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Look at Indian democracy, Gilani tells Pak

Having "democracy" doesn't make a nation great. People's Republic of China came into existence 2 years after the independence of both Pakistan and India and is far ahead of both Pakistan and India in every field.
Gilani did not say India is great, just said India has better democracy.
Surely pakistan can try chinease model. Best of luck.
Whats the point comparing 2 different nation with 2 different political systems?
I agree china is ahead of india in almost every field....
that doesnt mean India is a looser...
China took the manufacturing path and India took the servicing sector...
Its a different ball game altogether...India is somewhere else and chine is somewhere else...
Yaa u can compare them economically and politically...But u cant downgrade another based on certain aspects...
Thats not a fair thing to do..
If u really wanna compare..then compare India and pakistan...
Both got independence in the same time....
Both had democracy when they started...Look at the current situation??
Whats the point comparing 2 different nation with 2 different political systems?
I agree china is ahead of india in almost every field....
that doesnt mean India is a looser...
China took the manufacturing path and India took the servicing sector...
Its a different ball game altogether...India is somewhere else and chine is somewhere else...
Yaa u can compare them economically and politically...But u cant downgrade another based on certain aspects...
Thats not a fair thing to do..
If u really wanna compare..then compare India and pakistan...
Both got independence in the same time....
Both had democracy when they started...Look at the current situation??

If India is so great then why do half of India's population still lack access to electricity and theres so much disparity between the rich and the poor? And so much poverty?

There are dozens of corrupt politicians in India also.

BBC News - India PM Manmohan Singh: 'Long way to go' on corruption

The only difference is that your military doesn't get involved into politics, thats what PPP wants for Pakistan too but we are not stupid, our Pakistani military are the only ones who will protect the interests of Pakistan.
If India is so great then why do half of India's population still lack access to electricity and theres so much disparity between the rich and the poor? And so much poverty?

There are dozens of corrupt politicians in India also.

BBC News - India PM Manmohan Singh: 'Long way to go' on corruption

The only difference is that your military doesn't get involved into politics, thats what PPP wants for Pakistan too but we are not stupid, our Pakistani military are the only ones who will protect the interests of Pakistan.

Who said India doesnt have any problems?
Ofcourse there is poverty, corruption and the disparity between rich and poor...
But half of india doent have access to electricity? where did u come up with that?...that is not true mate....
What i said or tried to state that when u compare india and pakistan, India is better off...thats alll
Gilani did not say India is great, just said India has better democracy.
Surely pakistan can try chinease model. Best of luck.

Hey buddy, it is their problem, let them sort it out.

Our democracy is in no way perfect, it will get better with time. We can be proud of our democracy when it is able to meet the aspirations of all or most of our people. That is still a far cry. In the meanwhile, we do not need a certificate from Mr Gilani. He will say anything to hide his failings and be allowed to continue in power.
U people elected this PPP government democratically...didnt u?
Now learn to live with it....Or protest in a democratic way and try to bring down the government....
Looking for military to interfere when problems comes up is not a good thing....
The only difference is that your military doesn't get involved into politics, thats what PPP wants for Pakistan too but we are not stupid, our Pakistani military are the only ones who will protect the interests of Pakistan.

indians too have issues with the current administration, but you will never hear such asinine comments of bringing in the military.
military men are not trained to run the country, and truth be told PA doesn't want that job anyway.

wait for your turn to vote, then make your voice heard. patience is a virtue son
Who said India doesnt have any problems?
Ofcourse there is poverty, corruption and the disparity between rich and poor...
But half of india doent have access to electricity? where did u come up with that?...that is not true mate....
What i said or tried to state that when u compare india and pakistan, India is better off...thats alll

'836 mn Indians burn biomass for energy' - Indian Express

India has been ranked lower than its neighbour Pakistan in the United Nation’s multi-dimensional poverty index (MDI) and gender equality index even though it has been able to maintain its 134 rank in overall Human Development Index (HDI). The MDI evaluates deprivations in education, health and standard of living and the households with score of more than one-third of the weighted indicators are listed as multi-dimensionally poor.

