made Afghan the brothers of Pakistan, IK NS or Hameed gul and Zia ul haq?
پچہتر سال سے وزیراعظم کے جانے پہ مٹھایاں بٹتی تھی پہلی دفعہ آرمی چیف کے جانے پہ مٹھایاں بٹیں گی انشاللہ یہ سلسلہ اب اسی طرح جاری رہنا چاہیے تاکہ باقیوں کیلیے سبق ہو کہ صرف وزیراعظم کے جانے پہ نہیں بلکہ غدارای کرنے والوں کے جانے پہ مٹھایاں بٹا کریں گی جو پوری دنیا کے سامنے ننگا ہوا کرے گا
مٹھائی کی دوکانوں پر 2 دن کیلئے دفعہ 144 نافذ کردی گئی

For seventy-five years, sweets were distributed on the departure of the Prime Minister, for the first time, sweets will be distributed on the departure of the Army Chief. Will do what will be exposed in front of the whole world..
Section 144 was imposed on sweet shops for 2 days.
Why just the military can't do a self inspection ? Why there is a huge EGO thats stopping it from doing so ? You have to ask that why so many patriotic people, so many people who used to uplift morale of military and used to do it on their own, Used to give free marketing, better image perception for military were now criticizing it.
because the establishment was not doing their bidding. not arresting and incarcerating people as they wanted and turned the table on them and because it was a fake shotgun wedding and all that patriotism and love was conditional.

now these "patriots" are wishing that atom bomb falls on this country.
It is okay. This campaign arising from a bruised ego will soon come to its logical conclusion within a relatively short period of time, and it will be back to business as usual on all fronts. Worry not!
I dont worry one bit.
my former colleagues and friends who served at Abpara claim that the righteous khan wants things his way and all this moral crusade will be packed up as if it never happened.
even Gen Bajwa claimed that Imran's idea of justice and democracy is that where army can be used as his tool to punish his political opponents and he is not called out for the corruption done via Buzdar and the Monicas. take it or reject it for all its worth,
the ego is as bruised and real as is that injury by that magic bullet.

IK, but did the terrorism started when IK came in KPK or was it the gift of your musharaf who overthrew NS? Or who actually made Afghan the brothers of Pakistan, IK NS or Hameed gul and Zia ul haq?
touché brother
I dont worry one bit.
my former colleagues and friends who served at Abpara claim that the righteous khan wants things his way and all this moral crusade will be packed up as if it never happened.
even Gen Bajwa claimed that Imran's idea of justice and democracy is that where army can be used as his tool to punish his political opponents and he is not called out for the corruption done via Buzdar and the Monicas. take it or reject it for all its worth,
the ego is as bruised and real as is that injury by that magic bullet.

Summary: All is forgiven if IK is anointed amir-ul-momineen. The dream of many a fool before him, and one that will never happen. :D
If Modi went out and hugged Owaisi one day and declared an end to his hindutva agenda and bigotry, do you think he'd be fixing the indian hindu's hate for muslims. or would he be alienating his supporters only for more fringe leaders for take a share of the hindutva pie? or would he be alienating his supporters only for more fringe leaders for take a share of the hindutva pie?

I dont worry one bit.
my former colleagues and friends who served at Abpara claim that the righteous khan wants things his way and all this moral crusade will be packed up as if it never happened.
even Gen Bajwa claimed that Imran's idea of justice and democracy is that where army can be used as his tool to punish his political opponents and he is not called out for the corruption done via Buzdar and the Monicas. take it or reject it for all its worth,
the ego is as bruised and real as is that injury by that magic bullet.

touché brother

BKS 2.gif
its an age old tradition after raping the country commander Sabh fks off barat style and hand over his throne to next sabh so he can rape more!!! and while they have been having a good time raping the country Boot lickers are mad people are hating the sabhs!!

a normal boot licking day on PDF!
I was trying to search military chief change ceremony or new PM/president induction ritual in rich superpower USA/UK or any other rich powerful developed country, couldn't find anything of the scale we the poor on loaned money do
We don't have any ritual I am aware of. Even the sendoff of the ex-President is quite simple. After the swearing in and transfer of power at noon on the inauguration day, a U.S. Marines Helicopter will take him to Andrews Airforce base in Maryland and the ex-president goes home, for the last time, at government expense. The aircraft is not even called Air Force One.

As for the COAS, I am not aware of any tradition that makes it to TV news or newspapers/magazines. Most people are unaware of anyone below Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff. I didn't know who our COAS is. He is General James C. McConville.

Waj S Khan Trolls with a style

so he makes a flame bait rhetorical question demanding to know the meaning and reason for this procession.

for background. Gen Mirza is being seen off from 10 Corps HQ by the people at the Corps HQ. as is a tradition in the army the out going command is seen off in a procession and usually his mount is pushed manually by the personnel with a lot of celebratory chants and dance. this is the culmination of a Ceremony where the good time in the office is recounted and jokes are shared, food or treats shared and then the host thanks the outgoing commander who is led in a procession.

in its smallest example it happens at a company level of a unit and then the regimental level, Brigade, Div and Corps level.
this tradition has nothing to do which army ruling Pakistan for 70+ years or Ditching one party favorite for another.


since PTI/ Insafians or Youthias (as Noonies call them) are the bleeding hearts so a negative hateful reaction was confirmed and that's what Wajahat was counting on. so apart from a handful of tweets reminding him that it was nothing new or strange but an age old military tradition of seeing off the commander (including a tweet rom me) the rest of them were mostly rants, rage, name calling and cursing. some curses were directed at the military leadership (there is some merit there and I agree with that) but some was mostly directed at the military institution and wishing its death (which I didn't agree with).

