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Karachi: Zulfiqar Mirza's statement triggers another round of violence

PPP is gonna suffer big when MQM comes to power next time. What is the karachi governor doing? He has the right to call the federal forces if necessary.

I feel sorry for the people of karachi, especially the kids.

It is just 1 % area of total karachi which is disturbed. Wherever, these ANP people are having offices, they try to make that area FATA (Law Free Zone) / No go area.
The funny thing is, Pakistan has never seen killings (genocides) on such a large scale since a long time. I don't remember the last time 90 people were killed in Pakistan as a result of political rioting or ethnic clashes between groups. This incident & the sheer number of people killed has shocked Pakistan all over, but there is always hope if the PPP is ready to take the right steps.

Naaah bilal, actually the figure of 90 people is for last three days, including the fourth day, that averages 25 - 30 people per day. We have seen around 40 - 50 people per day long time back.
So this is a case of everyone saying this is my Karachi.

Kind of, but it is now more of a power struggle between the Pakhtuns, who've had a rapid influx into Karachi since 2001 (& have hit 7 million in number now), & the Urdu speakers (who are at 9 million). Karachi's population as a whole has significantly increased since 2001 as well because of the rapid influx of Pakhtuns into Karachi. It is similar to the Mohajir-Sindhi power struggle a few decades ago.
The Express Tribune‘s Saba Imtiaz reports that there has been a volley of gunfire in Juna Market.

Naaah bilal, actually the figure of 90 people is for last three days, including the fourth day, that averages 25 - 30 people per day. We have seen around 40 - 50 people per day long time back.

Oh ok, that's a relief. I read the BBC News, & it said 30ish, & when Dawn said 90, I thought it was for one day. It really got me scared. Thanks for that.
for God sake come to karachi then see ... You don't live here how can you decide then .. i just saw on TV .. dozens of ANP terrorists with Ak47 straight firing in streets ...... This is worse than waziristan

Check your previous posts, how you decided or made opinion while discussing issues irrelevant to Karachi?

A person in Islamabad must have cent percent authentic news as compared to a biased citizen. If you have seen few ANP workers with Ak-47, can you apply it to all ANP or Pakhtuns?

Are you ANP phobia or Pakhtun?

and don't compare historical party like ANP with fascist party like MQM which derives all support from RAW. ANP is a non-violent party whereas MQM will soon be declared a terrorist party and ultimately banned in Pakistan. You will see this in near future.


I would suggest all members on this thread (MQM supporters & ANP supporters) to read my Post # 150 carefully, & stop blaming each other's parties for everything.
Check your previous posts, how you decided or made opinion while discussing issues irrelevant to Karachi?

A person in Islamabad must have cent percent authentic news as compared to a biased citizen. If you have seen few ANP workers with Ak-47, can you apply it to all ANP or Pakhtuns?

Are you ANP phobia or Pakhtun?

and don't compare historical party like ANP with fascist party like MQM which derives all support from RAW. ANP is a non-violent party whereas MQM will soon be declared a terrorist party and ultimately banned in Pakistan. You will see this in near future.

This is a new angle which I have not heard in this forum till now.:hitwall:
This is a new angle which I have not heard in this forum till now.:hitwall:

Again, there are still some brainwashed people who think of Urdu speakers as Indians, & people like Altaf Hussein as working for RAW or India. Some people cannot get over their grievances against Altaf Hussein (a bit justified to an extent) & the MQM, there can be nothing done about it. Please ignore such people. However, I made a few additions to my Post # 150, & please go through it. Thanks.
Check your previous posts, how you decided or made opinion while discussing issues irrelevant to Karachi?

A person in Islamabad must have cent percent authentic news as compared to a biased citizen. If you have seen few ANP workers with Ak-47, can you apply it to all ANP or Pakhtuns?

Are you ANP phobia or Pakhtun?

and don't compare historical party like ANP with fascist party like MQM which derives all support from RAW. ANP is a non-violent party whereas MQM will soon be declared a terrorist party and ultimately banned in Pakistan. You will see this in near future.

Please stop sharing your wet dreams, and keep living with them. Take the example of Sarfraz Shah killing. There was a camera therefore everybody is calling him innocent and rangers brutal.

MQM has been portrayed as terrorists when there was Just on bloody PTV. so you will say what you have been shown. and Calling ANP non-violent............oooooh my god. where are you from? how was weather at Mars??

Buddy, ANP and Pakhtuns are two different things, in ANP everyone is Pakhtoon / afghani, but in Pukhtoons not all are ANPs activists.

The Nawaz sharif tried to vanish MQM now ANP is trying the same. The Nawaz Sharif's attempt's result is in front of you, you will see the ANP's as well.
You receiving dead bodies in Quetta????? from Karachi????? You are mistaken man, the situation in Quetta is more disturbed than Karachi, somebody is misguiding you those people might have been killed in quetta.

Yes, from Karachi in Quetta. These are the bodies of poor people who are working as laborers in different profession and they are killed on ethnic grounds bcz they are pakthuns.
Check your previous posts, how you decided or made opinion while discussing issues irrelevant to Karachi?

A person in Islamabad must have cent percent authentic news as compared to a biased citizen. If you have seen few ANP workers with Ak-47, can you apply it to all ANP or Pakhtuns?

Are you ANP phobia or Pakhtun?

and don't compare historical party like ANP with fascist party like MQM which derives all support from RAW. ANP is a non-violent party whereas MQM will soon be declared a terrorist party and ultimately banned in Pakistan. You will see this in near future.



