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Making India think " twice ".


May 3, 2009
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India should think twice
By S.m. Hali | Published: April 27, 2011


Pakistan has successfully conducted the first flight test of the newly developed Short Range Surface-to-Surface Multi Tube Ballistic Missile Hatf IX (Nasr), much to the chagrin of Indian defence planners, as is evident from the Indian Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (IDSA) report titled Pakistan: Making Sense Of Nasr Ballistic Missile Test – Analysis. The IDSA report tries to nullify the analysis by the Pakistani experts. Undoubtedly, Nasr has been developed to add deterrence value to Pakistan’s Strategic Weapons Development programme at shorter ranges. With a range of 60km, Nasr carries both tactical nuclear and high-explosive conventional warheads.

It is powered by a high-thrust, single-stage solid-propellant rocket motor. Nasr’s launch platform is a double-tube transporter erector launcher (TEL) capable of carrying two missiles with high accuracy and shoot-and-scoot attributes. This quick response system addresses the need to deter evolving threats. The test of Nasr is a very important milestone in consolidating Pakistan’s strategic deterrence capability at all levels of the threat spectrum.

This is a new and very significant development because this latest missile system is in the category of tactical nuclear weapons. It is a low yield battlefield deterrent, which is capable of deterring and inflicting punishment on mechanised forces comprising armoured brigades and divisions. This was made possible because of miniaturisations to smallest level and it forecloses the Indian army’s options of Cold Start and proactive operations. The Indian military used to perceive gaps in the Pakistani side and was obsessed with finding space for limited war under the nuclear umbrella. Thus, it was amassing conventional weapons and had developed its Cold Start doctrine to be able to deal Pakistan a telling blow before it could retaliate with its nuclear weapons.

India has been testing its Cold Start doctrine in various war games and military exercises, including the current corps level exercise “Vijayi Bhav”, in the Rajasthan desert and, at the same time, has been browbeating Pakistan. However, Nasr or “help”, which is also the title of one of the Quranic verses, will ably plug that gap and ensure that India is deterred from any such adventurism. With the development of Nasr, Indian planners will now think twice before considering options of limited war.

Often the Indians start beating their chests and crying hoarse with their battle cries prematurely. In May 1998 too after conducting nuclear tests at Pokhran, the Indian defence planners and politicians were so convinced that Pakistan did not have nuclear weapons capability that they became ballistic with their threats and jingoism, forcing Pakistan’s hand in crossing the nuclear threshold and coming out of the closet. Having learnt no lessons, ex-Army Chief General Deepak Kapoor had announced: “The time has come for teaching Pakistan a lesson.

” The General had been blinded by the so-called success of the Indian war games testing Cold Start, and thus he had broken into rhetoric.A few details of Nasr, gleaned from overt sources; it is akin to a guided artillery shell in the form of surface-to-surface missile (SSM). The Soviets had developed and used various types of such missiles, as a propellant and heavily fortified fixed installation target clearance weapon system in the battlefield. Nasr, however, can successfully target armoured and mechanised columns on the move with nearly pinpoint accuracy.

Judging from the test flight video released, Nasr appears to follow a depressed trajectory, rather than typical ballistic trajectory that makes a lethal combination, when married to high manoeuvrability, high speed and short range; which will cause nightmares and throw a challenge to any anti-ballistic missile system. Comparing Nasr to the earlier versions of Hatf 1B and Hatf 1A, Nasr appears to be more stabilised in its flight. The use of terminal guidance enables the Nasr to be projected, as a quick response precision guided ballistic missile with extremely low circular error of probability (CEP) to take the heavily defended targets in a 60km radius. Its quick reaction time, low CEP, terminal guidance and lethal warhead make it far superior to a simple, unguided, multi-barrel rocket launcher system.

