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Japan plans to replace 100 F-15Js with 100 F-35As

Militarily we are equal to Russia, and both have its unique advantage and disadvantage.

hard to compare China to Russia
Russia has a better air force and better army
but when it comes to navy China is ahead of Russia , building ships faster than anyone else
not sure if you could say equal but that is just my opinion

as for the fighters both Chinese and Japanese side
released very little information about both fighters
so can't really say which one is better and which one is worse
hard to compare China to Russia
Russia has a better air force and better army
but when it comes to navy China is ahead of Russia , building ships faster than anyone else
not sure if you could say equal but that is just my opinion

as for the fighters both Chinese and Japanese side
released very little information about both fighters
so can't really say which one is better and which one is worse

Russia has more strategic bombers.

However, when it comes to the modern stealth strategic bombers, we are both null in this area.

The air superiority is tie right now, but China has much more potential.

As for the navy, China has better surface fleet, while Russia has better sub fleet.

As for the surface fleet, China is expected to widen its lead in the following years.

As for the sub fleet, China is expected to narrow the gap in the following years.

As for the land army, China has more firepower for now, but Russia has better project capability.
Russia is an old heavy weight boxer with heavy punch and much experience that could last to round 12.
who doesn't punch a lot but hard

China is just a young boxer punch a lot but weak, we can't make sure he could last for long just based on his claim in press conference.

Did you see Russian buy any weapons from China?
In China turn :
1. Aircraft carrier : buy Russian old carrier
2. Submarine : get design and assistance for their 1st sub from Russia ; buy Kilo class from Russia ; next Amur class
3. Destroyer : Sovremeny class
4. Aircraft and engine : Su-27, Su-30, engines, next Su-35 ; actually their J11 - J16 all based on Russian designs.
5. Air defence S300s ; and next S400... from Russia
6. Tank:
... you name more

China must still work very hard to catchup with Russian R&D.

hard to compare China to Russia
Russia has a better air force and better army
but when it comes to navy China is ahead of Russia , building ships faster than anyone else
not sure if you could say equal but that is just my opinion

as for the fighters both Chinese and Japanese side
released very little information about both fighters
so can't really say which one is better and which one is worse

For US, Japan and allies : their connection has more strength than Russia and China.
For example : Aegis is not the ship but the combat system which link all of Aegis-ready warships to detect and launch missiles to any target of all ( Japanese, Korean, US, Spanish, .. )
China has none type of that link to Russia or any other countries, even among Chinese ships.

Turkey must reject the SAM deal with China because of requirements of common defense system which link all NATO countries.
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Are you kidding??
F-/EWACS can guide a missile?
Also A guide B fire mode is not common among stealth planes..
For F35 how could it fight with T50/J20??

T50/J20 are designed like F22, with major function to take out enemy aircraft..
F35 is a multi function aircraft, with less capacity in air combat but more on ground attacking..
Problem is that when facing superpower like China Russia, F35 is not good enough.
Facing small countries, F35 has too small load..
F15 is enough to take out most small countries..

Yes, Modern C4ISTAR can allow EWACS communicate with local fighter and feeds the information the EWACS got and pipe them into local fighter, even if the fighter Own's Radar cannot see the target, it will appear in the screen of that fighter as if they saw the bandit on its own, and using the communication data, the fighter can fire on the bogey without its own Radar detecting the bogey. Thus the EWACS guide the missile to its target

We been doing it for ages in the Army too, an Apache can guide an Abrams tank to a target none of the crew saw but solely rely on the overhead Apache and its Longbow Radar piping down target coordinate into the Abrams Fire Control Computer. Even tho the crew did not see the enemy tank, the Abram can hit it and it's still the same
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Russia is an old heavy weight boxer with heavy punch and much experience that could last to round 12.
who doesn't punch a lot but hard

China is just a young boxer punch a lot but weak, we can't make sure he could last for long just based on his claim in press conference.

Did you see Russian buy any weapons from China?
In China turn :
1. Aircraft carrier : buy Russian old carrier
2. Submarine : get design and assistance for their 1st sub from Russia ; buy Kilo class from Russia ; next Amur class
3. Destroyer : Sovremeny class
4. Aircraft and engine : Su-27, Su-30, engines, next Su-35 ; actually their J11 - J16 all based on Russian designs.
5. Air defence S300s ; and next S400... from Russia
6. Tank:
... you name more

China must still work very hard to catchup with Russian R&D.

For US, Japan and allies : their connection has more strength than Russia and China.
For example : Aegis is not the ship but the combat system which link all of Aegis-ready warships to detect and launch missiles to any target of all ( Japanese, Korean, US, Spanish, .. )
China has none type of that link to Russia or any other countries.

Turkey must reject the SAM deal with China because of requirements of common defense system which link all NATO countries.

1. We have inherited the legacy of the Soviet aircraft carrier, not Russia.
2. Our nuclear sub and AIP are completely indigenous.
3. Our most powerful destroyer right now is the Type 052D, and soon it will be the Type 055.
4. We got our own jet engine which is more closely related to the F100 than to the AL-31.
5. We have only bought S-300 so far, and now our most powerful SAM is completely indigenous. The S-400 rumor is nonsense.
6. Our Tank is also indigenous.
Japan Imperial Navy is the only navy that is able to confront USA. In a hypothetical scenario of Japan Imperial Navy against the UK navy (the most powerful navy in Europe) during WW2, the UK navy will lost her pants.

