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Modi to flag off first train from Arunachal to Delhi

it doesn't change AP is disputed land in the essence.

China can rant, Who cares? We have a government in place which knows very well how to protect Indian interest. Next in agenda shall be declaring Tibet a disputed territory follwed by declaration of Tibet as a seperate nation.epal and Bhutan shall be integrated with India very shortly. Xinxiang shall be declared as a seperate state.
China can rant, Who cares? We have a government in place which knows very well how to protect Indian interest. Next in agenda shall be declaring Tibet a disputed territory follwed by declaration of Tibet as a seperate nation.epal and Bhutan shall be integrated with India very shortly. Xinxiang shall be declared as a seperate state.
Just do anything as you wish for we have been and will be long lasting and forever enemies.
Yeah right!!Another idiot in history.South tibet came under Assam only after the british conquered it and lhasa surrendered the territory on a platter to the brits.The traditional definition of Assam is the ahom kindom which ends in the foothills of himalya. and south tibet is obviously excluded from it.
The protests are against Indians and ILP is just a politically correct talking point.The main issue is Indian immigration.
And finally,didn't I already say we did it because it benefitted us and kept you out?DId I say we didn't do it or supported separation from the administrative zone of Assam and then as a state of our own?

What different thing am I saying?You are slow aren't you?

Lol you are a Wise of Man of History I suppose. At one time Assam had extensive international borders with China/Tibet and Burma, modern Assam's international borders are limited to those with the small country of Bhutan in the northwest and with Bangladesh to the southwest. Basically the people of Tibet respect their culture and cherish their history. They do not want to globalize themselves . The latest polls by many Independent media organizations goes to prove that 95% of AP people would like to stay with India.

Hope now you come to understand what I am saying or are you slow???
Just do anything as you wish for we have been and will be long lasting and forever enemies.

No I do not think so because we had never been the enemies in past. If your totalitarian regime can keep control over its lust of geographical expansion by unacceptable mean, we can be good friends. This game of raising concern over the territorial integrity of India will prove to be very costly for china.
The latest polls by many Independent media organizations goes to prove that 95% of AP people would like to stay with India.
Independent media,who knows.I am interested in knowing what the other 5% want to do.
Lol you are a Wise of Man of History I suppose. At one time Assam had extensive international borders with China/Tibet and Burma, modern Assam's international borders are limited to those with the small country of Bhutan in the northwest and with Bangladesh to the southwest. Basically the people of Tibet respect their culture and cherish their history. They do not want to globalize themselves . The latest polls by many Independent media organizations goes to prove that 95% of AP people would like to stay with India.

Hope now you come to understand what I am saying or are you slow???
LOL and may you link the polls?Along with proof that only south tibetans have participated and not Indians.
Again,zero marks for history.South tibet was basically a no go zone for the Ahoms,reason why even as far back when Assam was known as kamarupa,they had stories of "Aborimanu" about this region.In fact contact between the kingdom of Ahom and south tibet really began when the serfs from south tibet ran to Ahom to escape servitude and the masters of the serfs visited the ahom kings to claim back their serfs.Then the ahom king,as a compromise,allowed the masters to collect annual tax from the former serfs,now ahom subjects.This you will find in the buronjees the imperial records of the ahom kings..After then goldwashers and fishermen too began to come into the foothills of south tibet.In fact the surname of "sonowal" is prominently used by descendants of these goldwashers.

So tell me,how exactly did Assam have extensive relations with tibet when they didn't even have real contact with south tibet,let alone tibet proper?Mind you central or proper tibet i.e, areas under direct control of lhasa is the territory usually referred to as tibet.
How exactly did Ahom kingdom have a border with China.May you explain that little part?After all the burden of proof rests on the one making the claims.
They had asked the ex-puppet-PM MMS to make provisions for this but nothing was done then.

I really hope there is something going on behind the scenes.