Dur fittay mooooo.... here is the first post of the first thread you referred.

Does anyone believe me?:pakistan:

for 2nd one, search similar content for ANP, PPP as well.
When the Mohajirs initially came into Pakistan, Jinnah made Urdu the national language of Pakistan, the language of the Mohajirs, even though they comprised of only 8% of the total population of Pakistan.

Oh Please, there aren't any Mohajirs! We are all equal Pakistani! Some people are just into this fact, and into a complex! Stop calling yourelf a Mohajir but a Pakistani, then see the difference in yourself!

That was an extremely unpopular decision. Then most of the Mohajirs went to Sindh (& more specifically Hyderabad & Karachi) as opposed to spreading themselves over the country. They brought a lot of development to Karachi & Hyderabad, but because there was such a huge influx into these cities, the Sindhis felt threatened by them, & there was a bit of a power struggle as the Mohajirs started outnumbering the Sindhis. The Mohajirs were thought of 'Indian' anyways, not really Pakistani. There was a lot of discrimination against the Mohajirs, & they had to face a lot of hardships.
That was insanity, decades ago. Sorry for that.

The MQM was formed as a result of all this. To protect themselves against violence of the Sindhis & other ethnicities, they armed themselves up. Which led to a lot of bloodshed obviously, & MQM became renowned for its thuggery & rigid political activism in Karachi. However, this has changed since the past 10-15 years, & the MQM changed its name from Mohajir Qaumi Movement to Muttahida Qaumi Movement. It became more inclusive to everyone. But obviously, the grievances in the other political parties still remained.
And after they tried to give the so called 'Mohajirs' their rights, they should have been vanished. Today, if anyone calls themself a Mohajir, is cause of MQM. If people stop calling themselves one, the agenda and power would be lost. Its just like A.H. is telling you all that you are Mohajir and fixing it into your minds, then saying Punjabis hate you and you have to fight for your rights, which is totally wrong!

The problem arises when there was a similar influx of Pakhtuns in Karachi since the WOT, & now the MQM feels a bit threatened by the ANP as a lot of Pakthuns are being recruited. Karachi before 2001 had a clear Mohajir majority, but now, there are 9 million Mohajirs & 7 million Pakhtuns in Karachi. Which results in the power struggle between the MQM & the ANP, just as there was a power struggle between the Sindhis & the Mohajirs before. The MQM initially armed itself to protect itself from the Sindhis, but this was interpreted as thuggery & militancy by non-Mohajir ethnic groups in Karachi in the 80s. Now, the ANP recruits a lot of Pakhtuns from FATA & illegal Afghan refugees, & also increases its stock of arms, as a means of challenging the MQM in Karachi, & also using these arms to 'defend themselves from MQM militancy & thuggery'.

Wars and fights isi'nt the solution. You have to work out peace, as both are equal Pakistanis having equal rights. IMO, its a threat to MQM, as they will lose their power and influence to them, hence they have tried to create a hatred and discrimination, which people follow and both sides hate each other for practically nothing but misunderstandings.
Hence, the whole problem with Karachi is related to arms & ammunition, not much else. Once there are no guns, there won't be many problems. Believe it or not, most Pakhtuns & Mohajirs get along perfectly fine in Karachi, it is the poor people that get brainwashed by ethnic hatred from their respective parties.
Agreed to this part. I used to say it earlier that no one should own a weapon, with or without licence. But people used to confrontate saying they need to fight any robber or similar situation. If all the Pakistan is weaponless, then how can a robber have a weapon, if it was done successfully?
This is a new angle which I have not heard in this forum till now.:hitwall:

Some people (primarily non-Karachiites) that have grievances against the MQM say it is like Shiv Sena, that Altaf Hussain is like Bal Thackerey in India when Thackaray said Mumbai is for Marathis first, & then Indians (although Altaf Hussain has never said the same for Karachi & Mohajirs). It's just the perception some people have, who think Altaf Hussain has adopted the same policies as Bal Thackerey.
Oh Please, there aren't any Mohajirs! We are all equal Pakistani! Some people are just into this fact, and into a complex! Stop calling yourelf a Mohajir but a Pakistani, then see the difference in yourself!

I am not a Mohajir, but a Pakistani (even Urdu speaking 'comes later'. Always a Pakistani first), & a proud one at that. I am giving you the historical context of the situation, right after 1947, when the whole situation in, & the wounds between Pakistan & India (& within their respective countries) were rife, & there were a lot of ethnic tensions between groups. I think you completely misunderstood me.

And after they tried to give the so called 'Mohajirs' their rights, they should have been vanished. Today, if anyone calls themself a Mohajir, is cause of MQM.

No Urdu speaker in Pakistan calls him or herself a Mohajir today. We are proud Pakistanis, & happy to be a part of Pakistan & live peacefully with our Pakistani brothers from all ethnic backgrounds. Hell, even the Mohajir Qaumi Movement became Muttahida Qaumi Movement, so what do you think? Despite me being an 'Urdu speaker', I was raised in Punjab, & I am a fluent Punjabi speaker. There are many Urdu speakers in Sindh that speak fluent Sindhi as well. Shahid Afridi, a proud Pakhtun & Karachiite is my biggest sporting hero today. Even he's spoken against the gun culture of certain Pakhtuns in the FATA.

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