If you guys are able to pack F35B in your "chopper carrier" today, Japan will be the 2nd most powerful navy in the world.
Japan Imperial Navy is the only navy that is able to confront USA. In a hypothetical scenario of Japan Imperial Navy against the UK navy (the most powerful navy in Europe) during WW2, the UK navy will lost her pants.

You mean the Japan Imperial Navy with 10 aircraft carrier and 12 battleships which rule the entire Pacific Ocean that had to sneak up without warning or provocation to attack Pearl harbor and within a short 6 months lost half the Pacific Ocean to the US Navy?
You mean the Japan Imperial Navy with 10 aircraft carrier and 12 battleships which rule the entire Pacific Ocean that had to sneak up without warning or provocation to attack Pearl harbor and within a short 6 months lost half the Pacific Ocean to the US Navy?

Anyone else could do such a challenge ?
Anyone else could do such a challenge ?

Japan Imperial Navy was the most modern and advance. They had 10 modern aircraft carriers versus only 7 for the United States and only 3 was in the pacific. Their battle ships total 12, were the largest in the world. Their aircraft carriers and battle ships were also far more modern and advance then anything the Allied had. Their Navy Fighters pilots were also very well trained.

The question should be ... how on earth did they lose so much in such a short time ?
Not bad, but I think we should raise this number to at least 200 F-35As.

There was an article quoting chinese scientist that F35 along with other plane can kill Lioning. Good luck dubby you have a great chance. This will prove to be a night mare for chinese navy and airforce.
Since Japan will have their own stealth fighter, I guess they want F-35s to replace F-15 though if America is not that restrictive, it would have been the F-22s which is the "successor" to the F-15 in terms of air-superiority aircraft.
Even Japan is willing to donate these aircrafts for free, Vietnam should even not take it for the sake of their pilots.

These aircrafts are now over 30 years, and its composite materials have pretty much reached its lifespan.

To allow their pilots to fly these aircrafts is simply putting their life on the risk.

The only advantage for Russia right now is the nuclear subs and the quantity of the nukes.

While China takes all the rest.

Lool you mean apart from nukes Russia isn't ahead of you in any other department? Lool nope bro
Russia's air force, space militray assets, land force is still ahead of China. You people can't even build a heavy bomber yet. While Moscow has been flying bombers even close to U.S and European coast. Even in power projection capabilities Moscow still beats you by a wide margin. Though its true China is closing the gap fast.
I can't think of any other field where China leads Russia or has something which Russia hasn't/doesn't have, but Russia do has loys of stuffs which China doesn't have. Apart from surface fleet, China doesn't lead Russia in anything militarily to be honest. China has advanced quite a lot to be honest, but saying its am equal to Moscow militarily is misleading.
Lool you mean apart from nukes Russia isn't ahead of you in any other department? Lool nope bro
Russia's air force, space militray assets, land force is still ahead of China. You people can't even build a heavy bomber yet. While Moscow has been flying bombers even close to U.S and European coast. Even in power projection capabilities Moscow still beats you by a wide margin. Though its true China is closing the gap fast.
I can't think of any other field where China leads Russia or has something which Russia hasn't/doesn't have, but Russia do has loys of stuffs which China doesn't have. Apart from surface fleet, China doesn't lead Russia in anything militarily to be honest. China has advanced quite a lot to be honest, but saying its am equal to Moscow militarily is misleading.

Nope, we have far more funds than Russia.

We are just keeping everything in low profile.

Our goal is to expand our navy at the scale to match the USN.

Russia was once powerful, but right now they don't have economic scale and manpower to support these projects.

Russia has lost its surface vessel capability after the collapse of USSR, while we took the legacy of the Soviet aircraft carrier.

Russia is still strong with the sub fleet. However, we are now narrowing the gap.

Our expansion rate of the 4++ gen aircrafts is mind boggling, then after 2016, it will start with the 5th gen aircrafts.
Your statement:

And the real fact : China still has to import outdated engines from Russia, like RD-93, Al-31 ... J-31 using RD-93 engines too. And if J-11 powered with AL-31 then it lasts, or its engines would be sent back to factory.
Chinese members here stated several times for several years that new engines mounted, but we did see that. The new batch of J10B in mass production also without domestic engines.

and your statement based on another real fact, Russia doesn't sell advanced engines to China.

When US designs a new aircraft, the engine is not their problem. F-35 even need a single engine only. Japan get the F-35 fleet is a huge advantage against China.

I don't even understand how he can say china is ahead of Russia in engine tech sophistication and even ahead of U.S? :lol: All their fighter are basically flying with Russian engines and he says China engine is more sophisticated? :o: ChChina lags way behind even France and U.K in engine tech sophistication forget about U.S. to put things in perspective, of Russia was to stop deliveringits soviet era engines to China, chinas whole air force will be grounded.:agree: Well until they can perfect their own engines manufacturing/tech. That will take years though. So they should thank Moscow instead of saying their engines are better than Moscow's.:enjoy:

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