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Lahore was a Hindu city that has disappeared, says Tarek Fatah

How was Lahore a Hindu city? It is littered with architecture from Muslims. Mosques, Forts, tombs, gardens, grand houses...almost everything from history has mostly Muslim and to lesser degree Sikh and Christian stamp. There is no grand temple or Hindu symbol from history. How it was a Hindu city? And what the heck is a Hindu city anyway?!
What about my Christian friends from Lahore? Are they just Muslims pretending to be Christian?

Dr. Fatah needs more fresh air imo.

Dr. (my arse) Fateh is doing whatever makes him money, he realized he was not qualified enough to run a purchoon shop so he decided to make a Chooran and start selling that chooran..choorans are more popular in India so he has to say what Indians like him to say...I think if you pay him enough he will even say his real father is a baboon.
Then agra, lucknow and delhi should have been pakistan.

Sometimes talking logic is good for health. There was a lot of deliberation happened on Lahore. Unlike other cities in present day Pakistan, 75% of Lahore was owned by Sikh and Hindu. Lahore went to Pakistan in the last minute. Even Nankana Sahib should have joined India.
Sometimes talking logic is good for health. There was a lot of deliberation happened on Lahore. Unlike other cities in present day Pakistan, 75% of Lahore was owned by Sikh and Hindu. Lahore went to Pakistan in the last minute. Even Nankana Sahib should have joined India.

Then Delhi, Agra, Lucknow, Hyderabad and Ajmer should have gone to Pakistan.
Sitting abroad and makes open statement about pakistan and cities... These guys speak as if they have in depth knowledge about lahore and Pakistan yet they stand abroad. Lahore still has its pre partition beauty.. Lower mall and lower lahore remind us of another Time and if you read a story about lahore from pre partition times then you can easily imagine yourself in it since the old lahore has not changed that much. With the partition the Hindus did migrate away thus it became a Muslim majority city but lahore still has its old beauty along with the newness of the world.

If you cross Miani sahab and enter jail road you will see new lahore and if you come from Miami sahab to chuburji or from upper mall to lower mall and go beyond inside then you will see those old buildings and old style construction that can take you back into another time. I relate the story 'overcoat' whenever I walk on lower mall. Very easy to see yourself in his place right up to the accident.

As for the ahmaddiya.. They have been an integral part of pakistan and its history and their fight for our freedom will not be forgotten and is honoured just as the efforts of all the minorities who played a part in creating Pakistan... If you love Pakistan then you are my brother... Simple as that. If you hate pakistan then you are no brother to me.

He can only say the facts and truth because he lives abroad. If he lived in Pakistan, he would have been long ago for his dissenting unpopular views, no matter how true it is.
He said, “As far as the Ahmadiyas are concerned and any other minorities in Pakistan are concerned, there is something called Karma. This is a community that worked to break up India. The first non-state Jihadi group that attacked Hindus in 1947 in the Kashmir War. They launched that Jihad. They fought to create Pakistan, and as long as the Ahmadiya does not admit that they made a major mistake by betraying India which was their homeland, they will continue to be prosecuted.”
This guy's bigotry knows no bounds. There is something called being loyal to your country as he is loyal to Canadian values and he often goes on to taunt muslims who do not follow the Canadian values. This guy is suffering from serious illness but i have seen he is a star among some Indians.
And Karachi and Quetta was british cities and they also disappear ... Fu*k yourself Uncle Tarek.
Somebody ask this moron of a person to say something about the plight of Muslims in India who never left the India, or the Sikhs who slaughtered muslims leaving for Pakistan and then were slaughtered in their Homeland in 1984.

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