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but since ur father is also a doctor, it will be much easier for u to step into his shoes......he already has an established practice(i assume), and u can carry on from there.
Hmm He works in a government hospital in Saudi Arabia so there isn't any private practice where ican jump into I guess.
oh come on Adux, he is just a kid
im not that small!
Hmm He works in a government hospital in Saudi Arabia so there isn't any private practice where ican jump into I guess.

im not that small!

well, then all i can tell u to do is to follow ur heart....but if u do get into a medical college then that doesnt mean that u have to work in a hospital for the rest of ur life....there are many other options as well....so, keep ur mind open to all the opportunities that will knock on ur door, and follow what u believe is ur path.

and yes, i can see that ur "not that small" but this ain't the time for u to be thinking about nurses.....lolz.
well, then all i can tell u to do is to follow ur heart....but if u do get into a medical college then that doesnt mean that u have to work in a hospital for the rest of ur life....there are many other options as well....so, keep ur mind open to all the oppertunities that will knock on ur door, and follow what u believe is ur path.

and yes, i can see that ur "not that small" but this ain't the time for u to be thinking about nurses.....lolz.
yeah i can probly only see my self as a GP if I ever go into the medical, and the point about nurses is duly noted...lol.
I guess all you guys are starting to have flash backs of your teen years...
Just the dreamz!!! I lost it when i was 15 with my girlfriend

still to early, i lost it when i was 17.
and then there was no looking back, till last year, when i decided to mend my ways and become a good boy.:rofl:
still to early, i lost it when i was 17.
and then there was no looking back, till last year, when i decided to mend my ways and become a good boy.:rofl:

I was too flamboyant even for god's liking, as curse
he gave me 10kgs extra and made me completely unattractive for the female species. Only Trump card I have is the car....lol
I had 98% in O level English language.

Several others A's as well. Since then I've been kind of slacking :chilli:
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