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List of websites blocked in the People's Republic of China

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Exactly this is what I was trying to say. This is my understanding whether I should ne ashamed in uch case or not. Other do not have authority to decide upon that. So IMO, this is internal matter for Chinese people only.

I hate to say this but do you want me to point out towards recent wikileaks incident? This may well be an exaple of givt hiding the facts.

Lastly this thread is not fruitful to me. Therefore excuse me. Thanks.

I belive in freedom of the press and I highly doubt if the people of China decide the Chinese goverment should decide what they could see and hear. I doubt if the Chinese people decided they should have to be fined or put in re-education camps for what they say or heard.

From the prodigious hilltops of New Hampshire, let freedom ring. From the mighty mountains of New York, let freedom ring. From the heightening Alleghenies of Pennsylvania, let freedom ring ... Let freedom ring from every hill and molehill
Author: Martin Luther King Jr.
I belive in freedom of the press and I highly doubt if the people of China decide the Chinese goverment should decide what they could see and hear. I doubt if the Chinese people decided they should have to be fined or put in re-education camps for what they say or heard.

From the prodigious hilltops of New Hampshire, let freedom ring. From the mighty mountains of New York, let freedom ring. From the heightening Alleghenies of Pennsylvania, let freedom ring ... Let freedom ring from every hill and molehill
Author: Martin Luther King Jr.

How much does the US government let you know?

You know how much a hammer costs the pentagon? How much money is siphoned into the pockets of corrupt politicians?

Let me put this example up: roads in NYC are filled with holes and garbage. they will not be fixed. they haven't for 20 years, why would they be now? but where are your taxes going when the government pays billions in transportation?

No american knows how much money is being stolen from them. After all, Wall Street, with the help of its military arm (FBI, CIA and US Armed Forces) would make them disappear as easy as 123.
How much does the US government let you know?

You know how much a hammer costs the pentagon? How much money is siphoned into the pockets of corrupt politicians?

Let me put this example up: roads in NYC are filled with holes and garbage. they will not be fixed. they haven't for 20 years, why would they be now? but where are your taxes going when the government pays billions in transportation?

No american knows how much money is being stolen from them. After all, Wall Street, with the help of its military arm (FBI, CIA and US Armed Forces) would make them disappear as easy as 123.

I dont trust any goverment, but I trust one a lot less that decides what their people can hear or say and intimdates those that would speak out by fines or slave labor camps.

"The only security of all is in a free press. The force of public opinion cannot be resisted when permitted freely to be expressed. The agitation it produces must be submitted to. It is necessary, to keep the waters pure." --Thomas Jefferson to Lafayette, 1823. ME 15:491

"The most effectual engines for [pacifying a nation] are the public papers... [A despotic] government always [keeps] a kind of standing army of newswriters who, without any regard to truth or to what should be like truth, [invent] and put into the papers whatever might serve the ministers. This suffices with the mass of the people who have no means of distinguishing the false from the true paragraphs of a newspaper." --Thomas Jefferson to G. K. van Hogendorp, Oct. 13, 1785. (*) ME 5:181, Papers 8:632
What Chinese Censors Don’t Want You to KnowPublished: March 21, 2010 NEW YORK TIMES

A set of Chinese government censorship guidelines recently leaked to the Internet provides a rare and intimate window into the thinking of propaganda officials.

Following are excerpts from media guidelines that the Communist Party propaganda department and the government Bureau of Internet Affairs, conveyed to top editors before this month’s annual sessions of the National People’s Congress and the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference.

A portion was posted on the Internet, and independently confirmed and translated by the Beijing bureau of The New York Times. Annotations by The Times are in brackets.

1. For news on the electoral law during the two meetings, only use articles from Xinhua News Agency and People’s Daily. [Xinhua is the government’s official news agency, and People’s Daily is the official newspaper of the Communist Party.]

2. Do not report on news of people from all walks of life demanding that officials make financial disclosures. [Recently issued party guidelines requiring officials to declare their assets have been widely criticized as weak and ineffective against corruption.]

3. Do not report the editor of Southern Weekend being named among the 10 most influential people by a foreign institution. [Southern Weekend is a weekly newspaper based in Guangzhou that often runs afoul of government censors.]

4. Do not feature news articles on the diary of a bureau director. News must not carry photos of related figures or contents relating to individuals’ private matters from human flesh searches and the like. [A tobacco bureau official in the region of Guangxi was arrested on suspicion of corruption after a diary he allegedly wrote was published on the Internet, describing trysts with mistresses, drunken bouts and bribes. “Human flesh search” is shorthand for the phenomenon of Chinese Web users collaborating en masse to hunt down information on people or other matters.]

5. No negative news allowed on the front pages of newspapers or the headline news sections of Web sites.

6. In articles on the two meetings, do not use wording such as “thundering person,” “thundering proposal” or “thundering delegate.” Do not use the concept of “thundering” to define contents of the two meetings. [Thunder has become a trendy Chinese slang term to describe something shockingly ridiculous or embarrassing.]

7. Delete news related to the youtan poluo flower. [Buddhist lore says this rare and auspicious flower blooms once every 3,000 years. Reports that a nun at a temple in southern China found a cluster of the tiny flowers under her washing machine set off a recent stir in the press. Chinese officials are concerned about the spread of superstition.]

