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Mumbai Attacks

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You and the whole world know that Bombay attack was stage drama from India. Don't like explaining again and again.

Oh man height..., even after excepting by GoP then also man... these man are ......
You and the whole world know that Bombay attack was stage drama from India. Don't like explaining again and again.

You are either too brainwashed or less informed about this.

You government has already accepted this that some of the terrorists were Pakistani nationals. So all your claims holds no value. And yes, there is a case going on in your own court regarding this.
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You are either too brainwashed or less informed about this.

You government has already accepted this that some of the terrorists were Pakistani nationals. So all your claims holds no value. And yes, there is a case going on in your own court regardding this.

I am not going to argue over the bombay attacks and whether they were staged or real, but in all fairness those who cite the example of the GOP accepting the Kasab guy as Pakistani and you guys using that as a point of argument. The GOP also accepts the fact that the Indians are involved in destabilizing Pakistan via Afg, so we should take that as a fact as well. :pakistan:
^^^dont u think there is a difference india claimed and pakistan accepted backed by proof or intelligence sharing for ur convenience

but in latter pakistan is only claiming not backed by proof for our convenience
^^^dont u think there is a difference india claimed and pakistan accepted backed by proof or intelligence sharing for ur convenience

but in latter pakistan is only claiming not backed by proof for our convenience

The only point I was trying to make was that you always cite that GOP said that, well to add to that they say many other things. So we either take them as saints and believe in what ever they say or take nothing as a credible statement,
GoP agreed with india, and arrested the people that india said were involved, now it was India's turn to provide strong evidence against these people.
Well I don't get it... Why the fvck do we need to beg to talk? I say good riddance! Who cares?! LPC
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GoP agreed with india, and arrested the people that india said were involved, now it was India's turn to provide strong evidence against these people.

So the GoP agreed with India without any proof. BTW, what actually was there in the dossiers?

dude mind ur language i say- i have reported about it
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You are either too brainwashed or less informed about this.

You government has already accepted this that some of the terrorists were Pakistani nationals. So all your claims holds no value. And yes, there is a case going on in your own court regarding this.

It is all bullshit, Zardari is a puppet, corrupted leader and soon he will be gone.
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Yes, that's exactly true; but you are stopping the dialogue yourself. We don't like when someone attacks us and their government puts their hands down and says "kashmir?".

Hope you understand.

My friend you really need to study the case scenario.
Every time some meaningful dialog is established, BJP or some other Hawk in your set up usually pulls the rug.
Can you really determine who is in power in India, M M Singh, Sonia Gandhi, BTP, Shiv Sena, RSS, or Ball Thakrey. ?? !!
I dont know why we are begging india to have dialogues.we should be saying 'no talks with india unless it will stop interfarring in balochistan'
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