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Kashmiris protest student's killing by army


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Kashmiris protest student’s killing by army – The Express Tribune

Kashmiris protest student's killing by army
Published: February 5, 2011


File photo of relatives of missing Kashmiri Muslim youths holding placards during a protest demonstration a day before International Human Rights Day in Srinagar on December 9, 2010. PHOTO: AFP

SRINAGAR: Thousands of protesters poured into the streets in restive Indian held Kashmir on Saturday after a student was shot dead by the army.

The new unrest raised memories of massive anti-India protests that rocked the Muslim-majority region last summer in which at least 114 people were killed, most of them shot by security forces.

Manzoor Ahmad Magray, 21, a student, was killed by Indian troops late Friday in Handwara, 80 kms (50 miles) north of the region’s summer capital Srinagar, police said.

Thousand of people marched in the streets on Saturday to voice their anger, television footage showed. Indian military spokesman JS Brar said in a statement that the army regretted Magray’s death but added that “troops fired after he paid no heed to their signal to stop.”

Handwara-based police superintendent Mohammad Aslam said: “We have registered a murder case against the army in connection with the incident.”

“The situation is tense but under control,” Aslam told AFP.

Relatives of Magray rejected the army’s statement that the young man had refused to stop and charged that he had been killed “in cold blood.”

“Torture marks were visible on the body of Magray. There was only one bullet wound in the lower part of the leg,” said Shabir Ahmad, a relative.

The Himalayan region is held in part by nuclear-armed India and Pakistan but claimed in full by both. Civilian protests against India’s rule have increased in the recent past.
Trigger happy IA in kashmir like that of trigger happy BSF on international borders of india.Both are on rampage like raging bull.none to control them except for GOI.Ah! but they are implementing their masters'(GOI's) orders.
let them keep making the sound....

So you equate a barbaric act by terrorists with IA murdering someone.

If that's how you justify it, i must say your standards have been lowered.

Still guud for you, who dont like its Army going on a killing spree. :tup:

And oh yes, before you show us your hollowness by posting PA's barbarism against BLA and Talibans in FATA, please try to remember that there's a difference between an occupier and a liberator, or perhaps that would be too crude for your sensibilities.
^^^Perhaps in your haste/hate you forgot this;

Indian military spokesman JS Brar said in a statement that the army regretted Magray’s death but added that “troops fired after he paid no heed to their signal to stop.”

And no, no one is going to justify it --- because Pakistanis are a non-entity as far as we are concerned in the sense we don't need to justify anything to you.

Our Army is answerable only to our Govt which in turn is answerable only to us (Indian citizens) and we support our Army to the hilt.. Pakistan does not come into this equation.

Go figure.
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^^^Perhaps in your haste/hate you forgot this;

Sri, i am sure by bow you know me quite well and i assume that you would also know that i dont leave anything to chance. i did read the statement, infact i was going to highlight it, but then what's the fun in highlighting something that we all know is a routine? 'We regret this or that, but guess what, we would do it again' They regret the killing in one line and in the same breath they try to put the blame over the diseased, how 'professional', no wonder i didnt consider it worth mentioning!

And no, no one is going to justify it --- because Pakistanis are a non-entity as far as we are concerned in the sense we don't need to justify anything to you.

Our Army is answerable only to our Govt which in turn is answerable only to us (Indian citizens) and we support our Army to the hilt.

Go figure.

No doubt by the way you people have been thumping your chest over the kill, i feel sorry for Kashmiris, but i feel more sorry for your military who faces the invisible wrath of innocents. PTSD, suicides, killing fellow officers/men, metal sickness etc are few gifts that they receive in return :tup:

No wonder an india soldier committed suicide when his dog died a natural death nor does i feel surprised when a sentry killed a fellow soldier because of fear while was standing on duty at a PEACE LOCATION.

Sri, you being a civilian might not understand this, but i bet your top brass must have been giving some thoughts towards this. Believe me, that's a huge price your military is paying for its occupation of Kashmir, only that guys like you would never know, one because you are blinded by the false pride, and two the hawks on your side would never allow the aam jaunta to wake up and get aware!

Best of luck, justifying human massacre.