8. For the “poisonous cowpea incident” in Hainan, only use news articles from the Xinhua News Agency, People’s Daily and the official Hainan media. [Cowpeas from Hainan Province were found to be contaminated with a toxic pesticide, setting off criticism about why the cowpeas were sold to other provinces.]

9. Do not feature news reports on major incidents in Beijing during the two meetings, including “staffer at Xidan Books Building hacks manager to death” or “accident at Shunyi car showroom, one man dies.” Do not highlight the timing of these events.

10. During the two meetings, do not feature or sensationalize news about petitioners.

11. Do not report on the hunger strike by Ai Weiwei and other artists. [There was no hunger strike, but Beijing artists are protesting being forced to relocate their studios without fair compensation.]

12. Do not sensationalize or feature reports on the joint editorial of 13 newspapers advocating reform of the household registration system. [The March 1 editorial said the system unfairly restricted the right of Chinese citizens to seek a better life outside their hometowns.]

13. During the two meetings, exercise caution in releasing negative news from all regions. Do not sensationalize or feature news articles that will create a major impact.

14. Do not feature news items about the mass promotion of 89 cadres in Handan city. [The promotions took place at a time when the government was ostensibly streamlining operations.]

15. Do not report on cases of detention center inmates dying during sleep.

16. Do not report on the news of the Inner Mongolian female prosecutor who drove a luxury vehicle and who was reinstated after resigning.

17. Do not hype or feature news of Li Changjiang and Meng Xuenong resurfacing at the two meetings. [Mr. Li was ousted as head of quality control in 2008 after a scandal involving tainted baby milk powder that killed six and sickened 300,000 children. Mr. Meng resigned as governor of Shanxi Province after 267 people died in an iron ore mine disaster. Both have since assumed new posts.]

And all news of that was bad broke out except Ai Weiwei who is lucky to not get lynched, and the Youlan flower which was rightfully banned. I'd beat up Ai Weiwei myself but I'd go to jail because we have rule of law unlike some large north american countries where people get executed on the spot for being black and reaching for a wallet.

Every relevant social issue gets leaked, and how did the new york times come up with this list if everything except 2 articles was leaked, and there are no articles anywhere else on the 2 that weren't?
And all news of that was bad broke out except Ai Weiwei who is lucky to not get lynched, and the Youlan flower which was rightfully banned. I'd beat up Ai Weiwei myself but I'd go to jail because we have rule of law unlike some large north american countries where people get executed on the spot for being black and reaching for a wallet.

Every relevant social issue gets leaked, and how did the new york times come up with this list if everything except 2 articles was leaked, and there are no articles anywhere else on the 2 that weren't?

Notice the differance, when a person is shot by the police by mistake because they though he was reaching for a gun even the people in China hear about it. But when it happens in China because of censorship even the Chinese dont know about it.
Which country do you think would have the most Police Brutality , a country where what the police do will never become public knowledge because of Censorship or where every thing Police do will be on the nightly news and the internet with in hours.
If you are indeed trying to let the world know the truth about China, I have to say you are doing awfully horrible job here. The more you talk the less the creditibility you have if you do have it in the first place, and the less the creditbility you have, the less people will take whatever you says seriously. Tell me one person that believes whatever you said now.

From the way he writes he isn`t a native English speaker. There`s certain words, sentence construction and mistakes which completely give him away.

Anyone 70 years old wouldn`t be posting like that. Even if a 70 year old learned how to use the Internet, they were brought up in a time where plagarism was extremely serious.

He`s clearly a troll and I wouldn`t make any conclusions based on him. There`s no reason to think the Internet is dangerous any more than newspapers or the library.

See, TorontoNoctis is not even Chinese or Indian in this matter, and he already think that you are a joke.
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Honestly to be fair, I think CapAm is rather doing a really good job here to unite Asians like Chinese and Indian.

Here it is nice to see that Chinese and Indian member are not at each other like some teenagers and trying to understand and defend each other's differences. In the future more of those clowns are needed, so that we might overcome the some of obstacles and work together for prosperity.
Honestly to be fair, I think CapAm is rather doing a really good job here to unite Asians like Chinese and Indian.

Here it is nice to see that Chinese and Indian member are not at each other like some teenagers and trying to understand and defend each other's differences. In the future more of those clowns are needed, so that we might overcome the some of obstacles and work together for prosperity.

China is going to need all the help it can get:::

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China, there will always be those haters... Good to see another Asian nation make a comeback.. Good to see a nation like China who was looked down upon back in the days, know become the envy of many.
Actually I don't see what the big deal is with China blocking these websites because most people in China knows that to bypass the Firewall they would just use proxy servers which can be done quite easily. I believe the government bans them as a token sign but doesn't really crack down on people who do not abide by them.

Besides the really important internal issues which concern the lives of the common people spread quickly thru the chats (MSN/QQ). And thats really what matters to them.
is this pain for usa who bomb the nations to stone age or even 2000000000bc some time. what a dubble standrd you guys have.
China is going to need all the help it can get:::

YouTube - China about to collapse: Chanos

That video was in January 2010.
It's now half a year later and I don't see any signs of imminent collapse.

And even if China does collapse, why would America be happy? Do you not realise the knock on effect that would have on other economies particularly the US?
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