The UN Development Programme’s HDI report says that 53.7% of Indians suffer from multi-dimensional poverty as compared to 49.4 % in Pakistan and 57.8% in Bangladesh.

Even in absolute poverty terms, measured for those earning less than $1.25 a day, Pakistan fares better than India. Around 41.6% of Indians in 2005 were earning less than $1.25 a day as compared to 22.6% Pakistanis.

When it comes to gender equality, India has been ranked lower than most of its neighbouring countries including Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. It is primarily on account of India’s adolescent fertility rate, lesser number of women in Parliament and poor participation of women in workforce.

Pak better than India on poverty - Hindustan Times

India is not the right model to follow.
I am tired of the whole India democracy thing, now do not get me wrong, as Citizen in a democracy I would rather live in a democracy than any other system. But Indian democracy is a democracy that gets elections right and rest of the institutions pretty much mediocre or bad.

India does a really bad job of institution building. Did any one of you looked at the young parliamentarians almost all of them are sons and daughters of some Politician. There is no intra-party democracy, a parliamentarian or legislator cannot vote according to his people's interest but rather have to toe the line of Party, else will be expelled from the Party.

India got only first step of Democracy right, elections and transfer of power. Everything else is not worthy of any grand declarations.
Look at population of india...1.2 billion, pakistan's 180 million, our upper middle class & higher class population will eclipse 180 mil figure.
Index forgets the resources available and other constraints that leads to lower points.
Pakistan should try a Malaysian Style Democracy where Islamic Law affects Muslims and not Minorities like Sikhs, Hindus and Christians. Personally I think Malaysian Democracy is better for Pakistan then Indian.
'836 mn Indians burn biomass for energy' - Indian Express

India has been ranked lower than its neighbour Pakistan in the United Nation’s multi-dimensional poverty index (MDI) and gender equality index even though it has been able to maintain its 134 rank in overall Human Development Index (HDI). The MDI evaluates deprivations in education, health and standard of living and the households with score of more than one-third of the weighted indicators are listed as multi-dimensionally poor.

The UN Development Programme’s HDI report says that 53.7% of Indians suffer from multi-dimensional poverty as compared to 49.4 % in Pakistan and 57.8% in Bangladesh.

Even in absolute poverty terms, measured for those earning less than $1.25 a day, Pakistan fares better than India. Around 41.6% of Indians in 2005 were earning less than $1.25 a day as compared to 22.6% Pakistanis.

When it comes to gender equality, India has been ranked lower than most of its neighbouring countries including Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. It is primarily on account of India’s adolescent fertility rate, lesser number of women in Parliament and poor participation of women in workforce.

Pak better than India on poverty - Hindustan Times

India is not the right model to follow.

Bravooo....U hav dug up quite some information about India...:blah:
But it still doesnt support ur clain that half of india doesnt hav access to electricity...
gilani need to shut the fcuk off, who is he making fool, after doing 8.5trillionPKR (100billion$) corruption still he is left with a face of saying this. He & whole ghaddari.co should get lost to india & do their demo crazy there. I will support military rule million times instead of this cancerous demo crazy.

:lol: obviously you will support dictatorship. Being in America, you wont have to bear it yourself...
Bravooo....U hav dug up quite some information about India...:blah:
But it still doesnt support ur clain that half of india doesnt hav access to electricity...

If not half then close enough.

More people in India lack access to electricity than any other nation, a deficit that must be closed to ensure that expansion of the world’s third-fastest growing major economy is sustained, the International Energy Agency said.
In India, 404 million people don’t have access to the energy needed for lighting, mechanical power, transport and telecommunications, according to an IEA report published today. That’s equivalent to one in three Indians or roughly the population of the U.S. and Mexico combined, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.

IEA Says More People in India Lack Access to Power Than Any Other Nation - Bloomberg

So why on earth would we want to be like india???

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