The test fire and diameter of the warhead suggest that Pakistan has achieved the capability of deploying sub-kiloton yield tactical nuclear warhead appropriate for a sub-kiloton nuclear detonation, which if boosted with four to five gms of tritium, could yield a 10 to 20 KT nuclear detonation. When produced in bulk, it will wreak havoc in any battlefield scenario, penetrating the fog of war and striking a telling blow upon any belligerent.

The writer is a political and defence analyst.


India should think twice | Pakistan | News | Newspaper | Daily | English | Online
Integrated battle groups of the Indian army have only one chance and thats the only chance , if they are to attack and capture desired targets inside Pakistan they must get it right the first time . They have a trump card in their hand which is the element of surprise.

On the other hand we have well prepared to fight this type of battle off quite well during Azam-e Nau 3 & 60 day long High Mark 2010. Both maneuvers were the biggest in Pakistan's history , Navy has done Shamsheer e behr to chip in their role.

We are going to give India the taste of its own medicine by fighting off a coordinated attack initiated by all three services of Indian military establishment by a joint & unprecedented response by all three services of the Pakistan military.

On the ground we have advantage of swift deployment and weapons systems ie Nasr , A-100 , Panters , M-109 Howitzers , SH-01 which provides massive fire power and damaging capability with versatile warheads and high accuracy.Its just a matter of time when the army will have to opt for WS-02 long range guided rocket system which will add another pixele to the picture.

This firepower and not to mention Infantry , spec ops , and mechanized units in a coordination can thwart the Integrated battle groups attack , the only problem would be right placement and early warning where our all time reliable ISI & other Early warning indicators and assets will come into play.

Once a warning is received , the air force , air defense will take charge and destroy any invading air crafts . For that matter assets like F-16s and new long range SAM systems ie MBDA Spada 2000+ , FT-2000 ARM , HQ-18 , HQ-09 , KS-01 will be the key.

What must be remembered is that this doctrine offers a limited but highly organized show of force giving a swift thrust in Pakistan's territory which means that the Indian high command is not sending its all assets at once given the fact that Pakistan can mobilize all of its assets way quicker than the Indian military as seen in 2000.

It also indicates that the IBGs would be backed by Indian air force , maybe MKI's which have a time gap of 1 minute/launch or more which means that launching all required MKIs in the air will give PAF enough time to put its assets in the air.

These IBGs would be short in numbers but highly equipped and trained , so would be the air force - they won't use mass amount of a/c in order to maintain their element of surprise - but it also is a weakness where Pakistan will capitalize by out-gunning those IBGs and IAF- fighters through unprecedented and disproportionate use of force.

The bottom line is , the Cold start though a smart doctrine will achieve little and lose more as the survival and coordination of the segments of the force put together would be vital to the mission which means that one hit by Pakistan military in the right spot will be a mission abort for instance if IBGs are backed by 100 IAF air crafts & PAF destroys -50-60 of them it will translate into all men in those IBGs getting annihilated and the other assets with indian IBGs wont be able to complete their task on their own while taking a massive toll from the ground and the air.

-------Regards: Aeronaut
What must be remembered is that this doctrine offers a limited but highly organized show of force giving a swift thrust in Pakistan's territory -------Regards: Aeronaut

Leaving aside that tactical nuclear weapons were designed for large russian armored formations and given up long ago by everyone else.

Some genius has now developed a short range nuclear device designed to be used on Indian troops "after" they have invaded Pakistan, note the flaw in the argument, if they are ever deployed Pakistan will become the first nation in history to nuke itself.

this ignores the fits the production of a roughly 20-25 kilo nuclear device is going to give security people.
Leaving aside that tactical nuclear weapons were designed for large russian armored formations and given up long ago by everyone else.

Some genius has now developed a short range nuclear device designed to be used on Indian troops "after" they have invaded Pakistan, note the flaw in the argument, if they are ever deployed Pakistan will become the first nation in history to nuke itself.

this ignores the fits the production of a roughly 20-25 kilo nuclear device is going to give security people.

