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Lahore was a Hindu city that has disappeared, says Tarek Fatah

But Jinnah never listened to his peace talks nor did the Direct Action day or Moplah rioters.It was only the gullible Hindus whom he could con successfully with his Peace talks.
I agree with you. Infact, when Gandhi died - the condolence message from Jinnah categorically called him "a great leader of Hindus" rather than Indians. Jinnah was never comfortable with Gandhi mixing religion with politics and his talks of "Mother India", "Ram Rajya" etc. But then, before Gandhi - talks about independence were only between intellectuals in Delhi, Calcutta and Bombay. Gandhi, for all his faults did bring the idea of independence to the masses. Initially, he did inspire the likes of Bhagat Singh and even Bose had a "Gandhi Brigade" in his INA. Ironic because the methods of these 2 were anathema to Gandhi but both Bhagat Singh and Bose respected Gandhi for his views. I personally don't agree with many aspects of Gandhi's visions - like prohibition for one. Or his ridiculous economic thought process. But I do think he genuinely meant well and brought the Indian freedom movement to the forefront of the world.
Once again there was never a 1000 year Muslim rule nor was it absolute like British.Muslims ruled only parts of Bharat and that too was full of revolts,constant wars from Hindu kings.In effect you see we are still 83% Hindus as a population,therefore you failed miserably. Now don't give me that Benevolent Muslim ruler lecture who didn't want to convert Hindus,they tried and failed miserably.

Yes you do, kill people for leaving your religion (Apostasy) or blasphemy.
There are no pork eaters in Islamic nations.
Gandhi was killed because of his karma. for siding with Pakistan and Jinnah,while trying to give peace sermons to Hindus.

Well you are really confused. Blasphemy is not leaving religion, but insult of a faith. Ok it's fine to kill Muslims because they eat cow and its your holy goddess or whatever and its wrong for Muslims to take stand when their religion is being insulted? PS: we at least don't support hurting people on blasphemy. HAHAHAHAHAHA. KON LOG HO TUM? Gandhi was killed for spreading peace? Good going. :D
Tarek Fatah is a big clown which is taken as holy gospel by Indians!
Once again there was never a 1000 year Muslim rule nor was it absolute like British.Muslims ruled only parts of Bharat and that too was full of revolts,constant wars from Hindu kings.I
Read the history not the hindu history filled with lies and distortions. Read some neutral history not your school text books taught by Pundits.
In effect you see we are still 83% Hindus as a population,therefore you failed miserably.
Again we see the distortion of history through hindu lens but to your utter dismay the history have been well documented and chronicled which your illogical RSS brainwashed saffronised mind cannot comprehend. 83% or whatever percent of Hindu survived actually is the testament to the tolerance of Muslim rulers of India because if they carried massacres on the style of RSS terrorists and Murdoodi facist, there would be very small hindu minority left after a thousand years of persecution.
Well you are really confused. Blasphemy is not leaving religion, but insult of a faith. Ok it's fine to kill Muslims because they eat cow and its your holy goddess or whatever and its wrong for Muslims to take stand when their religion is being insulted? PS: we at least don't support hurting people on blasphemy. HAHAHAHAHAHA. KON LOG HO TUM? Gandhi was killed for spreading peace? Good going. :D
People get lynched for Blasphemy in Pakistan,You have Blasphemy laws in your constitution in Pakistan whom are you trying to fool here?
Like i said,Don't eat beef everything is fine since Cow slaughter is banned in India, you can't kill it and not expect Police to not arrest you.While some people might get enraged and take matters into their own hands and deal with the perpetrator in their own fashion sometimes.
To avoid all those incidents Don't eat Beef, Eat anything Pork,Mutton,Chicken,Fish we don't care.Just not Beef in a 83% Hindu Majority country,Nobody can get away with killing cows just to mock Hindu beliefs.There will be consequences are the Minority prepared to pay for their actions is the question.

Gandhi got killed for siding with Pakistan and giving peace sermons to pacify Hindus while he did none of the above against Muslims.
I agree with you. Infact, when Gandhi died - the condolence message from Jinnah categorically called him "a great leader of Hindus" rather than Indians. Jinnah was never comfortable with Gandhi mixing religion with politics and his talks of "Mother India", "Ram Rajya" etc. But then, before Gandhi - talks about independence were only between intellectuals in Delhi, Calcutta and Bombay. Gandhi, for all his faults did bring the idea of independence to the masses. Initially, he did inspire the likes of Bhagat Singh and even Bose had a "Gandhi Brigade" in his INA. Ironic because the methods of these 2 were anathema to Gandhi but both Bhagat Singh and Bose respected Gandhi for his views. I personally don't agree with many aspects of Gandhi's visions - like prohibition for one. Or his ridiculous economic thought process. But I do think he genuinely meant well and brought the Indian freedom movement to the forefront of the world.
He was good i will give you that, but he was very unrealistic in his expectations.To expect people to give up Violence completely and turn into Meek sheep.That never happens in a sudden instant because Gandhi preached non-violece but change will come gradually.
The idea of Complete Swaraj was taken from Bhagat singh by Gandhi,before Bhagat singh Gandhi was ok with Limited Powers given to Indian people by British while the Important decisions were to be taken by British.Only after Bhagat singhs death did the idea of "Poorna Swaraj" went viral.
Subhas Chandra Bose disliked Gandhi for his too pacifist approach,not to mention Nehru filling Gandhis ears with gossip and propaganda against Bose,which led him to quitting National Congress.The rest you know is History.Each are great in their own right,but Gandhi was too morally unrealistic, I mean he called for the whole Jewish race to jump off a cliff to somehow induce guilt in Hitler :omghaha: and his letters to Hitler if you read will bring a laugh on your face.:lol:

Read the history not the hindu history filled with lies and distortions. Read some neutral history not your school text books taught by Pundits.