obviously staying silent was not an option so I respectfully offered an opposition and then the entire Web rant of the Youthian tortured souls turned on myself. I told them that whining doesn't resolve the issue and the problem was within them. they had to fix themselves since the army sources its personnel from the same pool of people that makes up the entire nation but self correction or self criticism is not in our national psyche it is always someone else's fault.

then I was told that my days were numbered (somehow I represented the entire GHQ now). I mocked them by saying that Imran had called off the protests, maybe they need to tell him to continue. then they resorted to personal insults. suggesting I took pleasure in striping and molesting good citizens of Pakistan's and Bengalis got a lucky break which he and other innocent PTI supporters were stuck with with us. I again repeated that this all can change for better according to PTI wishes if these people started the correction from inhouse as it will have the butterfly effect and change the nation for better ultimately and automatically taking away the ability of opportunist "Pindi boyz" from screwing up with affairs of the the state. but that didn't get us anywhere.

now I could rip him very easily while staying classy but it seemed like he was already struggling to contain himself and might have burst a vein in his temple so I let it go.
For me the main points are:
1. Majority of proud patriotic Pakistani's no longer view the military with rose tinted glasses.
They are no longer above criticism and we now have a some healthy critical thought about the generals in charge.
They are now openly being accused of being corrupt and of interfering in politics.
The idea that the Pak forces are the only institution that works or is reliable, is well and truly over.

2. A minority of proud patriotic Pakistani's still view the military the same way
They can do no wrong and its all a conspiracy by Indians/PTI supporters/Jews or Interdimensional Aliens .
We have not been sold out by Bajwa and he was not corrupt. None of them ever have been.
Some of this minority are moderators on this forum.

They need to wake up and smell the coffee.
We have a sea change of opinion about the Generals in charge.
This is the legacy of Bajwa, if the new one steps out of line, I expect him to be hung from a lamppost by average citizen of Pak.
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because the establishment was not doing their bidding. not arresting and incarcerating people as they wanted and turned the table on them and because it was a fake shotgun wedding and all that patriotism and love was conditional.

now these "patriots" are wishing that atom bomb falls on this country.

OMG! This is alarming..... Your concepts about patriotism are upside down!

Since when is patriotism related with loving the Army only? I see super patriotic people who critisizes the hell out of Army because it hurts them so much that how our military has ruined our dear country. Ruling it half the time directly and rest of the half indirectly. Injecting army personal in every state organization and controlling it. Even poking into private enterprises. You left nothing standing. If you are patriotic, you need to call out your military and tell them to do right thing.

If you want to pick, kidnap your own citizens for speaking for their rights then let it be. Show your real face until the realization will hit you hard that your ego would left nothing to protect anymore. Only the most coward military on planet earth will go against its own citizens. The citizens are the real owners of any state. They are the employers. With their Tax, the entire state and military functions. The people hired military for their protection as their chaukidaar. We did not hire military to sit on our heads. The problem is that in these 75 years the military actually forgot their place, their ego has taken them somewhere else. They forgot their real duties and they forgot who they were hired at first place to protect.

Sometime back, one of military brats (my friend) actually tells me that its not army's duty to protect civilians. I was hopeless that day about our nation's future. I mean its like my chaukidaar is saying its not my duty to protect me. The debate started on natural clamity and he was glorifying how army is protecting "civilians". I said what ?? I mean thats what we pay them for. Its their duty. We are not always at war with india, why not to use all this manpower. The most fundamental obligation of any professional force is to protect lives of its employers (civilians ) the tax payers, the ones who pay for all of this.

With your comments and more I see, I only can foresee that this Ego will get us doomed.
I can tell you . veterans have risked access to medical and pensions for voicing their opposition. like I said . we all are sourced from same pool. the blame is shared. PTI unfortunately is acting immature. there is no justification for bitching and cursing everyone associated with army. like calling all Muslims terrorists or calling all pathans taliban. i recall discrimination Pashtuns faced in punjab during the mid 2000s.
Dude, IK has shown mind boggling patience and restraint against going after the institution of the army. He has not named Bajwa even. Just Faisal Naseer.

Now compare this to Nawazoo who named and shamed Bajwa by name. And Bajwa still brought his party back into power and helped Nawaz leave the country.

Forget all this, do you get that Bajwa very nearly had IK assassinated? And Arshad Sharif successfully so? And is very much responsible for the current state of our economy bringing back the chors into power?
We don't have any ritual I am aware of. Even the sendoff of the ex-President is quite simple. After the swearing in and transfer of power at noon on the inauguration day, a U.S. Marines Helicopter will take him to Andrews Airforce base in Maryland and the ex-president goes home, for the last time, at government expense. The aircraft is not even called Air Force One.

As for the COAS, I am not aware of any tradition that makes it to TV news or newspapers/magazines. Most people are unaware of anyone below Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff. I didn't know who our COAS is. He is General James C. McConville.

Here he is being sworn in as Chief of Staff of the Army by acting Secretary of the Army Ryan D. McCarthy, The President is probably not even aware.
I am not aware of any tradition that makes it to TV news or newspapers/magazines. Most people are unaware of anyone below Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff. I didn't know who our COAS is.
It's quite a touching ceremony, really, I've known slightly higher ups (uncles etc) who retired brigadier/ one rank below commodore Navy. Army uncle had his jeep towed by soldiers (jawans) from HQ to residence as a last hurrah.

Armed forces ko zaleel na karein.. but Pak ki story different hai, there have been excesses there the likes of which are unheard of here.

Still, not nice.. how can an entire quom turn on their guardians on a dime.. and for what/who? .. an emotional fool like IK, who is as bad at politics as he was good in cricket ? .. tsk.. shame.

No subterfuge here, we're under no illusions here that no matter who runs Pakistan, the Army or a civvie hero..

as they say.. the more things change, the more they remain the same..

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