Post shows your incompetence and ignorance on the given subject , the show of force in the above post meant to to underline the use of conventional assets at our disposal not a nuclear warhead.
Some genius has now developed a short range nuclear device designed to be used on Indian troops "after" they have invaded

Nope. Depends on which IBG we select to hit as retaliation. No safety even beyond the border. If all IBGs enter Pakistan, then it's an all-out war from the start and therefore defeating the purpose of the CSD in the first place of keeping it under a certain level.

Note: Nasr's warhead can be nuclear, conventional, chemical or biological.

Why does everyone just relate Pakistan's missiles to nuclear warheads automatically? We can certainly target enemy formations with conventional warheads. May not even need nukes.
Tactical Nuclear Weapon??


Ok tell me,

India launches cold start against pakistan.

Indian forces advance into pakistani territory.

Now will Pakistan use this so-called 'tactical' nuke on its own territory to vaporize the Indian forces whoi have already taken hold inside Pakistani territory?
Tactical Nuclear Weapon??


Ok tell me,

India launches cold start against pakistan.

Indian forces advance into pakistani territory.

Now will Pakistan use this so-called 'tactical' nuke on its own territory to vaporize the Indian forces whoi have already taken hold inside Pakistani territory?

That option will definitely be used if PA fails to retrieve the area conventionally (which is most probable).....
A sub-kiloton nuclear warhead wont have that much effects especially when exploded in Thar desert type region...

so-called 'tactical' nuke

Why are you indians finding it so hard to believe that Pakistan has achieved this capability?:what:
That option will definitely be used if PA fails to retrieve the area conventionally (which is most probable) .....

And you will use a nuke on your own territory and render it worthless for centuries to come. The territory, which, as it is, is very limited after you lost half of it in 1971 ?

And you will use a nuke on your own territory and render it worthless for centuries to come. The territory, which, as it is, is very limited after you lost half of it in 1971 ?


I have edited my post,please read it again...
That option will definitely be used if PA fails to retrieve the area conventionally (which is most probable).....
A sub-kiloton nuclear warhead wont have that much effects especially when exploded in Thar desert type region...

Ah I see. So if it is thar. It can be disposed. Isn't it?

Why are you indians finding it so hard to believe that Pakistan has achieved this capability?:what:

Leaving aside that tactical nuclear weapons were designed for large russian armored formations and given up long ago by everyone else.

Some genius has now developed a short range nuclear device designed to be used on Indian troops "after" they have invaded Pakistan, note the flaw in the argument, if they are ever deployed Pakistan will become the first nation in history to nuke itself.

this ignores the fits the production of a roughly 20-25 kilo nuclear device is going to give security people.

Pakistan is certainly not the first nation to consider this. You need to look up the tactical nuclear doctrine during the days of the cold war. There were always discussions about using TNWs in case Western Europe was attacked by Russian armour across the Fulda gap and the conventional NATO capabilities were overwhelmed. The TNWs were to be used on Western European soil to stop the Warsaw Pact ingress.

The bottom line here is that this is not an ideal situation for any country to suggest, however when Cold Start allows the Indian side to consider taking offense under the nuclear overhang then Pakistan has no option but to deploy such capabilities. Pakistan will not allow superior Indian conventional capabilities to be employed against herself which may happen because the Indian planners think that they have room between such operations and a Pakistani nuclear strike with ballistic missiles. Given the fact that the Indian planners are thinking about this and have talked about it is the reason Pakistan has had to come up with such capability.
And you will use a nuke on your own territory and render it worthless for centuries to come. The territory, which, as it is, is very limited after you lost half of it in 1971 ?


Who said that the system is for use only against Indian formations on Pakistani soil? That is just a consideration from the standpoint of the nuclear escalation ladder and the various rungs in it. One such rung is testing the weapons at a test site during the conflict, another is to launch against Indian formations that have ingressed into Pakistan and then the others are as talked about many times over.
Okay, so what if India captures Lahore? It's not far away..Will you use your nukes?

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