Again we see the distortion of history through hindu lens but to your utter dismay the history have been well documented and chronicled which your illogical RSS brainwashed saffronised mind cannot comprehend. 83% or whatever percent of Hindu survived actually is the testament to the tolerance of Muslim rulers of India because if they carried massacres on the style of RSS terrorists and Murdoodi facist, there would be very small hindu minority left after a thousand years of persecution.
I read the history well unlike Pakistani textbooks which proclaim 1 momeen=10 hindus.

Tolerance of Muslim rulers? Yeah right! How tolerant were you in Egypt,Iran and other Middle eastern nations when Muslim rulers conquered and changed them to Islamic states completely.
It tells me the Muslim rulers are neither tolerant as you seek to portray but they failed miserably to convert Bharat to Islam either by Book or Sword.We are the living testament where Islam has failed by using Sword as they did in other nations, because we always fought against such invaders and the resistance put up simply meant, muslim rulers had no choice but to live with the prospect they cannot convert people to Islam by force.

No matter what history book you say etc. We are a living testament of 1Billion Hindus 83% of Bharat is still Hindu.:woot:
Read the history not the hindu history filled with lies and distortions. Read some neutral history not your school text books taught by Pundits.

Again we see the distortion of history through hindu lens but to your utter dismay the history have been well documented and chronicled which your illogical RSS brainwashed saffronised mind cannot comprehend. 83% or whatever percent of Hindu survived actually is the testament to the tolerance of Muslim rulers of India because if they carried massacres on the style of RSS terrorists and Murdoodi facist, there would be very small hindu minority left after a thousand years of persecution.

Do the math buddy. There simply can't have been a 1000 year rule. The Mughal Empire lasted from 1526-1857. And even before 1857 the Mughals were nominal rulers as the prevalent force in India was the Marathas then. 300 years at best.
He is an indian posing as a Pakistani................and he only shits on himself...............no one like ever crying and cribbing bitches

tarek fatah reminds of uncle ruckus from boondocks hes a self hating muslim, who goes to extreme measures to please white and indian people and shits on his own ppl

Yeah we can see hindus feeding Muslim's blood to flourish Islam in india, killing Christians and destroying churches to flourish Christianity

I can see how his comments greatly upset Pakistanis but facts are that while Islam and other religions are flourishing in India, Pakistan has all but gotten rid of every aspect of not only Hinduism but is also increasingly unsafe for for non sunni muslims.. Ahmedi, how dare they proclaim to be muslim, institutionalized state segregation. shia get bombs for gifts virtually every muharram, you have a taliban of your own, you have qaeda, Saudis have poured in billions to help both military and state but also have been given a free rein to propagate their hateful ideology and have radicalized a big chunk of the population. This is not the Pakistan Jinnah would have liked to see if he were around today.
Christians can and do consume pork in Pakistan. No problem. Hunting parties after hunting wild boar usually give it to Christians or other non-Muslims who wish to consume it. No problem with us. Tell me about India? Does someone object to Muslims consuming cow meat? I hope not!
I will believe it when i see it.What you say about Christians,hardly any left in your country,Minorities leaving your country in droves seeking asylum in other nations and India.

Cow slaughter is banned in India, How hard is it to get that into your head? IT IS BANNED, PERIOD!
The rule was made keeping in mind the sentiments and wishes of Hindus who are 83% majority of the population.You can't break the rule of law and expect Hindus to keep quiet.Not going to happen.Eat any meat except Beef.But if they still want to persist with eating Beef as sort of some religious compulsion(when there is no compulsion for beef in your religion). Then don't expect any respite or sympathy from us.
"When in Rome do as the Romans do they say",If you try to be different,you will be looked at with suspicion.
I will believe it when i see it.What you say about Christians,hardly any left in your country,Minorities leaving your country in droves seeking asylum in other nations and India.

Cow slaughter is banned in India, How hard is it to get that into your head? IT IS BANNED, PERIOD!
The rule was made keeping in mind the sentiments and wishes of Hindus who are 83% majority of the population

I have Christian friends and never heard them saying anything about leaving Pakistan least of it for India.

Ok, so beef is ban. Why is it ban for non Hindus, dear sunshine? It is your religious belief not theirs. Hindus are imposing their religion on others? So much for tolerance. If you hurt you guys so much, why every Indian just wants to shift to US where they cut cows in pieces and chomp them everywhere? Why no hurt in religious sentiments then?

Difference between Pakistan and India is that you guys as a nation suffocate minorities and their religious freedom while in Pakistan few nut cases do it on individual level. As a state and its law, Pakistan allows its minorities to eat and drink as their religion allows them to. Same can not be said about India.
Can someone from Lahore Pakistan tell did Lahore had Hindus before 14th of August 1947 if yes then is what % as compared to Muslims in Lahore and what % of hindus are in Lahore now ?
Can someone from Amritsar India tell did Amritsar had Muslims before 14th of August 1947 if yes then is what % as compared to Hindus in Amritsar and what % of muslim are in Amritsar now ?
Same answer
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