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Kargil war was a total disaster, claims Gen Majeed Malik

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Just like all other wars Pakistan lost Kargil also ......

I think now they understand that they cant win against India, I hope so otherwise Pakistani will be humiliating again and again
Spanked is spanked is spanked.

Poor IA jawans getting gunned down in masses. It's a shame really.

I would like to being gunned down rather than having bullet on my a$$ being a fugitive of war zone

Your case seems to be exactly reverse :lol:
They say that the poor Indian jawans' blood poured down the sides of the peaks and could be seen from miles away.

Our lmgs being put to work furiously.

Could not see dead bodies of your soldiers(or mujahideens) lying aside?
yeah thats the point...

pakistani troops along with mujahdeens never exceeded 5,000 in numbers...how come 4,000 be dead..
like norboo posted an official list that mentions 473 losses,

well if anyone goes with that nawaz sharif's statement,why dont he see that sharif had a personal grudge with musharaf...

and what about that coffin scandal that raged?

ok,why pakistani troops retreated?

it was not beacuse pakistan suffered heavy casualities,but actually it was the result of sharif,clinton meetings..

News Headings

so to sum it up,
yeah it was indian victory but DIPLOMATICALLY...

It took a while for us to comprehend the scale of intrusion, it was a diplomatic victory no doubt but it was a military victory too when IA started gaining peak after peak. Pakistani casualties were immense and similar to how most controversial matters were hushed up, so was this. Pakistan took a long while to acknowledge that the intruders were actually PA regulars and not mujadeen hence could not declare actual casualty reports.

IA supposedly buried more than 600 NLI troops, bodies of whom PA refused to take back.

The international ignominy of defeat at Kargil still is a bitter pill to swallow and the long spiral down of events post that has wisened up Pakistan to forget about any more military adventurisms against India for a long time to come.

The Pak doctrine has now changed from first attack to defense and all plannings and purchases are towards that end, on the contrary India is pursuing a two front war preparedness, an effective triad of nuke delivery capabilities, a true blue water navy with increased force and equipment deployments on foreign shores, cold start and stopping Pakistan from gaining strategic depth inside Afghanistan.

Kargil was a harsh wake up call for India, Mumbai was an uppercut, India's goal is to pursue policies to deny this from happening again.
They say that the poor Indian jawans' blood poured down the sides of the peaks and could be seen from miles away.

Our lmgs being put to work furiously.

Who says this? Mullahs?

The world also says that PAKISTAN LOST THE CONFLICT.

What a joke of a comment by you.
We have a democratic government now, despite all its misconducts, its still there. For the first time in history the democratically elected government is near to complete its tenure. A stable, friendly, progressive Pakistan is always in the interest of India. A Pakistan where, democracy, rule of law, and the utmost supremacy of the Constitution prevailing, can guarantee no further adventurism with India. Even as a common man like me can realize that we cannot afford another Kargill adventure with India. We may have the historic rivalry, but we can use this rivalry into some positive outcome. Kargill is a chapter of history. But certainly i don't want another Musharaf sitting in the President House. Kargill was an adventure by which we had to suffer nine years of military rule ( with its short term progress bla bla bla, and the long term earthquakes). Elections are right at the corner. We shall have a new democratically elected government, and i am very hopeful for the major change in India Pakistan relations in the next five years.
They say that the poor Indian jawans' blood poured down the sides of the peaks and could be seen from miles away.

Our lmgs being put to work furiously.

100% correct

the indians sent on foot up the hills stood no chance against the rain of fire coming down hill onto them

wave after wave of indians got killed on the mountain slopes by the Pakistani LMGs

those who turned back were shot by their own! <- this is the least known fact about the Kargil war

Pakistani fanboys making an equivalent of what Hollywood did with Rambo in Vietnam :rofl:
100% correct

the indians sent on foot up the hills stood no chance against the rain of fire coming down hill onto them

wave after wave of indians got killed on the mountain slopes by the Pakistani LMGs

those who turned back were shot by their own! <- this is the least known fact about the Kargil war

Obviously, because it never happened, Mujhaideen alas were NLI, now that was a fact!

Do I need to say how distorted history is fed to dull Pakistanis like you! :azn:
Obviously, because it never happened, Mujhaideen alas were NLI, now that was a fact!

Do I need to say how distorted history is fed to dull Pakistanis like you! :azn:
then why did it take such a long time for indians to take back their territory?indian army had full support of iaf also
The Bofor Guns were the game changer in this conflict.

If India didn't have them then we could have turned this into an Indian Iwo Jima, where India would have had to expend atleast 10,000 soldiers to re-take those hills.
The Bofor Guns were the game changer in this conflict.

If India didn't have them then we could have turned this into an Indian Iwo Jima, where India would have had to expend atleast 10,000 soldiers to re-take those hills.

If you would not have nuclear bombs, Indian tricolor would have woven over Islamabad a long way before..... C'mon leave aside lame excuses...
Hordes of Indians were massacred by lmg fire. What a shame.
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