Really NE is just to beautiful for this shite
LOL and may you link the polls?Along with proof that only south tibetans have participated and not Indians.
Again,zero marks for history.South tibet was basically a no go zone for the Ahoms,reason why even as far back when Assam was known as kamarupa,they had stories of "Aborimanu" about this region.In fact contact between the kingdom of Ahom and south tibet really began when the serfs from south tibet ran to Ahom to escape servitude and the masters of the serfs visited the ahom kings to claim back their serfs.Then the ahom king,as a compromise,allowed the masters to collect annual tax from the former serfs,now ahom subjects.This you will find in the buronjees the imperial records of the ahom kings..After then goldwashers and fishermen too began to come into the foothills of south tibet.In fact the surname of "sonowal" is prominently used by descendants of these goldwashers.

So tell me,how exactly did Assam have extensive relations with tibet when they didn't even have real contact with south tibet,let alone tibet proper?Mind you central or proper tibet i.e, areas under direct control of lhasa is the territory usually referred to as tibet.
How exactly did Ahom kingdom have a border with China.May you explain that little part?After all the burden of proof rests on the one making the claims.

Very detail and insightful. I'm learning a lot about s Tibet from you.

India's relationship with s Tibet is through the British empire.
India is merely a wanna be imperialist
Don't you think there may differnce btw 1950s & 2010s

The different is that in 1950, we have no nuke and we dare Americains which the one did not hesitate to nuke Japan, now in 2010 China has more nukes than India and we have to be scare of you by thinking twice before deal with our South Tibet issue as you said??

lol @Abotani , just another frustrated NE Indian. Come down to Delhi see how we treat you. He has fantasies the chins can take AP from India. LOL they can't even take tiny Taiwan located right next to them!

:lol::lol::lol: We can't take the tiny Taiwan but we have tormented the big India for so long since 1962 and keep continue to press on over the territorial issue such as incursons, which China name is constantly invoke in India medias. Remember this when we Chineses sneeze from Tibet, you Indians will alway catch cold.

LOL,the people who still defecate in open and then eat without washing hands,practice caste system,female infanticide and religious riots are calling us "uncivilised"?We in south tibet had democracy (direct democracy like ancient greece) and the intelligentsia associated with it long before you ever had.
What a joke!!

Lol @Abotani, I feel lucky that you're not my antagonistic interlocutor. :enjoy:

China can rant, Who cares? We have a government in place which knows very well how to protect Indian interest. Next in agenda shall be declaring Tibet a disputed territory follwed by declaration of Tibet as a seperate nation.epal and Bhutan shall be integrated with India very shortly. Xinxiang shall be declared as a seperate state.

Sorry we have subjugated Indian gorvernment to declare that Tibet & Xinjiang is inherently part of China. But if you dig Winston churchill's grave, he had unfinished story to tell about India. :lol:
Apparently people that were tribal are more advanced than the oldest civilization in the world. Chucking spears> farming; tribal assemblies= democracy; eating dog meat= good hygiene. I don't doubt he is NE Indian, people with oriental blood have this victim mentality to them.

I totally understand your view on the orientals. It's clear that your views on them reflects the general view of Indians on Orientals.
PM Narendra Modi flags off Arunachal-Delhi AC express train - The Economic Times




Nice to see more development happening in the NE.

Definitely needs more connectivity.
Japan did not accept India's contract in this region prove that India don't hold the legitimacy over this dispute area.
Japan's stance is Japans. AP has been under Indian Control for the last 50+ years. China is wasting its time. China has no claim over this area. The McMahon line defined a boundary of Tibet before China illegally occupied Tibet. China should claim some other part of the world. Perhaps Alaska?
Sorry we have subjugated Indian gorvernment to declare that Tibet & Xinjiang is inherently part of China. But if you dig Winston churchill's grave, he had unfinished story to tell about India. :lol:

We are learning from China how to make an undisputed territory a disputes one. If you think that you are very smart, We are smarter than you. As I said our biggest weakness of a spineless government is no more now. You tested that in Chamur. If you try to make Arunachal Pradesh a disputed territory, Xinxiang and Tibet will also come on card. Choice is yours.

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