D!scredible india, indeed..!!
^^^Perhaps in your haste/hate you forgot this;

“Torture marks were visible on the body of Magray. There was only one bullet wound in the lower part of the leg,” said Shabir Ahmad, a relative.
This thread is not about the two girls that got killed sometime ago by unknown gunmen.

If anything this shows that Kashmiris don't believe that Kashmiri separatists killed them.

Anyway stick to the topic here.
Let me remind you that an actual killer exists in this case:

Kashmir civilian killed, murder case against army men

Srinagar, Feb 5 (IANS) A civilian was shot dead in an army ambush, in the first such killing in Jammu and Kashmir this year. Police swiftly registered a murder case against the soldiers Saturday and a magisterial enquiry was ordered into the incident.

Manzoor Ahmad Magray, 24, was killed in an ambush laid by the army for separatist guerrillas in Chogal village of Kupwara district, around 70 km from here, at 10.30 p.m. Friday.

'An FIR (26/2011) under section 302 (murder) of the Ranbir Penal Code (RPC) has been registered in Handwara police station against the security men deployed in Gund Chogal village on the night of Feb 4-5,' a senior police officer said here.

The additional district magistrate of Kupwara will also conduct a magisterial probe into the incident and furnish the report within a fortnight, an officer of the divisional administration said here.

Hundreds of villagers blocked the road near Chogal village with the body of the slain villager.

After assurances from the authorities, the relatives agreed to bury the body.

While the army said the civilian had walked into the ambush that had been laid for the separatists, relatives and locals demanded action against the guilty.

It was also alleged by relatives that the youth was forcibly taken out of his home by soldiers before the firing incident.

In a statement, the army regretted the civilian's death saying: 'At approximately 22.30 hours, troops detected suspicious movement of two persons coming towards the ambush (site).

'In accordance with standard operating procedure, troops challenged the individuals to surrender, both the individuals instead attempted to run away, upon which the troops opened fire, resulting in fatal injuries to Manzoor Ahmad Magray.

'We deeply and sincerely express our heartfelt condolences to the bereaved family. The army, although strictly adhering to the challenging procedures as per the rules of engagement, regrets the loss, more so as the year has been declared by the army as the Year of Kashmiri Awam,' the statement said.

Last year over 100 civilians were killed in firing by the security forces in the Kashmir Valley during clashes with stone-pelting protesters.
This thread is not about the two girls that got killed sometime ago by unknown gunmen.

If anything this shows that Kashmiris don't believe that Kashmiri separatists killed them.

Anyway stick to the topic here.

One question then - if they did not believe that the militants killed them, then why they did not protest or shout slogans of 'Azaadi' ?? Why there were no rallies, no stone pelting, no immediate emotional 'atyachar' from any separatist leader ??

Doesn't it tell something ??

Anyway only when some one is consistent in his stand in the face of all adversities, then he will be respected.

Hypocrites and those who practice double standards are never respected nor empathised with.


And yes, the Army statement clearly says that the youth unfortunately walked into an ambush set up for the militants and even then SOP was followed and he was asked to stop. But the youth, thinking whatever he was thinking, started running and naturally the troops shot him.

Happens in every insurgency ridden place - not unique to Kashmir.You call it 'cold blooded murder' ; we call it 'unfortunate incident'. When this will end ?? Only when Pakistan lets go of its fixation with Kashmir. Until that these 'unfortunate incidents' will keep happening.

Please dont take the pains to reply how India is occupier,disputed region,plebiscite etc etc. It has been gone over a million times before and nothing has changed, if at all the positions have been ossified.And it is not going to change in the future.

ps.:The Army statement has much more credibility than those who practice double standards and hypocrisy.
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And yes, the Army statement clearly says that the youth unfortunately walked into an ambush set up for the militants and even then SOP was followed and he was asked to stop. But the youth, thinking whatever he was thinking, started running and naturally the troops shot him.

Your hate/haste still continues.

“Torture marks were visible on the body of Magray. There was only one bullet wound in the lower part of the leg,” said Shabir Ahmad, a relative.

You are a bit hasty. ;)

Only when Pakistan lets go of its fixation with Kashmir. Until that these 'unfortunate incidents' will keep happening.

Please dont take the pains to reply how India is occupier,disputed region,plebiscite etc etc. It has been gone over a million times before and nothing has changed, if at all the positions have been ossified.And it is not going to change in the future.


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